I think I finally u...
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I think I finally understand the do nothing approach

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So... after a long time with little progress I think I finally understand the do nothing approach.

I have had a small bit of success with feeling aroused and getting pleasure but every time I started feeling real pleasurable sensations they went..

Last night I did the usual starting flexes but I realised after a while even though I didn't have to.. my body wanted to tense to tense/flex my pc muscle every once in a while. So for once I fought the urge and instead kept deep breathing. I noticed the more I tried to resist, the better it got. This is a revelation for me. I must have read this so many times but actually putting it into practise can be difficult when you get excited.

It wasn't much but I am happy, I think I am finally starting to get this.

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Congrats - its all part of the letting go. Breathing is part of it. We modern day people tend to breath from the chest but if we breath from the belly (e.g. deep breathing) it causes our whole inside (including your prostate and bladder) to move. As you breath in the bladder and prostate move down pressing against the aneros device with a more delicate movement than forcing the device upwards with your pc muscles. Also as you get excited you breath quicker increasing the sensation inline with your excitement.

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Just feels like one step forward and two back... lately I have been struggling to get any reaction...

Any advise is welcomed...

Have any seasoned users created audio guidance for a journey?

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Just feels like one step forward and two back... lately I have been struggling to get any reaction...Any advise is welcomed...

I know the rewiring process can be frustratingly inconsistent with its rate of progress. This learning process is non-linear with multiple perceived surge-plateau experiences. Expending mental energy trying to make the process a strait forward, standardized, logical, rational journey is a foolish egocentric endeavor. A different mind set is needed to enjoy this journey, be adventurous, open to any and every nuanced sensation, welcome each new sensual revelation with a thankful attitude and trust your body to lead you rather than your ego.

Have any seasoned users created audio guidance for a journey?

Yes, have you considered the "HypnAerosession" guided Anerosession, (also available through the CD Baby Web Site) ?
Good Vibes to You !

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@Marco_Polo - Man I'm in that boat right now too. My Prostate has not responded to an Aneros in nearly a month - just dead, dead, dead.

I journal my journey and track each session and its attributes in a spreadsheet and have been pouring over data trying to find a trend to the blissful days of March (many super-Os).... reading Rumels words of advice above seems to speak directly to me... there may be no trend or reason "why".

Anyway, I hear you and you're not alone! Here is to better days!

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Marco_Polo. Thank you. After reading this post yesterday afternoon. I kinda took what you said and put it to work the best I could last night.
WOW it was great I had my first completely hands free orgam with ejaculation. Thanks it really helped me. I posted my first hands free orgam if you wanted to read about it.

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Hey HereByAccident-

If I've learned one thing from our tremendously supportive and knowledgable community, it's that worrying screws everything up. It's like overthinking sex with a new partner--down goes your libido and confidence.

Take your own advice (I dig your posts) and keep experimenting without worrying. It's fun and pleasurable just riding our lovely toys. There's no such thing as a slump if there are no expectations. Enjoy, and good luck, mate.

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I’m pretty new to it, but I find very subtle contractions work after just relaxing at the very beginning. It also helps to be alert and focused on the sensations. I’ve fallen asleep with it in, and it really does nothing then for me.

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@Zenopause - thanks for the encouragement! I'm "mostly okay" with the uhhh... "holiday" my prostate is currently engaged in. I've found distractions to focus on so that I don't fret over it too much!

I'm experiment with humming during deep breathing, chastity devices, dream recall and estim - lol

If anybody spots my wayward prostate, please direct it back home - Thanks!

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Sounds like you're doing what you need to- enjoying yourself. Maybe it's a bit like getting a massage from a pretty girl--not the ultimate prize package, but still pretty damn good. Best to you. And I'll send your prostate home if you send me that girl in the red ropes...

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@Zenopause , ha! I would LOVE to find the girl in the red ropes!

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Actually, you can forget the ropes.

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When you exhale use sound, don't be shy to be loud,sometimes more volume gets stronger vibrations, use different vowels especially a, o and practice until you're able to have these vowels vibrating/resonating in your pelvis,just make sure you keep being as relaxed as possible when you inhale and exhale with sound.You will be surprised how using sound can break thru different energetic blockages and get you much faster results than using relaxation alone.

