3 years since i use aneros products almost daily, and still nothing...... i give up....i start thinking that prostate orgasm dont even exist.....
Can i ask what devices you are using and what techniques you observe? are you using the guide that has been made here?
It took me about 10 years of use before i got any feeling, 10 years of seeing selfish people post here about their success and not considering those that might be unwell or unstable and desperatly wanted success.
So i can tell you it is possible, it does exist but you need to always go back to the basics when things stop or dont even start, took me a decade...
... i use aneros products almost daily, and still nothing...... i give up....i start thinking that prostate orgasm dont even exist.....
I intuit that you are experiencing numerous mental obstacles in your Aneros journey. Rather than totally giving up, I suggest you think about taking a break, a vacation from even thinking about Aneros use. Daily use is symptomatic of OCD like behavior. Trying to coerce a prostate orgasm through siege mentality will not work. If you believe prostate orgasms don't exist then you are mentally programming your body to exclude them from happening. You may be suffering from items #7 & #11 in the thread Identifying Obstacles to Progress. Resolving these obstacles may be the only way forward for you whereas repeating your present behavior patterns has only entrenched you in unsatisfying results.
Taking a break to reflect on your mental processes certainly can not hurt and you may find that a change of attitude/approach is all you needed to start seeing some success when your body whispers it's desire to play anew.
Good Vibes to You!
@theeagleandwolf i use helix syn do nothing for me. just with progasm i be able to have involuntaries for short period of time 10-15 seconds then nothing... i try everything,read all about and in 3 years not a single p-wave
@rumel thanks for your answer! one question about nipple play- it says that nipple play help, but for me it does nothing,
no matter how much I stimulate them,
they don't even get hard....
not to mention a feeling of pleasure - it doesn't exist....
@theeagleandwolf i use helix syn do nothing for me. just with progasm i be able to have involuntaries for short period of time 10-15 seconds then nothing... i try everything,read all about and in 3 years not a single p-wave
Just my thoughts:
Helix syn (any syn actually) dont work at all on me, i dont know why but IMO they suck. All of them.
Progasm is WAY too big and for me i need movement in the device i use to get any feeling at all.
Best devices for me so far are: peredise (use the wiki to learn to use these, these are what created the first feelings in my prostate), helix trident, MGX and SGX. Also found the HiH PSnew as well does things for me.
None of the above are consistent though, arousal is my biggest obsticle.
It took me about 10 years of use before i got any feeling, 10 years of seeing selfish people post here about their success and not considering those that might be unwell or unstable and desperatly wanted success.
With all due respect, some of us do appreciate reading about members having achieved success regardless of how long they've been at it even if not having hit the jackpot. For a lot of new members (and some veterans), it's encouraging to read success stories.
For those struggling, no inspiration could be drawn from the community if no one wrote about the fact that, given a chance, Aneros use does provide benefits and pleasures only a very tiny percentage of human male are aware even exists.
I guess it boils down to each individual's outlook on life.
Good vibes to you!
Maybe your right ,after 3 years and only a few involuntaries. Not sure what your doing, but I do no if you lose patience and get anxious at this game, your not likely to go anywhere. Time to give it a break. Till you can come back with a more positive attitude, and a game plan. Good luck man
My OCD definitely kicked in. I'm very new compared to you, but also pretty quickly got the helpless feeling. I was focusing on wanting it constantly, trying once or twice a day. And when you think about the mental gymnastics involved, that's never gonna work. I have decided to step back for a bit. I dont have a success story to post yet, but i have made my peace with the fact that i might never get there. What i did get by embarking on this journey is the realization that i was addicted to porn, and I have made steps to start to deal with that. Online support and an accountability partner with some controls on my dysfunctional self pleasure habits. And the way I was going, not only would the big super o never happen, my tendencies have limited my ability to perform sexually w/ partners and even have a lasting relationship with a sexual component. And i realized even my platonic interactions have a porn-influenced transactional nature to them. Growing up in the internet age has definitely played a role in warping my view on human interactions across the board. And this all started with buying and kinda failing at using a freakin prostate massager. So if i get no physical pleasure, i got a pretty decent consolation prize
Perhaps in your time away from aneros, you could get more into meditation. Could be with the aneros out of the picture, with just you and your mind- you could begin to strip away some of your entrenched attitudes and expectations. At least with this you're being pro-active with your time.
Good luck
It took me about 10 years of use before i got any feeling, 10 years of seeing selfish people post here about their success and not considering those that might be unwell or unstable and desperatly wanted success.
With all due respect, some of us do appreciate reading about members having achieved success regardless of how long they've been at it even if not having hit the jackpot. For a lot of new members (and some veterans), it's encouraging to read success stories.
For those struggling, no inspiration could be drawn from the community if no one wrote about the fact that, given a chance, Aneros use does provide benefits and pleasures only a very tiny percentage of human male are aware even exists.
I guess it boils down to each individual's outlook on life.
Good vibes to you!
