I feel something is...
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I feel something is really wrong.

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I have posted this before but I'm sad to say that once again I'm still stuck and confused at the same place for the last 6 months.

No matter the device I use,more how aroused I am, or even how relaxed I am effects my issue.

What happens is this; I start a session, immediately I get sensation, warm and beggining to emanate out from my pelvis. The device or perhaps my muscles I feel pulsing inside, it is wonderful, even get some precum. Then suddenly after approx 3 mins, it fades away slowly to nothing. The confident boomerang does not do a thing, it is as if prostate stops responding totally.

It gets to the point where I feel nothing whatsoever, I remove the device and stop.

What is odd though is that hours afterwards, and now days and weeks I ALWAYS get anerosless orgasms, mainly when I lie down for bed or am sitting in a chair. They are so regular now it's not even funny. Even during the day, just walking around I get these sort of hand and feet orgasms! Like right now, post Aneros session I'm lying here on my side watching a video on iPad and having incredible Aneros feelings, mu whole cock is warm with orgasm, my ass filled with energy!

My Aneros sessions though are terrible, truly poor. The feelings I get feel like the beggining of something incredible.

I have tried it all. I've had multiple sessions in a day, many weeks off, day on day off.... Nothing changes it.mthere are some days where I can go longer but the conditions are no different?

I really am getting depressed over this and i feel I am wrong in some way. Why am I the only on with this issue?

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I found a jump start when I pulled helix about a 1/4 way out and pull the p tab forward to a higher spot on the perineum and then just tried to hold it there with my muscles. Have you ever tried that before?

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Hey @Sorena_,

this is some kind of a good news, bad news situation here. Your progress with a-less is remarkable and a very good thing imho. That your aneros-sessions end so abruptly may be a case of "learned helplessness" (I may already have said that to you in the past).

I would suggest, you don't end your session when the sensations fade, but have a long session that does not aim for an orgasmic outcome but do it just for the session itself. Give yourself time. You say, that a-less sensations jump you very often without you even provoking that. Think about it: the chances for those feelings to occur are way bigger if you have longer sessions. Many other users stated, that the arousing rushes come in waves. They are not afraid of fading sensations, because they are confident, that they will return soon (and then even stronger).

So, long story short: you already have a-less orgasms - that's great, that's a huge progress. Don't underestimate that! Secondly: don't impulsively end your sessions, there is a big chances that the good feelings come back. Plan the duration of the sessions ahead and do them without any obligations. 90mins-3hrs are a good range. If you get bored or don't feel aroused anymore: focus on relaxation instead. You may say: "I already tried that - didn't work back then, won't work now." Well, that's not necessarily true. You weren't able to have a-less orgasms back then if I remember correctly. So your brain and nervous system are way more in tune now.

It took me 5 years before I had my breakthrough and a-less improvement was my big promoter as well. You will make this happen, I promise!

Cheers, Unfug

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Thanks unfug for the positive reply. So the good news is the aless and initial feelings but the bad news is that my session length needs to be longer?

I can try. But sitting or lying there for 20-30 mins with zero prostate response is pushing it, wouldn't you say? Perhaps if it were 10 mins between feelings?

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Dude some of my sessions are 3-4 hours

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Sometimes you gotta go through e distance to get where you want to be.

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Dude some of my sessions are 3-4 hours

Thanks. @yankeecowboy could you tell me though how long is it between feelings? I mean absolute zero feelings to feeling something? What do you do in those minutes when you arnt feeling a thing? My last session I waited, confidently, for 20 mins after it all stopped and nothing came back, not even a hint of feeling.

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Dude some of my sessions are 3-4 hours

Thanks. @yankeecowboy could you tell me though how long is it between feelings? I mean absolute zero feelings to feeling something? What do you do in those minutes when you arnt feeling a thing? My last session I waited, confidently, for 20 mins after it all stopped and nothing came back, not even a hint of feeling.

I would think it varies between individual and also with other factors such as stress, temperature, hunger, hydration etc. I don't think you can give it a precise time like how cars have a 0-60 time because it either varies or no one starts a session with a stopwatch.

Perhaps try a 2 hours session of not doing anything at all? No concentration on feelings, no waiting for feelings etc.

You say you have the feelings while you are aless, I wonder what happens if you re-insert while you have feelings. And then if it stops in 3 minutes, take out, wait for feelings, when they return, reinsert, repeat for 2 hours. (I dont know if that is sensible but it could be fun to just experiment. Anerosing is a fun endeavour, not a labourous task.)

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Dude some of my sessions are 3-4 hours

Thanks. @yankeecowboy could you tell me though how long is it between feelings? I mean absolute zero feelings to feeling something? What do you do in those minutes when you arnt feeling a thing? My last session I waited, confidently, for 20 mins after it all stopped and nothing came back, not even a hint of feeling.

I would think it varies between individual and also with other factors such as stress, temperature, hunger, hydration etc. I don't think you can give it a precise time like how cars have a 0-60 time because it either varies or no one starts a session with a stopwatch.

Perhaps try a 2 hours session of not doing anything at all? No concentration on feelings, no waiting for feelings etc.

You say you have the feelings while you are aless, I wonder what happens if you re-insert while you have feelings. And then if it stops in 3 minutes, take out, wait for feelings, when they return, reinsert, repeat for 2 hours. (I dont know if that is sensible but it could be fun to just experiment. Anerosing is a fun endeavour, not a labourous task.)

that's a not what I was saying, I'm not asking how long a session is what is asking is how long between feeling something pleasurable to a period of the nothingness back to feeling pleasure. I just tried inserting during aless, I get a great session, continual great feelings sometimes for hours. But I have to be already feeling aless feelings for me to have a good session.

