I Will Be Titanium!
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I Will Be Titanium!

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Some days I feel like all that energy is going to explode from inside me!



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Me too, @Theme_Gasm, especially now that I have Aneros sessions six days a week.

The Youtube you shared with us has awesome music and beautiful scenes. 😉


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I enjoyed that! I saw it as a metaphorical tribute to the latent potential that lies entombed deep within us all and a great motivational song. Thanks for sharing 😉

Trei @};-

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@BigGlansDC and @Trei - metaphorical or not...I can't help but feel that the energies we are touching and exploring are more powerful and perhaps useful than we realize! We need to believe and have faith often BEFORE we see something...otherwise, we may never see it!

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I agree with you @theme_gasm and am amused that you sensed my reluctance to go off the deep end into uncharted territory. But yes, just the other day i was explaining in chat how I was nonchalantly focusing on a less and had felt a vibrating energy so powerful and forceful that I felt if I where to focus it a certain way that it would had launched me clear through a wall.

My first reaction was that I was having a heart attack and that my time on this planet was up but I felt my heart and there where no abnormalities. This energy that encircled me was vibrating as intensely as a weed wacker yet much more deeper and I could envision in my head how it looked, it looked as the waves emanating off of hard surfaces on a hot summer day.

It was introduced to me by the less but was over-all non-sexual in nature and seemingly unrelated to it. This lasted about 10 seconds with increasing intensity, nothing like that has ever happened to me in my life before.

Trei @};-

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@Trei - Yes, I agree, it did sound that way! However, as you pointed out, the energies are so phenomenal to me, and to you I can see, that, I want to continue to reinforce the reality of our experience in every way possible while minimizing the theoretical...even though what I'm experiencing often seems other-worldly! My excitement seems limitless most of the time! Continued success to you!

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Thanks @Theme_Gasm, I wish the same for you as well. 🙂

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Recently (within the past month) I experienced my first series of Super-Os. The reason this information is pertinent follows. I have experienced chi, prana, kundalini, life force whatever name you call it by; since I was about 15-16 (I'm now 23). Through meditation and yoga I was able to move my kundalini up to my heart chakra where it remained for a couple of years.

Now here is the interesting part. I have recently gotten into a serious relationship and I have had feelings of love previously unknown to me; which I believe helped to open my heart chakra. After the aforementioned Super-Os I immediately began to experience "buzzing" energy throughout my body coupled with hot flashes, an inability to sleep, and pressure between my eyes. Given my previous experiences I knew what this was, so i started a raw diet and began more frequent meditation.

The next week I was in an evening meditation when it started. I could feel a great pleasure in my heart as it began to race. As if I had done this before I knew all I needed to do was relax and let the energy go to work. After a few minutes I began to feel it in my throat and began to chant "Om" which swiftly prompted the energy to climb the back of my throat; it felt like a small clammy snake slithering up. Then the visuals began. As I watched, the energy entered my head, and plugged into my third eye. I could feel that space between my eyebrows expanding almost as if it were filling with liquid. I directed my eyes up to my third eye along with my focus which caused the energy to climb to my crown chakra and burst out into a field that surround my body, and my presence expanded to the room around me. This whole awakening was met with some of the most intense pleasure I have experienced and I'm not sure how to describe it (very different than the Super-Os). Since that night I feel like everything is new and fascinating.

There have been some undesirable side effects such as not being able to sleep, not being able to eat, more hot flashes along with some cold sweats, and general heightened sensitivity to everything (I've been crying and laughing... A LOT). Though two weeks in I am adjusting well and beginning to feel calm and connected with everything.

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I have also been experiencing extreme empathy with my partner which has been slightly problematic because she has been very stressed lately. Though I feel much more connected with her.

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Wow...that sounds like a fantastic journey! Where do you recommend I look if I wanted to get started myself?

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I would suggest looking at 3ho.org; they have some really good info on all different aspects of a yogic lifestyle (I'm not sure about all of the information, but I have found it to be overall helpful). Though I urge you to make sure your body and mind are well balanced and healthy as healthy as you can get them. This is a very intense experience and should be approached with the utmost respect otherwise the effects (negative and positive) may be very difficult to manage.

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I would suggest looking at 3ho.org; they have some really good info on all different aspects of a yogic lifestyle (I'm not sure about all of the information, but I have found it to be overall helpful). Though I urge you to make sure your body and mind are well balanced and healthy as healthy as you can get them. This is a very intense experience and should be approached with the utmost respect otherwise the effects (negative and positive) may be very difficult to manage.

Thank You!

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Billy nice posts.
In my opinion expirienced Aneros user will be sooner or later aware of subtile energies in his body and will have to go through states in like manner as it is described in your posts.
Regards, Enrptured

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