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Interesting results from navel play

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I found an interesting way to generate new sensations during sessions. Laying on my back, I put a small steel ball in my navel. It has some weight to it and always feels a little cold so the sensation does not get lost "in the background".

At some point I'll start to feel that my prostate is getting squeezed between the ball and the Aneros and it's amazing. I know that anatomically it does not make sense but that's really how it feels. 

Anyone tried something similar ? 

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I haven't, but that sounds like an interesting idea. What size is the ball you use? I don't think I have any, but I'll keep a look out for some and try this.

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It's about 1/2" or 12mm, from some industrial ball bearing assembly. Smaller will definitely work, or a glass marble or smooth river stone. Pretty sure a small hex nut could do it in a pinch.

I checked Amazon and saw some assortments in different sizes for artisans, search for "coin ring balls". 

I guess that depending on everyone's anatomy different sizes will give a better "fit" and smaller sizes stay in place better but too light and it does not work as good. 

I'm looking at some tungsten carbide balls right now that are about twice the weight of steel and wondering if they might be even better... 


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@zentai Here's an interesting variation I tried today based on your steel ball bearing idea. While on the back, Njoy Pure Wand, small ball on the navel, and large ball on the perineum, held straight up with the thighs, with some device inserted (Njoy Pure Plug large, in my case). Just breathing is crazy good, and nipple stim is almost too much. Actual ability to do this depends on individual navel placement, but if the reach is right, and you have the tools, I recommend giving this a try!




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That's some great outside the box thinking !

I do have the tools but will need to check the fit, I hope it works for me. From your description this is really something worth looking into.


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