People are free to post here whatever they like, thats free speech. However, when they post without consideration and some here who in the 16 years of my being here and using aneros, post 'guides' that state '...this will happen...' and '...you should then feel...' statements are doinng serious damage to others journey.
Why? because everyone is different, nobodys journeys are the same and i can attest by being held back for that 10 years becauase of people here and their lack of understanding in communicating advice here. It can be damaging and was very much so in my case.
A lot of people judge their 'success' with aneros with those stories people post here, it is quite dangeroous imo.
I fully understand what you're saying and I appreciate that, for some, lack of desired results can lead to ultimate frustration. Yes it can be infuriating for some to read about others getting to the pot of gold having invested just a fraction of the time and efforts you have trying to get some feelings going.
When they write about their success, is it insensitive bragging on their part or are they simply proud to share their good fortune and how they got there? You're right to say they're insensitive to others trying but I don't think it's intentional nor malicious; they're wrapped up in jubilation about their milestones.
Over my 5 ½ years at this game, I don't mind saying that I greatly benefited from reading such posts. Some entries gave me different things to try and low and behold, some of those tips did in fact help me experience additional pleasures even if I still have not reached the SO threshold. I love this forum for the richness and diversity of the members.
You're absolutely right, every one is different with different backgrounds and personalities. Some always see the glass half full.
I do wish you success in your journey, you sure deserve it after all the time and efforts you invested.
Another issue with this is that if the Aneros community was larger, then having Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced sub-forums would likely be a thing, so people would be less likely to be exposed to things that make them feel uncomfortable. With how little traffic we get, diluting the posts this way would be a really bad idea in my opinion, as I feel 90% of users just hang in General Discussion.
What we have now is Man A having difficulties inserting the toy and asking for advise, while in the next thread, Man B talks about hips soreness from orgasming non-stop for 2 hours. Both subjects warrants honest discussions, but surely men who are struggling can see the second question in a negative light even tough the poster has absolutely no ill intentions.
Do you have any suggestions ? Surely with any other activity, when I find a new way to do something successfully, I want to share what I did, in the hope that some other person will find that it also works for hm. How is this any different, and what could we do to avoid putting pressure on those who are struggling with some issues results-wise ?
I definitely understand your frustration. I think it was about my three-year mark of getting nowhere that I put my MGX into the garbage. Some months after that I bought a helix and started again. It took 10 years before I started figuring it out.
My suggestion is pretty boring: simply use your aneros with no expectation. Simply listen to your body and what is happening. As soon as you pick up on the faintest puff of pleasure, simply notice it. Don't do anything about it...just notice it.
The biggest roadblock, I think for me, was that the thing I thought I was looking for was not the thing I was really looking for. That's why it is so important to keep your mind relaxed and open...because you are searching for something that you have no experiential concept of what it is.
I also always recommend the book "The Multiorgasmic Man". This gave me a better mental framework of what it was that I was seeking, and facilitated the achievement.
Good luck!
That's why it is so important to keep your mind relaxed and open...because you are searching for something that you have no experiential concept of what it is.
So true!
When my best friend and I - both still being beginners ourselves - tried to teach a muscular judoka to start windsurfing, we both didn‘t see his mistake. His only hurdle has been not to step aside behind the mast to let that mast stand in the balanced position, exactly where he himself still stood. He didn‘t give up until he had tried for two hours. Today I feel sad for his strenuous but fruitless efforts, but I don‘t feel guilty. We‘ve been innocent ourselves and we tried to do our best to help him.
I am a little fed up with complaints from people about others, who might not have started any of their posts with a big disclaimer, that none of their own experiences and results are promised. Hey, this is a forum where we are allowed to freely exchange our experiences and discuss them with others. And some of us invest a lot of free time to find solutions for members who didn‘t already get a sniff of sea air that once might be blowing their sail.
In a nutshell: Anyone might be his own hurdle, simply blocking himself from having success. Complaints don‘t help, find another teacher, another forum, another approach, another mindset. But don‘t give up on yourself, on your wishes, on your ideas, and on people who try to help you. Otherwise you might become a very sad and lonesome wolf.
Dear OP (original poster), @tanjatanja0001, if your headline only has been meant as a last call for help but you still have not really given up, I‘d like to offer you some of my ideas via private messaging. This would require some openness and answering some questions. If you nevertheless like, send me a pm.
Good vibes to all of you, Mart
P.S. The more you are struggling with success the more you might need to take a recreational hiatus*. (*without any promise that this might help anyone any further - never mind! )
I am a little fed up with complaints from people about others, who might not have started any of their posts with a big disclaimer, that none of their own experiences and results are promised. Hey, this is a forum where we are allowed to freely exchange our experiences and discuss them with others. And some of us invest a lot of free time to find solutions for members who didn‘t already get a sniff of sea air that once might be blowing their sail.
In a nutshell: Anyone might be his own hurdle, simply blocking himself from having success. Complaints don‘t help, find another teacher, another forum, another approach, another mindset. But don‘t give up on yourself, on your wishes, on your ideas, and on people who try to help you. Otherwise you might become a very sad and lonesome wolf.
