Interview with C.T...
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Interview with C.T. Schenk CEO of Aneros

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Great interview! Lots of thanking to members for feedback through posts and chats, and creating a unique community:
Interview with C.T. Schenk CEO of Aneros []

P.S. He also mentions the Eupho Syn coming soon!

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@CT - Nice to hear your voice! And very interesting to listen to. I learned some things about the Aneros company and you that I had no previous idea. Although you smashed my somewhat humorous idea, much like the interviewers asked about, that the first day on the job you went into your office, closed the door, and tried all the prostate massager models! Ah well... LOL

So how did this interview come about?

Some constructive feedback...
When you do radio interviews, if they are giving you a microphone on a stand, or retractable arm to speak into, versus a lapel (clipped to the front of your shirt) mounted one. Make sure you get right on the microphone. Meaning your mouth right next to the element that receives the sound. I suspect this is the reason why there was such a large difference in volume levels between the interviewers and you.

B Mayfield
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Terrific job CT!

It's wonderful to listen an intelligent interview on this topic. So often the on-air personalities are just plain goofy when it concerns this kind of thing. You handled it all beautifully.....hope to hear more from you in the future!

BF Mayfield

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Fantastic interview CT. I found it interesting when you were chatting about the history of Aneros. It is great that you took advantage of the pleasure-giving effects of the products.

Looking forward to the Eupho Syn!

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Hmmm. Sounds like it was probably recorded in the hope that the radio station's compressors would "fix" the levels.

EDIT: Having listened to it, it's obvious that the interview was performed over Skype.

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I enjoyed listening to this. C.T. sounds like a CEO who really believes in the product and as a younger guy, it seems that might open up a lot of other guys to the Aneros experience.

Thanks for sharing.

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CT does not sound like he has done much public speaking. Lots of Umms,you knows,and repeating the same thing. He sounded nervous, but in saying all that he did a good job.It is not a industry where you would have to do much public speaking and you would have to be very care what you say during a conversation.
Well done for a younger fellow.

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@braveneworld wouldn't it have been great if CT had a Super O right in the middle of the interview? Plus give him a break, public speaking is not high on the agenda of a person who lays around 3 hours a day with plastic in his booty! The Bosses always get the best stuff first.

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Well, he is the CEO of a sex aid company, after all. Probably won't be sitting down for an interview with Fox Business or Inc. Magazine anytime soon. But, cut the guy some slack. He seems to know what he's doing, assuming he's responsible for a lot of this...I'm in consumer marketing so I feel somewhat qualified to comment on this...

He's upgraded their packaging to a very classy, premium status. Other sex toys are very cheaply packaged and a lot of them are even manufactured with materials that are toxic to humans.

The website is much better and very professional...this doesn't come across as a raunchy, seedy sex toy site. I'm not into porn and turned off by the whole porn vibe a lot of other web sites and even retail stores send out. You could actually see Aneros being marketed through Men's Health, GQ or other upscale kind of men's mags instead of just Playboy or Penthouse, etc.

They are getting good user reviews and publicity through vehicles like this podcast and others.

He clearly recognized the power of the social community here...not just for marketing and peer-to-peer recommendations (after all, who would really believe information about a Super O coming from a company's marketing department? But, we trust other guys who say they've used Aneros to achieve this) but also for the research and development resource a forum like this provides. And, although I think social media presents kind of a problem for them (I'm not going to like Aneros on Facebook because I don't want to have to explain what it is to friends and family) I think there's a whole area of content like this podcast and other digital content they could create that they could mine very effectively...taking the wiki and making a very classy e-book on Aneros use and info you could read on your iPad, with interactive videos/animations, etc.

Pretty savvy for a guy that sounds like he's about 30.

B Mayfield
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@newguy8762, right you are! C.T.'s leadership has been transformational in many ways, for the reasons you've cited and many more. Aneros/HIH has never been a seedy sex toy company (even prior to C.T. coming on board) but what is significant is that he has successfully guarded that reputation while generating a substantially higher profile for the company and the product. At the heart of it, he really believes in the Aneros and in the community that it gave birth to and maintains a great deal of respect for both.

I recall when we first met, shortly after he started with the company, how he was struck with the mystique surrounding this device..."it's something that really changes men's lives.." You see, he really got what this product was about. That impressed me. He wasn't just playing by the numbers, he too had been inspired by the power of the Aneros.

BF Mayfield

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Dont get me wrong as the CEO he is doing a awesome job! I guess I have just been in retail too long and noticed the lack of experience in public speaking. Its not a easy thing to do at all and it takes a special person to do it well. No disrespect was ment in anyway, After all he has managed to extract a few hundred dollars from me already:) And I am happy with that too.

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