The most important principles for increasing pleasure in the body are the following:
-Being orgasmic/having an orgasm is a range of pleasurable sensations not a single event,so framing it in your mind that from first pleasurable touch on your body, even if very weak intensity in pleasure when you touch yourself you are already orgasming will take pressure off from focusing too much on ACHIEVING an orgasm,and focus your mind on JUST FEELING the pleasurable sensations until orgasms happens by itself.
Sessions where you take the meditative approach to pleasuring yourself is the most helpful framework I know of.
There is NO THINKING YOURSELF TO ORGASM only FEELING YOURSELF TO ORGASM.Thinking about the sensations doesn't make them stronger, feeling into them as much as possible without distraction is what increases pleasurable sensations.

-abnormally powerful relaxation(you get that by practicing relaxation even when you think you're already relaxed,it takes a lot of time to see results)

-using sound as I explained above

-if you have the slightest mind movements towards WANTING more pleasure you will get the opposite effect, that's why everyone insists in HAVING ABSOLUTELY NO GOAL from the session.

-FOCUS ONLY ON THE SENSATIONS as best as you can but if you begin to get stiff and tensed then back off just enough from concentrating until you regain a very very relaxed body while maintaining deep attention on the sensations.
During the whole session only the sensations you feel(pleasurable/neutral/unpleasurable) should exist,you can not begin analyzing or labeling any of the sensations,just feel into the sensations as best as possible.If there are neutral sensations or sensations that are not pleasurable continue feeling into them,at some point after maintaining enough attention on them they will begin to change,becoming more pleasurable,transmuting themselves from neutral or unpleasurable to pleasurable.

-DEEP BELLY BREATHING is also very important,so not chest breathing but belly and pelvic/genital breathing, breathing slowly but deeply even when you already feel greaat pleasure,resisting to breathe faster will actually increase pleasure.Also, doing it thru a relaxed mouth and jaw is much more effective than thru the nose.

-research yourself what De-armouring is and practice it in your anal area and surrounding tissues, use these sessions separate from your pleasure making sessions because these sessiona are strictly therapeutic but the effects will transfer into your aneros or aneroless sessions. You can listen to this podcast episode, it also explains some of these principles and de-armouring and men can equally apply it for themselves. laceybroussard.com/exploring-7-types-female-orgasm/

I tried to word everything very precisely so no misunderstandings appear,precision is lacking from most teachers who teach these topics. if you practice these and master them you can can basically call yourself a "high performance sexual empowerment teacher/adept" .
This previous structured practice I outlined might interest you,you can do it in parallel:


With 4hr/day of dedicated concentration practice having the prostate as an object of meditation, then after finishing the meditation following with 30-45minute continuous relaxation drills(relaxing also on the inhale not only on the exhale) while your attention is on the prostate(relaxation drill should be done while lying down in bed or on a yoga mat)...in a month is not at all that difficult,but I doubt anyone will spend 4hr and 30 minutes per day for a month to do it consistently.With doing it for 2hr and 30 minutes...you'll probably need a month and a half or 2 months. and if only 1 hr and 30 minutes....probably 3 months.

Big Draw in taoism incorporates the principles of overtensing("concentrating")+ complete relaxation afterwards,but it doesn't really work on people unless they have a certain level of sensitivity they've build up thru meditation or long qigong sessions.
Big draw is explained in youtube videos for those who don't know what that is.

While I gave the example of the Big Draw,it was more to illustrate a picture in mind of the two components of effective energy control,in meditation the equivalent of muscle tension is concentration, people should not tense their muscles(even superficially) while doing the concentration practice,that actually is not helpful or beneficial to the body.

Concentration practice increases energy in the area you're focusing at and also helps increase your attention's energetic effects over time if focused on a small area of your body, and the separate session of relaxation basically gives the opportunity so that all that energy you've build up in 4hr to "flow" in that area and to spread in the rest of the body.

For how to practice concentration correctly a very thorough guide is https://www.amazon.com/Darshan-Yogic.../dp/8186336303 , and yes,if you don't have money but know how to use google,you can find it "for free".

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When you exhale use sound, don't be shy to be loud,sometimes more volume gets stronger vibrations, use different vowels especially a, o and practice until you're able to have these vowels vibrating/resonating in your pelvis,just make sure you keep being as relaxed as possible when you inhale and exhale with sound.You will be surprised how using sound can break thru different energetic blockages and get you much faster results than using relaxation alone.

The most important principles for increasing pleasure in the body are the following:
-Being orgasmic/having an orgasm is a range of pleasurable sensations not a single event,so framing it in your mind that from first pleasurable touch on your body, even if very weak intensity in pleasure when you touch yourself you are already orgasming will take pressure off from focusing too much on ACHIEVING an orgasm,and focus your mind on JUST FEELING the pleasurable sensations until orgasms happens by itself.
Sessions where you take the meditative approach to pleasuring yourself is the most helpful framework I know of.There is NO THINKING YOURSELF TO ORGASM only FEELING YOURSELF TO ORGASM.Thinking about the sensations doesn't make them stronger, feeling into them as much as possible without distraction is what increases pleasurable sensations.

