I -think- I had a P...
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I -think- I had a P-wave...

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... it definitely wasn't anything I ever felt before. Closest thing I can compare it to is like when I'm laying in bed reading, and I don't realise I'm drifting off, but then for a quick second I feel like I'm falling and shake myself awake again. This was kinda like that falling feeling, with a little bit of "laying on your back in the bath". I guess the trick now is to not automatically resist?

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The more I thought about it, the more I wondered if I wasn't just drifting off. But I tried again tonight, and the same thing happened, but now with what felt like a swelling pressing back against the aneros.

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@kaygo It seems to me that u had a delayed sensation of a SO, u can get some weird & crazy
stuff from the prostate ok...

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Don't get caught up on the terminology. Sounds like you were knocking on the door of an orgasm, but then shut it after one knock 🙂 But it takes practice. There's lots of steps along the journey, so you'll just build on what you've discovered.

Pretty exciting.

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The problem now is I go back thinking "Right, I've found the start of the forest path, all I gotta do is follow it without stopping". Except the trees got up and walked around a little, so the road I thought I saw is somewhere else. I can get back to that feeling of swelling inside, but the rest isn't coming. I dunno, maybe I have to be exhausted like I was that day.

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Be careful about deciding "this is the path". Sure, this is new and different, but there are going to be a lot of new and different sensations. Explore it, but don't get too attached, or get tunnel vision trying to recreate it.

I ran into that problem... I had some nice sensations, and was able to build on pleasure in that area, so I went with the assumption that "This is it, this is the sensation that's going to build into an orgasm, it's going to be a more intense version of what I'm feeling now". I became trapped in that expectation.

I think you may have drifted off for a second, and in the process relaxed your body and gave up control, which may have allowed something to build. I've had that many times. It seems impossible to relax into. I think the key is to get into that relaxed state without the sleep element being involved. It's a more deliberate kind of relaxation... like I'm going to turn off all the lights in this building but leave this one candle burning. Just enough awareness to reassure myself that everything is going ok and I like what's happening. It's not a blank state. Though I did have an experience on this "path", where I felt like my conscious mind had to disappear into non-existence so the orgasm could take over, which was a little scary, but I was relaxed enough to allow it to happen, rather than having it happen by accident (through sleep), then being surprised and jolted by it.

But like I said, there are many paths, and they can wind through each other and overlap... you can even be on several different paths simultaneously, or jump between one path and another in a rhythmic way. Don't assume it's some linear progression, because it's way more interesting that that.

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