I think I'm getting...
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I think I'm getting somewhere...

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Hi guys, 


It's been a long time since I last used my Aneros and I had some time so figured I'd give it a go. I read some forum posts before I got into it to remind myself of the principles and stumbled across some very important key concepts that I used this time and I think to my benefit. 


- CBD oil - tried this for the first time and boy did it make me calm. I am normally a nervous Nancy and find that I'm always too worried about how the Aneros should be making me feel instead of just feeling it

- Breathing out and ensuring all my muscles were relaxed on exhalation

- Focusing on every tingling sensation as the Aneros brushed across my prostate 

- Used the Aneros Peridise

- TIME!!! I spent nearly 3-4 hours during this session - the longest I'd ever spent before

- Don't focus on reaching a "point" like you do with a conventional penile orgasm. This just comes out of the blue...

- Laying on my stomach


Now, it was a bit interesting. Laying on my back with my knees bent, I didn't really expect much at first, but really let go and allowed the Peridise to do its thing. I started feeling some tingling sensations and just went with it, focusing on my breathing rather than the sensations. I often find if I focus on the sensations, I end up tensing and trying to chase some kind of hard prostate stimulation sensation... Instead, I relaxed and continued to breathe. That's when the involuntary contractions started. It felt okay, but nothing that great. 


Then, I turned over onto my stomach and took some whiffs of poppers and boy did that send me over the edge. I was spasming and convulsing and felt incredible sensations deep in my belly. They would last a few seconds and after that my prostate felt like it was electrically charged! I continued to focus on my breathing and every time the Peridise brushed against my prostate, it sent me into convulsions. I could only handle two of these before I had to have a wet orgasm. And I did. Over 3 hours into my session. 


I went to the shower, washed my toy, and stood at my bathroom counter staring at the Peridise. My prostate was still tingling, and I decided to put it back in. Holy shit did that send me over the edge. I had to stumble into bed and I lay on my stomach where I convulsed and had deep orgasmic feelings for what seemed like hours. I decided to try and sleep with it in and it was hard at first because I was screaming and clutching my sheets but after a while, it calmed and I was able to fall asleep. 


So... what happened? What did I experience? Whatever it was, it was GREAT. And I'm ready for it to happen again! But I'm going to try today with my Helix Syn... 😉 

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Interesting, I hadn't thought of using poppers. I have tried my aneros with various non-addictive recreational drugs (one's which are decriminalized where I took them... or maybe I am making everything up), with the craziest moments happening with dearest lsd and various combos of thc/cbd, (separately). Ironically the pleasure drug, mdma, has numbed my prostate every time. But I have never tried poppers with my toys.

Recreational drugs seem to have a two-fold effect, both in changing how we perceive sensations, as well as allowing our brain to wander to places that it wouldn't normally go.  The latter helps a lot with breaking down barriers that might stop us in a normal state of mind. It allows us to let go, and also to latch on to new sensations and follow them through without hindrances such as fear, or questions that might impede what is happening. 

As for poppers, I quote wikipedia:

"It is used for practical purposes to facilitate anal sex by increasing blood flow and relaxing sphincter muscles"

Perhaps it is the increase blood flow that changed the sensations for you, and there is the additional effect of relaxing. Also poppers make your head spin so that can put you in an altered state, perhaps allowing your mind to latch on to these new sensations.  It sounds like the physical effects that I felt with tobacco the few times I took a puff of a cigarette with a toy in. Relaxation and waves of sensation.

I suggest you try having a few sessions in close succession (like every day) to this break-through, but without the crutch of poppers or other drugs. Drugs are good for discovering new things, but for our mental and physical health, they should be avoided in great quantity. The body is pretty good at remembering sensations, and those we have under the influence of drugs are real. I had major re-wiring break-throughs under the influence of drugs, and I have since been able to re-tap into those beautiful sensations while completely sober.  I don't mean to imply that drugs are necessary to new discovery, but they sure have helped me.

The world of prostate play has turned me on to the most incredible drug I have ever known: my own brain.  Now I am going to go buy me some poppers and see what that is all about.

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