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Hi there, I'm a lurker but I've decided to share my progress in hopes of getting some advice in what to do next in order to progress. This could also help others too.

So far the most successful method I've done is this:

1.) Put it in and relax completely, not even PC contractions. Remember to breathe deeply and with each exhale let go of all tension.

2.) I keep doing it until it feels like I don't have a toy up my butt. I heard some get a sort of "tickle" in that general area. I don't get a tickle but more of a noticeable change in feeling.

3.) Now this is when I start playing with my PC muscles. For me, I keep the same rhythm of breathing deeply and slowly, with each inhale I slowly contract then hold. Then with each exhale I slowly relax. After doing this 10-20 times I'll relax from a contraction and start getting mild involuntary contractions.

4.) Once I get there I just hold the level of contraction that started the involuntaries. I found that playing with my nipples here had great results.

5.) Now here's where I'm stuck. Once I'm holding that contraction the involuntaries start to feel better and better. The problem is that once they get to a certain point, my PC muscles start contracting like crazy, and I don't know whether to just let it happen or to try and relax back down to the point that started them. I've tried both, and the feelings never got any better. I'm yet to have a prostate orgasm, that I'm sure of.

So now what... I hope that someone who's had prostate-orgasms or super-orgasms before could give some advice on what to do next. 

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Hi and welcome to the forum!

You talk about your sessions as if they are a set of exercises, without any mental component.  It sounds like you are doing plenty of things that work for you physically, but you didn’t once mention arousal. Arousal is a key component to this play, just as it is important for any sexual act. Perhaps you forgot to mention it. Or perhaps it is something that is missing from your sessions?

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It's crazy because i'm stuck at the same spot as you actually I think. And I do a lot of arousal stuff with porn. 


Lately I practice when going to bed without a toy, and post an aneros session I think I get much finer movements in my PC muscles without it after a session. That and I think when the toy is in I have a lot of expectations despite saying I don't. When it's out I don't believe I can get a super O and then I get crazy good feelings thinking of naughty stuff. Try practicing without the toy in after getting aroused.

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