I rubbed testicles ...
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I rubbed testicles with Aneros inserted, ejaculated. I feel like I failed...again

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It seems to take me about a week to build up sexual tension (no ejaculation). I also am irregular in terms on BM too, and only go to the "bathroom" once every 2 days. I live at home with a prying, babying, suspicious mum that goes to sleep late and wakes up early, and have a full time job, so the planets almost have to align for me to have a session.

Last night, I waited til my mum went to sleep to have a session. I had not ejaculated for a week and had watched a porn that evening to prepare. I had a BM, cleaned, then started.

I find that if I manipulate my testicles and rub the perinum above the P tab (closer to my testicles), I can keep the "horniness" of the session going, although sometimes, that is at the expense of concentrating on the contractions. I don't know if my testicles are sensitive or if touching them, indirectly stimulates my penis, but I ended up ejaculating after a while.

I feel like I wasted a session. It's so disappointing to ejaculate and now I have to wait another week or so. I don't know how else to keep the session "horny" without touching my testicles. I know the penis is a no-no, but now it seems the testicles (my last resort) are now a no-no too.

  • What do you do to keep yourself horny without the stimulation resulting in ejaculation or indirectly stimulating your penis?
  • If I stimulate my testicles, is that as bad for my rewiring as touching my penis?

I feel really disappointed that I ejaculated. :(The thing is, I still am getting no pleasure, maybe the odd slight pleasant sensation for 5 seconds, but I'm not even close to success with this. I am not even looking for a Super O yet. Pleasure would be rewarding enough right now.

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Hi MyTurn,
How long have you had your aneros? It takes months or a year for some men to get multiple dry orgasms.
B.Mayfield says to start aroused. I suggest you DO play with your cock to get hard, insert the aneros and keep stimulating your cock.
Start by stroking your cock and ejaculating with the aneros in, and then gradually increase the time you stay hard by stopping stimulating yourself when you're close to cumming, and then start again if you start to go soft. Stop again if you're about to cum. Do this over and over. If you do cum because the pleasure is so overwhelming, don't worry about it. Just wait and try again in a day or so.
If you only cum once a week, practice every day to just get hard during the intervening time, but don't cum during that week. You should get really horny the longer you delay cumming. Don't worry about when you cum; just enjoy the pleasure of stroking. Use a lube like oil, or use a non-oily lube that won't leave such an obvious stain.
If you worry about stains on your bedding or clothes, take all your clothes off and put towels around between yourself and the bed or chair or floor. use paper towels and throw them away. I'm suspicious that your mum won't approve if your doing this, especially if you're very young. Women are pretty much clueless about male sexuality. Some women are very controlling. Do you feel guilty when you jack off? When I was young, I worried that my mum would find my crusty dried bedding or clothes that had dry cum on them. I switched to toilet paper and flushed it away.
Sometimes parents don't want their children to get into sexual things either. Play with yourself, but discretely! I give you permission! Even if you're 12 or 13! If you are 13, I never want to meet you! I don't play with guys younger than 18 or 21. I don't exchange pics with kids either. I don't think they'll let me have my estim gear and aneros in PRISON (gaol?)!
Eventually you should be able to edge (tease yourself and stop, over and over) until you can leave the aneros in a long time and be close to cumming without going over the edge and ejaculating.
Then get to the point of not continuing to stimulate your cock and focus on the pleasure just in your prostate.
Then get to the point where you can ignore your penis completely.
Keep doing the slow long contractions with your anal sphincter. That's the point where you can get to a non-orgasmic dry orgasm. It may take years.
Right now, since I'm new, when I contract my anal sphincter, I also contract my PC, which makes my cock swell up hard. The aneros feels good, but I'm nowhere near a dry orgasm! I need to rewire my nervous system by practicing repeating the good pleasureable feelings.
Over time, like months, I should be able to just contract my anal sphincter. That's part of the rewiring process. Edging should really help.
Do you masturbate and edge now? You need alot of time to learn to start and stop stimulating yourself so you can stay hard without ejaculating.
You say you live with your mum? How old are you? Older guys can usually stay hard longer than young guys. Do you hurry when you masturbate?
Edging (and I suspect dry O's) is something you gotta learn without time constraints or hurrying. Don't try to force an orgasm. I wish I had learned in earlier, like at 13. Sex ed never mentions edging. Tantra does. Very non-western. Our civilization doesn't want us to take up alot of our day with sex. There won't be enough time left over to make all the useless junk and bombs they brainwash us to think we need.
In the west, western civilizations (civilisations?) I mean, everything has to be fast, fast, fast! It ruins sex, so we have to drop bombs on people we don't know to get rid of our sexual frustrations!
Learn to relax. Study meditation and Tantra.
Eventually, I expect to have an orgasm without touching my cock or ejaculating. I'm willing to give it a year.....

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Hi MyTurn,
How long have you had your aneros? It takes months or a year for some men to get multiple dry orgasms.
B.Mayfield says to start aroused. I suggest you DO play with your cock to get hard, insert the aneros and keep stimulating your cock.

Really? I read in the WIKI that you should, when cleaning pre-session, stimulate other areas of your body - not penis.

Start by stroking your cock and ejaculating with the aneros in, and then gradually increase the time you stay hard by stopping stimulating yourself when you're close to cumming, and then start again if you start to go soft. Stop again if you're about to cum. Do this over and over. If you do cum because the pleasure is so overwhelming, don't worry about it. Just wait and try again in a day or so.

I have been using the Aneros..well, not frequently at all, but more than 20 times, and the first few times, I did try to aim for a Super-T after frustration set it. I edged a little too.

