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I feel as if I'm stuck. Any sense of direction?

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Let's just keep it simple. Any tips of what might bring me over the edge to a super o?

Basically... The progasm gives me really nice feelings and it gets really 'tight' in my pelvic area, but it stays that way. It doesn't give me a dry o, its just really tense. There have been a few sessions where I've had a dry o, and MAN is that an amazing feeling (its like the feeling of ejaculation, but lasts for minutes, is 10x stronger, and is pure bliss), but every session seems to be the same just really tight and pleasurable feeling and no dry o.

Yes, I've read a lot of the forums for tips and wiki and everything, and I am very relaxed during it all. But it seems I'm missing something to finally push myself over the edge into a dry o. Clenching the muscles just seems to make the feelings fade afterwards, and breathing and clenching simultaneously helps, but it still just 'never goes over the edge' into orgasm.

I've had a less MMOs after sessions and can control them well, so I know I'm closing in on dry o'ing every aneros session. But I'm still missing something. Any tips?

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The million dollar question. If you find the answer, share it with the community and prepare to have statue made dedicated to you. 😉

I'd say... get rid of the idea of the edge. Tension leads you nowhere in most cases. Super-O's are rather a state than an event that either come slowly or take you by suprise. In both cases, they come to you and not the other way around - you just can't push them to happen. Surrendering is the buzzword of choice. This and (mental) arousal amplification are the most critical factors imho.

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I think I might have found the answer for myself. I found this topic in the forums about abdominal contractions on exhale, and when I tried it it instantly brought me a less MMOs. Will try it tonight in a session. 🙂

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I agree with @Unfug, there really is no 'edge' to fall over into a Super-O (please see Illusion #1 regarding 'the Edge' and a couple of other myths. Also please read Neros' thread The Myth of Super Orgasm). It is more about allowing your body to transition into the orgasmic state. The combination of techniques one uses to do this is unique to each individual so you need to be adventurous in your experimentation and find the unique path for you.
Good Vibes to You !

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"But, when you give up the idea of falling off an edge into pleasure and just RELAX you'll realise that this high level of arousal that was so frustratingly close to satisfaction IS the super orgasm and it was only your expectation of a release or edge that made you feel frustrated.

When you relax at this high level of arousal you suddenly realise there is a wonderful sense of ongoing release and contentment going on but it was your expectation of a "higher" level or expectations of an "edge" that made you feel frustrated."

While I agree with this statement, it also contradicts itself. It just said there wasn't an edge in the first sentence, but then goes to say that after enough relaxation and forgetting your 'expectations', you'll realise you're already super o'ing (over the edge).

To put it simple, it just said 'After enough relaxation and releasing your expectations, you'll be super o'ing (because you already are but aren't realizing it).' In turn, that means you just went over the edge and are now super o'ing (even though you were already and didn't notice).

Man, I'm bad at explaining things and just repeated myself 3 times in different ways. I'll just leave it instead of deleting it.

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It's confusing because if you're already super o ing and you're feeling frustrated because 'that's all you feel' Ie you're already there then you're saying that that the weak feeling is actually super o? And that's all you're gonna get? Or that it will get more intense one day?

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I hope you don't get all tied up in the semantics of the word 'edge' and miss the larger point made about "...your expectation of a release or edge...". I don't think there is a contradiction at all, you are still assuming there is an 'edge' you must pass over/through to be in the Super-O.
An Anerosession is like a back-roads trip through the Rockies from Utah to Colorado, there are twists & turns, there are inclines up to passes and downgrades into valleys. At some point you know you have passed from one state to another but unless there was some sign by the side of the road you wouldn't know where the 'edge's of those states occurred. Expecting to recognize a defining 'edge' will only be a frustrating, pointless goal. Just try to enjoy the entire trip from one state to the next and forget about artificial boundary 'edge's. The beauty is in the scenery and adventure along the way, NOT the road markers!
Good Vibes to You !

