I feel I may have g...
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I feel I may have gone back in the rewiring process

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The last few months, I haven't had much alone time, so it's been maybe just once a month I have a session. I've tried yesterday and today, and once about a week ago, and as soon as I start feeling the build up, it just feels like I get too hyper, and can't focus. Both times, I ended up just masturbating to finish it, and didn't go the whole time I planned out. I just wish I could get back to where I was around August or so.

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It's an ebb and flow thing with me. I'll have some great sessions for a while then some lackluster sessions. This can go on for some time.

Usually though, when the lackluster passes, things are better than they were before. Guess my body rewires further.


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Understand the value of just relaxing with it and not requiring a big finish. Just notice what feels good. It really can be an ebb and flow. Not like riding a bike...if I lose my mojo, I can just about bet on the womanizer premium on autopilot on my nipples for 5 min to an hour bringing right muscles back into service and reconnecting the hot wires.

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I have the same way of progressing. I'm at a certain level, the sessions are fantastic most of the time then I have a few sessions that aren't so good and I take it to the next level. It seems like I'm taking a step back to take a bigger leap!


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This is where A-Less comes in. There is an element of use it or lose it attached to the journey. There’s no reason why you can’t have a few A-Less sessions a week to keep things ticking over. Do them fully clothed if necessary. And stop jacking off man hahahahah patience is rewarded! 🙂

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Semen retention really does work...the hard part is keeping your hands off your cock for those first two weeks!  I also get a bit frustrated in my sessions and want the pleasure to ramp up, making me us more manual stimulation to get aroused; it never ends with anything other than a TO.  And this summer I've been averaging 7.5 ejaculations every month, too many!  I'm trying to go for longer periods so I can prepare for Lent!  Incidentally if you want to join me for that particular journey I'm going to start talking about it in the New Year. 

I also get frustrated with my (perceived) lack of progress sometimes so know you're not alone.  Two steps forwards and one step back is still progress though!  I get the feeling of "I don't have many opportunities so I need to make the most of the ones I have," but that can really lead to too much pressure on the sessions you do have.  I'd agree that if you can swing it, Aless or KSMO practice would be a good idea as there is very little setup time so that should give you more time for practicing the act of self-love between when you can have "real" Aneros sessions. 

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Thanks everyone for the replies. I always hear to try and not push yourself during a session, but the strangest thing, that I didn't mention, is when I do have the time for a session, it just seems to start fast and intense. This last one I had I became very hot and bothered during, and when it happens like that, I can't help but not feel as if something big should happen. I guess I just need to cool it, and be more patient. I'm sure you guys know the same feelings too, so I know I can trust your word.

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