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Documenting my journey from the first Super O

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EDIT: I thought I'd update the title for this topic and post my experiences here rather than making a new thread every time


Hi guys,

So, after starting rapidly progressing into my journey lately, it was just a matter of time until I hit the big one.

I knew it would happen if I smoked some MJ, so I got some yesterday and was ready to go today.

I started with some arousing pictures, inserted helix syn, and went for a smoke. After I was done, I got onto my back in bed and just relaxed. It didn't take long until first orgasms hit.

It's honestly very hard to describe what was happening. All I know is that I had so many various types of orgasms. Energy orgasm, getting fucked feeling orgasm, calm seas orgasm, overwhelming orgasm etc.

At some point I switched to progasm, and things just continued. I can't say I saw a big difference in types of orgasms between the 2.

Overall, it was incredible. However, it did cause me to have some uneasy feelings about the whole thing. Like an anxiety or something. Perhaps it is related to MJ or that I generally have some related issues.

It made me feel weird about how at some point I started moaning in a very feminine manner (it was unpleasant, like listening to your recorded voice), how my movements were insane, how my mouth got so dry that it hurt to moisten it.

I'm not even sure I want to continue with it at the moment - perhaps it's just my mind trying to make sense of things and I need some time to process them.

This topic was modified 4 years ago 3 times by pirontras

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Posted by: @pirontras

So, after starting rapidly progressing into my journey lately, it was just a matter of time until I hit the big one.

Congratulations 🙂

Posted by: @pirontras

smoked some MJ

What’s mj,I’m assuming weed.

Posted by: @pirontras

At some point I switched to progasm, and things just continued. I can't say I saw a big difference in types of orgasms between the 2.

Not sure it matters the toy,or not,or peg,once your in the zone,your in it.

Posted by: @pirontras

Overall, it was incredible. However, it did cause me to have some uneasy feelings about the whole thing. Like an anxiety or something. Perhaps it is related to MJ or that I generally have some related issues.

Maybe just overwhelmed with emotion,I was. But I didn’t get paranoid or anxious.

Posted by: @pirontras

It made me feel weird about how at some point I started moaning in a very feminine manner

Moan in a masculine manner next time lol.

Posted by: @pirontras

I'm not even sure I want to continue with it at the moment - perhaps it's just my mind trying to make sense of things and I need some time to process them.

Take a day,you’ll be fine,and back in the saddle before you know it!

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Congrats on getting there! 

Here's my take on some of your points, as always, your millage may vary :  


Posted by: @pirontras

[...]how my mouth got so dry that it hurt to moisten it.

I assume that would be from the devil's lettuce, if it was really that bad there are some xylitol products that work well to fight this, check around. Being dehydrated in general won't help so be sure you keep on top of this on the daily, not just around sessions.  


Posted by: @pirontras

It made me feel weird about how at some point I started moaning in a very feminine manner (it was unpleasant, like listening to your recorded voice), how my movements were insane [...]

This is an Ego, self-consciousness thing. Trying to fight this is like fighting your own body's self-expression. What's bothering you is probably that this was really beyond your control, there's a paradox here : you did enjoy your out-of-control orgasms, getting fucked orgasms, overwhelming orgasm, right? You can't really pick and chose here, sure you could repress the moans and shakes, but that's the opposite of letting go. That's something you'll have to figure out, how much "in control" you can be while still having your fun, but I find it's just easier to just let things happen, holding back will... hold you back. 


Posted by: @pirontras

At some point I switched to progasm, and things just continued. I can't say I saw a big difference in types of orgasms between the 2.

I agree with @Helghast, when you get to a certain place, it doesn't really matter what you do or what position you're in, it will continue to happen until things wind down by themselves. The exception to this is that removing the toy and continuing Aless will allow some extra positions you can't use with a device, and if things continue to build or stay the same, it will increase your confidence, seeing you can do this "all by yourself." That's a switch that I think its worth it. 