I beloved @Yankeecowboy is right though, I need longer sessions but I need to know what to do when feelings vanish suddenly and then seemingly don't come back after the first three minutes. I don't get what I need to do? Remain aroused? Watch porn? Relax? Fight the urge to fall asleep? Fall asleep? Nothing I've tried works. On the odd day it all just suddenly works though, but the conditions are the same? Nothing is different, the variables remain unchanged.

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Just stop forcing things. You have answered your own question and identified your own problem. "I just tried inserting during aless, I get a great session, continual great feelings sometimes for hours. But I have to be already feeling aless feelings for me to have a good session"

That sounds good to me!

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between the first time and and when the sensations return probably a phase of 35 to an hour before it returns and mildly and comes and goes over 10-15 minute periods until it remains continuous 3 to 4 hours out.

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between the first time and and when the sensations return probably a phase of 35 to an hour before it returns and mildly and comes and goes over 10-15 minute periods until it remains continuous 3 to 4 hours out.

Tell me if you can what you're doing in that 35 minute period? How do you not fall asleep or keep from getting bored?

I just had another session, instant feelings. Faded and returned 4-5 mins later, much less intense. Then. Period of 30-35 mins later nothing, I start to fall asleep, I am very relaxed and not expecting anything.

Session is over. I then decide to 'force it' (I really don't usually btw Bruce) by raising my legs, feelings come back until my back hurts. I go to the bathroom, a little frustrated yes, and lean back on the wall and put my legs out forward. I then used a pushing out motion and instantly get incredible feelings, I then do a mild contraction then a push out. The next thing took my surprise..

I began pissing out cum, like a fountain, really high.... Amazing orgasm. Then another orgasm, this time way more intense. More cum is pissing out of me in a huge, never ending stream. My legs and the floor are soaked, there are huge puddles.

Sounds like I'm squirting or milking myself by doing this, nice to know, just not what i was going for.

Going back to my original point after that rather odd instance.... Generally I'm very relaxed in all my sessions. I do not contract at all, I do not force things (with the exception of today granted) I let things 'come to me' but it really doesn't want to come back. I have lay here for an hour before feeling nothing at all, not expecting anything either, but it doesn't come back, not even mildly.

I really am at the end of my rope. I think that it is down to my arousal levels.

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I would say hang up the aneros and do something that doesn't frustrate you.

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Would love to hear your thoughts @yankeecowboy

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I think I used to be in a similar situation. My sessions are pretty quick compared to some people on here (45mins to 1 hour or so) and the great feelings typically start immediately after insertion. If I wasn't having one of those sessions where everything just works out, after a few minutes, those good feelings would fade away and if they came back, it wasn't as exciting as it once was. So I was pretty convinced that my sessions were always going to be really short (

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@wolf I think you have hit the nail there. It's several things and they all ring very true for me too:

- waiting for the 'whisper': yes I really think it's about timing!
- MMO window: again, I believe this is true, and if you're tired or stressed this window is far more infrequent

My problem is that I panic, thinking that 'this my lot', but this is an ever changing process, so I look forward to the next change in things.

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Hmmmmm, you mentioned back pain. Do you have low back problems? That could have an effect on internal organs of the pelvic region. If everything is sluggish down there a chiropractor may be useful to open things up and get things going again.

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I have similar experiences. When frustration sets in, I just stop the session, there's little point continuing after that.

IMO it revolves around a number of elements: Arousal-degredation, distractions (phone, dog, etc), time-conscious ("must leave for work in 20 minutes"), breathing technique, relaxation, lack of muscle-tone in the PC /anal area (regularly using the peridise for this), sometimes physical discomfort, perhaps the model of aneros device (eg Progasm Jr kept falling out).

With that laundry-list, it's a miracle to get any pleasure at all!

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If it isn't working like it use to, even after you've done all the exercises and the work involved then maybe its time go experiment again. Try mixing it up, try different things. Different positions, audio cues, massages, smells, exercises, etc. If there is any discomfort then end the session.

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If it isn't working like it use to, even after you've done all the exercises and the work involved then maybe its time go experiment again. Try mixing it up, try different things. Different positions, audio cues, massages, smells, exercises, etc. If there is any discomfort then end the session.

of course. It's just over before it begins though, but as I say I think I've found the solution.

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its just a phase. Dont let it get you down and forage on.

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its just a phase. Dont let it get you down and forage on.

yep, I realise this. Though this phase is six months strong, now I think of it it's more like eight months... Let's hope future phases that may present themselves do not have such longevity eh?

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Not sure if this is your cup of tea, but let me type it out anyways.

While I use the Aneros because I feel horny and want to feel orgasmic this is not always the case. To me the Aneros can do more than that. I have bouts of insomnia and do god knows what in order to get a good night of sleep. Before I bought the Aneros I used to meditate until I felt sleepy.
Meditating does not mean you do nothing and just lie there. It's a fine line between being in the zone so to speak or falling asleep. Once you know what to do and get better at it you don't find it boring.

It's a bit harder to do this with the Aneros in because it will be a factor, an extra challenge. But I think it teaches you something. It's like a reverse session where you try to make your brain go silent, your body numb and just focus on your body and trying to move inward. Not giving the Aneros any attention at all. The goal for me is to become calm and release tension from the body so I sleep well. Things like shoulders or your lower back take some time to fully relax.

Maybe burn some incense, put on some calming music; things that are soothing for you. Sometimes things will happen, sometimes they don't. But now this isn't a disappointment because you are succeeding in relaxing deeply. If you fall asleep or get sleepy than great. It's close to bedtime anyway and you will feel awesome and relaxed before you go to sleep. Win, win?

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