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Involuntary Contractions or the Opposite?

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Hi Everyone,
I have just started out exploring this SO experience and have tried a handful of time. I get to the point of involuntary contractions, or its opposite, and there I am stuck.

Now I dont know if they are contractions or if they are the opposite. I would have thought a contraction would be a pulling in sensation, however the ones I am getting 'feel' like I am trying to expel No2's !!

I'll just call them contractions until someone can shed some light.

It gets to the stage where the contractions start off small in strength and then ramp up to a point where I think I better stop or something will break! It feels like I am trying to expel a bowling ball! It is at this point I give up due to concern that the next one may cause damage. The contractions last a few seconds and again are a few seconds apart.

For those that have experienced this, could you tell me is this a normal experience and what sensation should happen next? Do the 'waves' I have been reading about come next?
Its hard to know if these super intense contractions are part of the process.


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... the contractions start off small in strength and then ramp up to a point where I think I better stop or something will break! ... It is at this point I give up due to concern that the next one may cause damage. The contractions last a few seconds and again are a few seconds apart.

First, let me assure you your body is not going to cause you to break, this is a case of your ego exerting it's desire to control the orgasmic experience and shutting it down when it feels like it is losing control. Learning to "Just Let Go !" is an essential aspect of the paradigm thought shift needed to achieve prostate based orgasms.

You need to develop the confidence your own body will not spontaneously cause self inflicted damage. Sure, there could be the case where strong orgasmic spasms cause your body to flop about like a fish out of water and you then fall out of bed or strike some piece of furniture thus injuring yourself, but this is not the body injuring itself, it is poor environmental planning on your ego's part to prevent accidents from occurring.

For those that have experienced this, could you tell me is this a normal experience and what sensation should happen next? Do the 'waves' I have been reading about come next? Its hard to know if these super intense contractions are part of the process.

Every man's individual response to prostate stimulation is unique, it may vary from feeling almost nothing to dramatic full body large muscle spasms. With such a wide variety of possible responses, IMHO, what you described happening to you is within the range of 'normal'.

The phenomenon of pleasure waves are not necessarily directly correlated to the incidences of orgasmic contractions. P-waves may precede, coincide or follow orgasmic contraction events. Unfortunately there is no way to predict how any one man will react nor is there any reason to expect any particular set of sensations to happen sequentially. The anecdotal reports of men experiencing prostate based orgasms do exhibit some commonly occurring phenomenon but the intensity, frequency and order of sensations is highly variable. This mysterious variability is part of what makes each man's (and your) Aneros journey unique.

For whatever reason you started this prostate stimulation exploration, know this, you have embarked upon a learning journey which has more far reaching effects than you may now realize but I can assure you the rewards to be had during your adventure can be profound if you remain open minded, proceed with no expectations and complete acceptance of what your body will provide you.

P.S. I sent you an introductory message with some additional hints and tips to get you started here. Click on your 'Messages' button in the Forums to retrieve it. Good Vibes to You !

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Rumel hit the nail on the head when he said: " Learning to "Just Let Go !" is an essential aspect of the paradigm thought shift needed to achieve prostate based orgasms." For my first year I carefully covered the sheets in hotels with a second set of sheets every time I did a session on the road. In this early part of my journey the thresh hold of a P Orgasm for me felt like I was about to ejaculate. I put the sheet on to prevent leaving a mess in the bed. I distinctly remember the first time I had a profound Super O and let my concern about messing the bed go with my own sheets on the bed on top of theirs. I relaxed and was actually very turned on that I might actually cum. That orgasm was off the charts as a result. It was one of the first long ones I had. To my surprise I did not release during the entire thing. I also member forcing myself to relax and go with the flow as I rode the waves. That hour long session yielded a lot of precum but no semen.

Letting go and breathing to a cadence that works for you are two key elements. It has been 13 years since that first time and I have never released during a session, even in intense three hour ones.

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