Posted by: @pirontras

I'm not even sure I want to continue with it at the moment - perhaps it's just my mind trying to make sense of things and I need some time to process them.

Take a break if you need to, it's ok to find out that maybe you got more than you bargained for, and if you're like me, no matter how amazing things were, they'll slowly fade and you won't remember much details later on, so this could be a good time to write down any insights you got and discoveries you made, then in a day or two, you can decide if you're ready to proceed further. Maybe you should skip the giggly herb for the next session, see what happens then. 

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Congrats!  Rapid progress, indeed!  Why, only last week we read and responded to your “Fear of giving in?” thread.  Onward ho!

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Thank's for your support guys! Guess I'll have to man-up and learn to take it 😀

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You’ll find next time is not so ‘negative’ due to experience. I’ve had a few negatives afterwards that didn’t reappear again,or if they did,they were no longer a worry. 


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Posted by: @pirontras

It made me feel weird about how at some point I started moaning in a very feminine manner (it was unpleasant, like listening to your recorded voice),

Orgasm=letting go, and @zentai nailed it on the head with his response to this. With respects to “feminine” or “masculine” moaning, there is no gender specific moaning. Groan, grunt, coo, murmur, whimper, scream, purr, growl, whinny, howl... there is nothing to be embarrassed about, and if you are embarrassed about it, that can only be a hindrance to pleasure. Perhaps this is a good note to add to zentai’s new fears thread.

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Posted by: @divine_o

Perhaps this is a good note to add to zentai’s new fears thread.

Very good point, it absolutely should be added.

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Had another session after smoking some MJ. Had another chain of super orgasms. First I started with eupho trident, then finished with progasm.

This time putting a finger on my perineum seemed to be driving things into the wild. I actually felt like I had some kind of vagina opened by the energy concentrated in the area. Felt really weird, but cool.

I also decided that I would try to stop myself from moaning - not as a repression thing, but more like a sexual fantasy where I'm trying not to moan, but the pleasure still forces me to in the end when I can't take it anymore. Not gonna lie, that was hot AF.

I also finally understood the meaning of getting fucked into being unable to walk. My calves are killing me today, because it seems I had them tensed up way too much during orgasms (I don't even remember that).

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"You know when your mouth be feelin' dry, you're plenty high"

Sorry, couldn't help it. Soundtrack of my youth.


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@pirontras is having a blast now! Sounds awesome. I don’t get DOMS much,but I use different positions. 

Your vaginal opening and moaning play sound hot AF!


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Posted by: @pirontras

This time putting a finger on my perineum seemed to be driving things into the wild. I actually felt like I had some kind of vagina opened by the energy concentrated in the area. Felt really weird, but cool.

Did you feel like the whole area between your anus and testicles had become some sort of new sex organ, and that you were playing with it instinctively (maybe like the way a woman would masturbate ?) without much need to explore it?

I think it's the same sort of transition I got from my nipples becoming a major sex organ, while at the beginning of my adventure they were dead as doornails. A similar thing happened to me with the perineum, the P-Tab didn't appear to do anything at all for a long time, but when I started exploring with my fingers during Aless, I found that could have almost all the same prostate sensations from the outside, they were less direct and so, less intense at the start but could build up nicely. I didn't equate those feelings with "having a vagina" but now that you talk about it, hey why not. Might just be some wiring we share with women, after all it would make sense to make all the connections the same, but then only activate what parts are needed (?)

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Posted by: @zentai
Posted by: @pirontras

This time putting a finger on my perineum seemed to be driving things into the wild. I actually felt like I had some kind of vagina opened by the energy concentrated in the area. Felt really weird, but cool.

Did you feel like the whole area between your anus and testicles had become some sort of new sex organ, and that you were playing with it instinctively (maybe like the way a woman would masturbate ?) without much need to explore it?

That's actually exactly what happened to me. I felt like I just had to rub it.