If you only cum once a week, practice every day to just get hard during the intervening time, but don't cum during that week. You should get really horny the longer you delay cumming. Don't worry about when you cum; just enjoy the pleasure of stroking. Use a lube like oil, or use a non-oily lube that won't leave such an obvious stain.

Again, are you sure? I thought I should avoid penile contact throughout my journey?

But yes, since I am not all that sexual (- I thought I was asexual a while ago), I should watch a porn today with the simpel goal of "ampping up" my horniess and filling my prostate with fluid. I do not need to follow on with a session today, straight after my last. I just need to be "sexually ready" longer, letting it build up on a non-Aneros day, rather than forcing it on the actual Aneros session day. Good point.

...Some women are very controlling. Do you feel guilty when you jack off? When I was young, I worried that my mum would find my crusty dried bedding or clothes that had dry cum on them. I switched to toilet paper and flushed it away.
Sometimes parents don't want their children to get into sexual things either. Play with yourself, but discretely! I give you permission! Even if you're 12 or 13! If you are 13, I never want to meet you! I don't play with guys younger than 18 or 21. I don't exchange pics with kids either. I don't think they'll let me have my estim gear and aneros in PRISON (gaol?)!

I don't feel guilty. I felt a little pathetic when I first began, but now, I'm over it. I usually have tissues nearby. If I don't, I wash my sheets myself. I am 27, so you are fine. AFAIK, "gaol" was the British spelling for jail in the 1800's or something.

Eventually you should be able to edge (tease yourself and stop, over and over) until you can leave the aneros in a long time and be close to cumming without going over the edge and ejaculating.
Then get to the point of not continuing to stimulate your cock and focus on the pleasure just in your prostate.
Then get to the point where you can ignore your penis completely.

A couple of times, I tried to stimulate my penis to the point BEFORE "No Return", and then begin anal contractions with the Aneros. This usually lost the erection and horny feeling. I had to almost be on the verge of ejaculating for the anal contractions to send me over the edge. And it always felt like a disappointment! I don't care about SuperOs or even dry Os at the moment. I just want prostate pleasure. The basics!!!

That's part of the rewiring process. Edging should really help.
Do you masturbate and edge now? You need alot of time to learn to start and stop stimulating yourself so you can stay hard without ejaculating.
You say you live with your mum? How old are you? Older guys can usually stay hard longer than young guys. Do you hurry when you masturbate?

Edging should help? This is the only place I've read this. The wiki and others seems to think that contractions, breathing, and focusing alone will help - the "PENIS, NOT!" school of thought (and THREAD).

I don't masturbate anymore...now I have Aneros sessions. I have to hurry my weekday Aneros sessions though.

civilizations (civilisations?)

Few people know this, but Britain's Oxford English Dictionary has used -ize spellings since the 1700's?? 1800's?? It's just that the printed press took on -ise somewhere along the road. It became more acceptable in schools, media, workplace... But Britain only uses: -yse (analyse). USA uses -ise sometimes (capsize).

I am curious on how I get prostate PLEASURE. A mini O or wave would be really encouraging right now. I am not looking for a Super-O because that is too big and incongruous of a step. I contract, but do not get any pleasure. If I do, the pleasure is minute and goes away after 15 secs.



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In spite of what the Wiki says, I think it's OK to play with your cock at FIRST. Then gradually stroke less and less and try to concentrate more on the prostate sensations.
B. Mayfield says to start the aneros aroused, which I take to mean an erection, for us beginners.
.I also think I need to hold the aneros in as long as possible with my anal contractions. I thought you were supposed to do short, slow contractions.
It sounds like I need muscle fatigue in my anal sphincter to get the quivering of muscle fatigue, like when weightlifting, when you do too many repetitions and a muscle group quivers or spasms. It sounds like after the quivering starts, you get the more pleasureable sensations. I think the very experienced users have rewired their brains alot, and it's probably hard for them to remember what it felt like when they started using aneros. I'm so rewired with estim that I can cum hands-free in a few minutes if I want. It took me months or years to get to that point.
I still see "gaol" in literature from time to time, but admittedly it may be in fiction, to suggest a darker or Goth idea of jail. Scarier?
Daniel Webster wrote our first dictionary and he said it was to make English more rational, but I suspect it was a nationalist expression of the times.
I'm still amazed how Parliament repealed ALL the things the colonists opposed, like the stamp act and the tax on tea, but by then, things had gone too far, blood had been spilled, so there was no turning back. You thought we were very spoiled and ungrateful to you, because our farms were bigger and we had more agrucultural wealth than you did. Already by then, our standard of living was higher than most of Europe. We ignored that the taxes were to pay for your troops to fight the French and Indian war earlier. Oh well.
By the way, the reason the second amendment to our Constitution was put in, the one about gun ownership, was because your ancestors took our rifles away from us if they suspected we were insurrectionists. Not good if you hunt wild animals for your only source of protein! They knew taking our rifles away from us would make our lives much more difficult. Not many people had pistols. Rifles kill at a distance, and we hid behind trees and were dispersed instead of fighting like gentelmen in huge rows and columns out in the open! How dare those damn Iraqis and Afghanis act the way WE did! How DARE they!
The other amazing piece of history is how incompetent Washington, our "Founding Father", was during the first year of real war, 1776. You redcoats chased us out of New York, and raped and pillaged your way through New Jersey, chasing us to the Delaware River, the river separarating New Jersey from Pennsylvania. It was only the surprise attack on your fort in the winter that really got our people to believe we might succeed. Our government was ready to flee Philadelphia, knowing they would be hung by you as traitors. (Hey! Maybe the tea partiers should consider that!)
Then the French saved our ass with their fleet, although they didn't give a damn about us; they were rivals of yours. A world war started between you and France after our revolution ended.
Oops! Not Aneros related. Sorry!