-abnormaly powerful relaxation(you get that by practicing relaxation even when you think you're already relaxed,it takes a lot of time to see results)

-using sound as I explained above

-if you have the slightest mind movements towards WANTING more pleasure you will get the opposite effect, that's why everyone insists in HAVING ABSOLUTELY NO GOAL from the session.

-FOCUS ONLY ON THE SENSATIONS as best as you can but if you begin to get stiff and tensed then back off just enough from concentrating until you regain a very very relaxed body while maintaining deep attention on the sensations.During the whole session only the sensations you feel(pleasurable/neutral/unpleasurable) should exist,you can not begin analyzing or labeling any of the sensations,just feel into the sensations as best as possible.If there are neutral sensations or sensations that are not pleasurable continue feeling into them,at some point after maintaining enough attention on them they will begin to change,becoming more pleasurable,transmuting themselves from neutral or unpleasurable to pleasurable.

-DEEP BELLY BREATHING is also very important,so not chest breathing but belly and pelvic/genital breathing, breathing slowly but deeply even when you already feel greaat pleasure,resisting to breathe faster will actually increase pleasure.Also, doing it thru a relaxed mouth and jaw is much more effective than thru the nose.

-research yourself what De-armouring is and practice it in your anal area and surrounding tissues, use these sessions separate from your pleasure making sessions because these sessiona are strictly therapeutic but the effects will transfer into your aneros or aneroless sessions. You can listen to this podcast episode, it also explains some of these principles and de-armouring and men can equally apply it for themselves. laceybroussard.com/exploring-7-types-female-orgasm/

I tried to word everything very precisely so no misunderstandings appear,precision is lacking from most teachers who teach these topics. if you practice these and master them you can can basically call yourself a "high performance sexual empowerment teacher/adept" .
This previous structured practice I outlined might interest you,you can do it in parallel:


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When you exhale use sound, don't be shy to be loud,sometimes more volume gets stronger vibrations, use different vowels especially a, o and practice until you're able to have these vowels vibrating/resonating in your pelvis,just make sure you keep being as relaxed as possible when you inhale and exhale with sound.You will be surprised how using sound can break thru different energetic blockages and get you much faster results than using relaxation alone.

The most important principles for increasing pleasure in the body are the following:
-Being orgasmic/having an orgasm is a range of pleasurable sensations not a single event,so framing it in your mind that from first pleasurable touch on your body, even if very weak intensity in pleasure when you touch yourself you are already orgasming will take pressure off from focusing too much on ACHIEVING an orgasm,and focus your mind on JUST FEELING the pleasurable sensations until orgasms happens by itself.
Sessions where you take the meditative approach to pleasuring yourself is the most helpful framework I know of.There is NO THINKING YOURSELF TO ORGASM only FEELING YOURSELF TO ORGASM.Thinking about the sensations doesn't make them stronger, feeling into them as much as possible without distraction is what increases pleasurable sensations.

-abnormaly powerful relaxation(you get that by practicing relaxation even when you think you're already relaxed,it takes a lot of time to see results)

-using sound as I explained above

-if you have the slightest mind movements towards WANTING more pleasure you will get the opposite effect, that's why everyone insists in HAVING ABSOLUTELY NO GOAL from the session.

-FOCUS ONLY ON THE SENSATIONS as best as you can but if you begin to get stiff and tensed then back off just enough from concentrating until you regain a very very relaxed body while maintaining deep attention on the sensations.During the whole session only the sensations you feel(pleasurable/neutral/unpleasurable) should exist,you can not begin analyzing or labeling any of the sensations,just feel into the sensations as best as possible.If there are neutral sensations or sensations that are not pleasurable continue feeling into them,at some point after maintaining enough attention on them they will begin to change,becoming more pleasurable,transmuting themselves from neutral or unpleasurable to pleasurable.

-DEEP BELLY BREATHING is also very important,so not chest breathing but belly and pelvic/genital breathing, breathing slowly but deeply even when you already feel greaat pleasure,resisting to breathe faster will actually increase pleasure.Also, doing it thru a relaxed mouth and jaw is much more effective than thru the nose.