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Had another session last night. With MJ. I once again had a bunch of different orgasms, but it's quite difficult to describe. The only thing I remember is that I got penis involved this time, and had multiple dry orgasms while I was intending to ejaculate. I just couldn't. It's really funny how when you reach this level you can't even ejaculate if you want to. Never happened to me before.

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Thought my post in another topic is worth documenting here, because what happened is really unusual to me.

Posted by: @pirontras

Hey, thank's for replying. I actually wrote this post just before some major breakthroughs in my journey. And it was scary at first. But now the thing I look forward the most during the session is the feeling of being taken against my own will. It sounds a bit rapey, but I love having stronger and stronger feelings until I am overwhelmed. By trying to "stop" them, they become even stronger. I think it's like my own mental fantasy where I beg orgasms to stop, but they still hit me like a hammer.


Edit: LOL. 15 mins after writing this post I realized my underwear had a wet spot. Turns out I leaked a bunch of precum just by writing this post. Usually I would produce such amount after watching hours of porn. What a weird rewiring process this is.


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Had another great session today. Starting to notice that no session and no orgasm is ever the same. It has different flavour and different dimension. Some could be called spiritual, some very primal and some very sensual.

Today I had one of those orgasms that make your legs curl up and body starts doing autofucking movements. It felt wild, could barely contain my screams. But trying to contain myself really makes it even better.

I also managed to fully relax myself, basically where I melted into bed. Felt wonderful

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When you mentioned making feminine moans, I almost feel like it's natural. I seem to go back and forth from deep moans and roars, to really soft moans. To me, it feels like it depends on how excited I get at what part. If I get really energized, the moans become deep and masculine. When I feel slightly more relaxed, they become quiet and girly haha.

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Posted by: @bogusbro

When you mentioned making feminine moans, I almost feel like it's natural. I seem to go back and forth from deep moans and roars, to really soft moans. To me, it feels like it depends on how excited I get at what part. If I get really energized, the moans become deep and masculine. When I feel slightly more relaxed, they become quiet and girly haha.

I guess I just don't really like moaning during the session or need to get used to it. But what works for me is trying to stay quiet for as long as possible. It's like a challenge for aneros to "fuck" me so hard that I can't contain myself anymore. And it's super effective, because it goes to the point where I just start releasing involuntary sounds.

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I like that idea. I used to try to stay quiet, but now I just let it out as soon as I feel it. I also like how you said let it fuck you. I actually screamed for it to fuck me during my super O lol


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Posted by: @bogusbro


I like that idea. I used to try to stay quiet, but now I just let it out as soon as I feel it. I also like how you said let it fuck you. I actually screamed for it to fuck me during my super O lol


I used to try and moan whenever I felt something, hoping it would trigger a super O. But now trying to stay quiet, daring aneros to make me scream works so much better. And as for getting fucked, there is no other way around it. Last session my body was moving literally as if it was getting pounded. Even my legs drew to my chest without my control.

 Edit: lol, once again I leaked a bunch of precum just by typing this message. I don't even think I got a boner. So it seems the prostate is working on it's own.

This post was modified 4 years ago by pirontras

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I never really associated my prostate journey with femininity. For me,the gland is a male gland and it’s manipulation brings male pleasure and mmo. I moan like a man,grunt like a man. I don’t even see my wife pegging me as feminine,it’s about letting my orgasm be her goal instead of mine.

It’s about exploring what my true sexual capacity as a male is. And submission to pleasure that we are afraid to explore because it goes against everything we think is expected of us as males.

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Posted by: @helghast

I never really associated my prostate journey with femininity. For me,the gland is a male gland and it’s manipulation brings male pleasure and mmo. I moan like a man,grunt like a man. I don’t even see my wife pegging me as feminine,it’s about letting my orgasm be her goal instead of mine.

It’s about exploring what my true sexual capacity as a male is. And submission to pleasure that we are afraid to explore because it goes against everything we think is expected of us as males.

