"ID Pleasure" lube
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"ID Pleasure" lube

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I have an... inquiry about this stuff.

Now, before jumping the gun, lemme say that I've used the stuff for anal play multiple times with no discomfort or anything going "wrong" or whatever. I bought this stuff on a whim at an adult store, without thinking of the possible anal reprocussions, which was stupid of me, but just hear me out.

The thing is, this stuff is "stimulating"; it's not like the "warming" lubes out there, I've felt them firsthand and this is definitely different. This stuff almost seems to cool; the best way I can describe it is that it gives a very faint tingling sensation, and generally makes touches slightly more sensitive. For instance, a dab on the tips of my fingers prominently enhances the sensation of rubbing them together, and I can even sometimes derive light arousing sensation from that alone (maybe it's just mental, but I definitely felt the same kind of pleasure that I get from my nipples, only much milder); it definitely changes the feeling of penile stimulation as well, but it's not necessarily better, it's just unique. (My sort of sexual mantra is "stronger is not necessarily better" and this is what I would relate it back to.) Nonetheless, this stuff's pretty interesting to me.

Although it does say FOR TOPICAL USE ONLY very plainly on the back, once again, I didn't feel anything unusual at all inside - no burning, no discomfort, although it actually did mildly increase the actual responsiveness and sensation that I felt from the internal stimulation, which I knew was possible but wasn't expecting it, due to the very different types of tissue and nerves dealt with. Also, my entrance overall was much more sensitive and almost felt more relaxed; it seems to give a cool healing sensation there, at least. Strange, but once again not uncomfortable.

Now I don't think it's hurting anything up there, and I don't think there's anything in the stuff that would be particularly hazardous to absorb, but I want to get some feedback before I keep using it. I don't wanna trash a 15 dollar bottle of lube, obviously, but I obviously won't keep using it if it could kill me or something. 🙄

What do you guise think?

B Mayfield
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I have an... inquiry about this stuff.

The thing is, this stuff is "stimulating"; it's not like the "warming" lubes out there, I've felt them firsthand and this is definitely different. This stuff almost seems to cool; the best way I can describe it is that it gives a very faint tingling sensation, and generally makes touches slightly more sensitive.

What do you guise think?


This product contains menthol which is responsible for the cool, tingling sensation that you're experiencing. With respect to this making the area more receptive I would tend to doubt it, although it may seem that way initially. Menthol is commonly used as a mild topical analgesic. The mechanism of action is by way of vasodilation followed by what is known as counter-irritation. It's the concept of a substance that causes a mild irritation of the sensory nerve endings that masks a source of underlying pain. Methyl salicylate (the active ingredient in Ben Gay and many other creams) also works on this principle. Capsicum is another example. Some of these produce the sensation of heat while others chill.

If this works for you great. But frankly this wouldn't be my first choice for an everyday lube. Maybe put it into rotation with some other product?

BF Mayfield

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Thanks for that info. I hadn't looked at the ingredients myself, and I only recognise the word menthol from cancer sticks but I know the stuff itself is relatively harmless. = I was just posting by what I physically felt from it. It could be that it's indeed numbing to a certain degree but my brain somehow translates that to sensitivity... but yeah, I doubt it 😛

This won't be my regular choice of the slick stuff, I assure you, but I'm not one to waste anything, so I'll probably try it out a little while longer. I'll probably go grab a bottle of the normal Glide to rotate as well - just to be safe(r).

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