-research yourself what De-armouring is and practice it in your anal area and surrounding tissues, use these sessions separate from your pleasure making sessions because these sessiona are strictly therapeutic but the effects will transfer into your aneros or aneroless sessions. You can listen to this podcast episode, it also explains some of these principles and de-armouring and men can equally apply it for themselves. laceybroussard.com/exploring-7-types-female-orgasm/

-For trauma,besides De-armouring, TRE is one of the simplest somatic therapies to employ,most times not felling or just feeling "meh" insignificant sensations is a result of trauma, this is another paradox of pleasure,because trauma puts a layer of numbness or pain around tissues, a paradox that is not easy to spot, just as having no goals from your session.

I tried to word everything very precisely so no misunderstandings appear,precision is lacking from most teachers who teach these topics. if you practice these and master them you can can basically call yourself a "high performance sexual empowerment teacher/adept" .

This previous structured practice I outlined might interest you,you can do it in parallel:


With 4hr/day of dedicated concentration practice having the prostate as an object of meditation, then after finishing the meditation following with 30-45minute continuous relaxation drills(relaxing also on the inhale not only on the exhale) while your attention is on the prostate(relaxation drill should be done while lying down in bed or on a yoga mat)...in a month is not at all that difficult,but I doubt anyone will spend 4hr and 30 minutes per day for a month to do it consistently.With doing it for 2hr and 30 minutes...you'll probably need a month and a half or 2 months. and if only 1 hr and 30 minutes....probably 3 months.

Big Draw in taoism incorporates the principles of overtensing("concentrating")+ complete relaxation afterwards,but it doesn't really work on people unless they have a certain level of sensitivity they've build up thru meditation or long qigong sessions.
Big draw is explained in youtube videos for those who don't know what that is.

While I gave the example of the Big Draw,it was more to illustrate a picture in mind of the two components of effective energy control,in meditation the equivalent of muscle tension is concentration, people should not tense their muscles(even superficially) while doing the concentration practice,that actually is not helpful or beneficial to the body.

Concentration practice increases energy in the area you're focusing at and also helps increase your attention's energetic effects over time if focused on a small area of your body, and the separate session of relaxation basically gives the opportunity so that all that energy you've build up in 4hr to "flow" in that area and to spread in the rest of the body.

For how to practice concentration correctly a very thorough guide is https://www.amazon.com/Darshan-Yogic-Upanishadic-Practices-Concentration-Visualization/dp/8186336303 , and yes, if you don't have money but know how to use google,you can find it "for free".

Another helpful podcast that outlines especially the no goal principle:

I love this interview I heard years ago,I thought it explained very very clearly why having no goal during a session is so crucial.
Hope it's helpful and you guys get an "aha" moment.The podcast contains really great observations that can be used both for women and men.

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@Briii something you wrote really struck a chord with me

Being orgasmic/having an orgasm is a range of pleasurable sensations not a single event,so framing it in your mind that from first pleasurable touch on your body, even if very weak intensity in pleasure when you touch yourself you are already orgasming

It gels with what I've already been thinking. It's the wording though, framing what you are about to experience as innately pleasurable experience. Gonna hold onto that thought while relaxing before a session.

Being able to quiet your mind is invaluble to 'feeling into the sensations' rather than overthinking.
That being said, if anyone is struggling with meditation (stressful day?), positive affirmations work ok too. Telling yourself "That feels good", "I can feel it spreading, growing" is a darn sight better that thinking about your taxs.

Oh and imho briii you explain, in your own words, why having no orgasm goal is important, far better than the two on that podcast.

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OK its been roughly 3 months since starting this thread and I wanted to ask about a new thing that I have experienced fleetingly a couple of times.

Last night with the peridise after holding a small pc contraction at 10-20% for some time (and no other muscles) I noticed again that as pleasurable symptoms started ramping up I was able to visualise moving the peridise with my mind. It was like I had somehow locked onto it and by just thinking about moving it left right up and down rather than trying to move it via muscles if that makes sense. It was amazing...I got the impression that by doing so I was moving it really really small amounts.. by visualising...wow.

These movements appeared to do way more pleasure wise then anything else. It felt truly amazing.. like totally connected. I have had this at least once before but this time I visualised moving into me and wow it did. i felt pulsing or very minor auto thrusting and it felt like a real breakthrough.

I guess I ruined it by being so amazed that just like before it was fleeting and I didn't get it back. So I am just really curious is this a common thing and how do I build on this feeling rather than lose it. I have been following the guidance and relaxing when it happens.. I just think its such a new experience maybe it derails me.


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I'm going to try this today.....I'm on my 10th ride....have had pleasurable experiences, got close to orgasm twice, and totally love reading other's experiences and recomendations!!! Thanks everyone for sharing.

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I like to visualize the Aneros buried up to the neck. Anerosuser web site has some well done photos.

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