I’m rewired? The po...
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I’m rewired? The point of....

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Hey all. During my journey and research whether it be lurking here or other places on the web,I read about rewiring. 
To me,i did figure that the prostate route was learning that pleasure could be attained via different routes,not just from the penis. Sometimes I see ppl say things like “now that I’m rewired”. 
My question is,is there an actual point or milestone to reach when you know the rewiring process is complete? The problem with the internet is that one can always find things that makes them question every thing they have already learned.

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I don't consider myself fully rewired but realized something lately. Try doing a practice session on your own without the Aneros (if you can get p-waves without it) and just not masturbate at the end. Do this a few times and your brain really starts to view them as equals. It's this point of equivalency that I feel might be the major goal - that you can have an aneros session with no Super O (but p waves), without masturbation, and feel good afterwards and not sexually frustrated. 

Faith-Manages, Helghast, Faith-Manages and 3 people reacted
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@mountain-below-the-sea I don’t use aneros anymore,I just a-less. And I never finish with TO. If I’m going to ejaculate i will end my session. I take the rewiring very seriously lol


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I personally would say you are there then! haha but that's coming from someone maybe a bit behind your progress 🙂 

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@mountain-below-the-sea I never had any luck with the toys,I had one small o one time. Things seem to work better for me with aLess.


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Posted by: @helghast

My question is,is there an actual point or milestone to reach when you know the rewiring process is complete?

That's a very good question! I think that you can never really complete the process, because it's kind of asymptotic. The further you go, it needs more and more time to make smaller and smaller progress.

Beside that, there is a use-it-or-lose-it mechanic involved. So your current skill is more or less a representation of your current habits (just like your bodyweight).

Let's put it this way: after 5 years of being superorgasmic, I'm still learning and unlocking new skills on a regurlar basis.

The wiki has a list of milestones, which help to estimate how far you've come with your re-wiring.



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@unfug thank you,I’ll check it out. 