To be honest, neither do I. I just find moaning distracting. Perhaps because it is new to me. It's like listening to your own phone voice, just unpleasant.

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Whatever works for you mate is the right way. Some guys like being vocal,some don’t,some can’t lol. 

I just never could get into the PO is cumming like a woman,or cumming from the viewpoint of women. 


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Posted by: @helghast


Whatever works for you mate is the right way. Some guys like being vocal,some don’t,some can’t lol. 

I just never could get into the PO is cumming like a woman,or cumming from the viewpoint of women. 


yeah it's definitely weird. I do get a strong feeling of being "fucked", although I never was, so I couldn't tell. I do see those orgasms as feminine tho, which is fine by me, because they are very different from traditional male ones. And at least I need to be in a receptive, open state of mind to get them.


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Another session. This time around I was able to move pleasurable energy to the places I chose to. If I focused on my penis, it would start throbbing with energy, if I focused on my anus, I could feel every nerve there being stimulated by aneros. Then I moved to my nipples, which were like 2 islands of pleasure in my chest. I guess I need to keep practicing to be able to make any place in my body pleasurable.

Also one amazing thing happened. In the late period of the session I put three fingers on my perineum. One in the middle and 2 at the sides where legs and perineum meet. It's hard to explain, but I wasn't feeling my perineum anymore. It felt like my prostate has swelled to the level that I was basically touching it directly. So naturally I did what anyone in my situation would do. I started massaging it directly. And holy shit. This was the first time I couldn't control my movements. I was literally moving from side, on my stomach, then other side, still keep fingers on my "prostate". It felt incredible. I couldn't control my moans and I was afraid I would ejaculate any moment, especially when my penis was touching anything.

Great session, would recommend 😀

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Holy fuck (pardon me). Last session blew me away. You know those videos of guys getting super O and shaking violently and the comments below saying it's fake or overreacted? Well now I know it's not fake, because it happened to me. Couldn't control anything - my movements, my sounds or anything. I don't think I was ready for something like that yet, because it literally felt like my body was being penetrated by something way bigger than it could handle (not talking about aneros, more like in a context of energy).

I even cried a bit, because I was overwhelmed. And remember when I said before I was embarrassed by my moaning? Well now I couldn't have controlled it even if I wanted to (which I didn't). And the sounds were super high pitched. I have some experience in singing, and some sounds sounded like female soprano getting those high pitched notes, which is quite hilarious. I almost laughed in the middle when my orgasm sounded like some weird opera.

I still think there's more pleasure hiding in the future, but I am also a bit scared, because the last session was quite intense. Almost too intense to handle.

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It feels so nice just letting your screams out sometimes. I don't scream on roller coasters, but I have to let it out during a session. I just throw the blanket over my face when it starts getting loud, and let it all out


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Posted by: @bogusbro


It feels so nice just letting your screams out sometimes. I don't scream on roller coasters, but I have to let it out during a session. I just throw the blanket over my face when it starts getting loud, and let it all out


It does indeed, but I wonder if body shaking and moaning are body's way of coping with pleasure? When body still resists it in some way? I did have some orgasms where I was completely calm and just let pleasure radiate in my body. I have a suspicion that best O's are calm, when you are able to let the pleasure flow without any resistance in the body.

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When I first started, I had some crazy shaking, almost like seizure shaking. It was kind of fun, but I could tell it wasn't doing much for me at the same time. I think my body was getting used to the pleasure, and was almost going on overdrive. I am normally calmer during my orgasms, but still have some shaking, mainly my legs shoot up sometimes, or I start humping the air


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Posted by: @pirontras

I have a suspicion that best O's are calm, when you are able to let the pleasure flow without any resistance in the body.

They are indeed, we call those the Calm Seas of Orgasm, it is about as close to nirvana as many of us will ever get.

Good Vibes to You!

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