Well said!
This is the beauty of this forum; we read posts from all members willing to share their success storie and/or failures (or perceived failures). Some provide helpful advice while others pour their hearts out. The bottom line is that regardless of how advance members are in their rewiring journey, they're willing to share their experiences.
Another issue with this is that if the Aneros community was larger, then having Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced sub-forums would likely be a thing, so people would be less likely to be exposed to things that make them feel uncomfortable. With how little traffic we get, diluting the posts this way would be a really bad idea in my opinion, as I feel 90% of users just hang in General Discussion.
Wouldn't such categorization break down the camaraderie we see in the present format?
Wouldn't such categorization break down the camaraderie we see in the present format?
You're right, doing this right now would be a terrible idea and would certainly isolate people. With a much larger user base, on the other hand, we'd be almost forced to do it. This would happen organically at some point for convenience reasons. If we ever get, hum, ten times the Forum traffic we have now, then this would start to make sense, and you get to have the same camaraderie in the sub-forums, with some people specializing in certain topics.
For now the current format is the way it should stay in my opinion, and I don't feel people should self-censor when they talk about their positive experiences, no one is bragging or belittling anyone here...
@seekingpelican. Thank you for giving us a synopsis of what misconceptions you had and how you overcame those. I am one of those aneros plodders with years here on the boards and with some success with ALESS and methods set forth by keepitupjohnson in his book LOVE SATISFIES and the Bodanskys in a book they wrote entitled INSTANT ORGASM. I intend to get back into aneros play and master the toy or should I say, let the toy master me. Today I worked my nipples in ALESS using your suggestions and precum flowed from just moments of pleasure and joy expecting no specific feeling but just noticing and becoming aware of the feelings my body was giving me.
@theeagleandwolf. I would appreciate your telling us how you broke through years of aneros work and what you did to finally get your prostate rewired.
Thanks Guys for your input here.
Another issue with this is that if the Aneros community was larger, then having Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced sub-forums would likely be a thing, so people would be less likely to be exposed to things that make them feel uncomfortable.
I completely understand this idea.
On the other hand, as a curious beginner, I think I would have immediately gone to the advanced forum to read about the fantastic experiences of the blessed prostate massage professionals.
On the other hand, as a curious beginner, I think I would have immediately gone to the advanced forum to read about the fantastic experiences of the blessed prostate massage professionals.
As you should ! Some people are encouraged when they see what the advanced practitioners can do, other get discouraged. I'm speaking in general here, that goes for any activity. So people in the second category would know not to torture themselves by hanging in the Advanced forum but could maybe dip their toes in Intermediate from time to time. Anyway we'd need a major boom in Aneros popularity before splitting topics and with 90% of everything already being in General, I don't know how the switch would be done. Maybe General would stay like this, and Advances discussion would be for all the guys already experiencing Super-Os ?
People who achieve prostate success and post about it are not selfish. This is nearly the only place in the world journeymen can talk to likeminded individuals.
If you take out the success posts and technique sharing posts,all you’d be left with is a bunch of miserable bastards sitting around saying “yea bro I don’t feel shit” “me too bro,I can’t get the super-o” “me three bro’s,I don’t get any p-waves” “yea it’s shit bro”.
And you can categorise all you like,guys will just go read the success posts anyway. Inclusion is the only way forward. Some guys need success posts to let them know it’s not a load of pseudoscience and bullshit. If someone can take something away from a technique post and further their journey,then it’s worth it.
I can’t help thinking if someone is jealous and negative about others getting on,then perhaps that negativity is what holds them back. Any prostate success begins not with an Aneros toy,but a healthy dose of positivity and openness.
Thank you. Words like these give me hope that I won't be a grinder forever.
Plenty of other good info here too BTW. Have myself a notepad of favorites to reflect upon.
Recently I had to remind myself not to quit altogether. Having this place to visit helps to minimize dissapointment & stay on track.
I would like, if I may, to tell you of my thoughts about this post, and its subsequent answers.
First of all, let me apologize, as you may have guessed, english is not my mother tongue. I will nevetheless try my best to make myself understandable.
First of all, I personnaly don't feel bullied when I read of guys who have better results than I do. Equallity is but a dream. None of us is equal to another. Not being equal doesn't mean being better or lesser. Not, it means, in our case, having different speed of learning, somewhat diffrenent prostate sensitivity, and so on.
I regularly surf a french forum, about protate orgasm, and to make things simple, some achieve the legendary super-o in a few weeks time. For some others, it's a decade journey.
Why don't I feel discouraged about this ? I must say one thing : I began my own journey more than two years ago, and have had none but slight waves of pleasure. I continue because I have nothing to loose by doing it. Whatever the results, it is time I grant to myself. Even if I don't feel the almots excruciating pleasure of super-o, it is not uncomfortable, and again, taking some time for oneself, especially in our ever-on-the-run civilization, seems (to me), very important.
Thanx for reading, and to @tanjatanja0001 : take a break, think about changing model, and take care of yourself.