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I used to think there was an 'edge' and quite often it does feel like that. It can be very frustrating when you can't quite 'cross over' and hit the state of orgasm, and the more you analyse why it's not happening the less likely it is to happen.
In my opinion (and that's all it is) it is as important to relax your mind as it is to relax your body, if not more so. You can orgasm with tension in the body, but not in your mind. You have to concentrate 100% on the pleasure sensations you are getting, if you start thinking 'is this an orgasm yet?' your concentration drifts. Just relax the mind into the feelings, perhaps visualising them, holding onto them and suddenly you realise that you are having an orgasm. - not always that easy of course!

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The reason people think there is no edge is because the feelings they are feeling, effectively an orgasm, just isn't that intense or noticeable. What the people need to know, but seem unable or unaware how to word it is this; will this feeling (which is currently not as good as a traditional ejaculatory orgasm) increase in intensity or become more 'noticeable'?

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I just read the post "do nothing method the sensations you are looking for" written by neros. That was amazing, inciteful. Try that.

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The feelings I get are changing every day. I can bring it on just by thinking about it & increase it with relaxation & focus. It always eventually feels like an edge I can't cross over because my body will tense when I get to a certain level & it feels like I'm going to fall but its always moving forward. It is a very exciting journey indeed!

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will this feeling (which is currently not as good as a traditional ejaculatory orgasm) increase in intensity or become more 'noticeable'?In my experience, some sensations do build to climax intensity and beyond, and some others don't. I think one of my biggest failings was locking on to the first sensation that felt good, getting tunnel-vision on that specific sensation and trying to ride it even though it's a dead end. Pretty sure I spent years chasing one of these dead ends, believing I had made progress that I needed to hang on to.

I do think the edge exists in one sense, where something is building and I reflexively try to grab on to it or recoil from it. It's not the same kind of edge, but I've had to "fall through" that edge before. A "terror at the gates" edge. But I think the whole idea behind accepting that low intensity feelings are the super-o is that it relieves you of the expectation of an edge. It's like you're waiting for the dam to break, but it's that waiting that creates the dam in the first place. I find there's a difference in how receptive I am when I believe I'm already past the edge and experiencing a slowly building (but still perfectly valid) orgasm. I'm more willing to enjoy it and give in to it, and that can build on itself.

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To the "masters" on this forum (that's a complement to rumel). Honestly, like you've said probably thousands of times, everyone's journey is different. Mine happens to have an 'edge' I can overcome (and have every now and then).

This 'edge', specifically for me, is when the progasm stops massaging my prostate, and turns into a prostate orgasm. I KNOW when I've crossed over the 'edge', because I'll start tensing up, getting a really, really good euphoric feeling, and feel as if I'm ejaculating... but I'm not! Instead it was a prostate O, "going over the edge".

That's about as well as I can explain it since those are the feelings I get when I Prostate O. It's an amazing sensation, and it's different than just having the Progasm massage me.

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Tried some hypnotic orgasm audio files tonight. First 3 Dry O's, felt like I wasejaculating all over, but nothing. wow wow wow

This took my much further than anything over the last 3 weeks. Though I had some
edging and some P waves it was not even close to this.

Tired myself out..Can't wait til tomorrow now that I have see what the possibilities now

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Tried some hypnotic orgasm audio files tonight. First 3 Dry O's, felt like I wasejaculating all over, but nothing. wow wow wow

This took my much further than anything over the last 3 weeks. Though I had some
edging and some P waves it was not even close to this.

Tired myself out..Can't wait til tomorrow now that I have see what the possibilities now

Would you mind sharing a link to those audio files?

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Tried some hypnotic orgasm audio files tonight. First 3 Dry O's, felt like I wasejaculating all over, but nothing. wow wow wow

This took my much further than anything over the last 3 weeks. Though I had some
edging and some P waves it was not even close to this.

Tired myself out..Can't wait til tomorrow now that I have see what the possibilities now

Are those on smartstim? I'm still waiting for my donation to go through so I can access the files. I ended up biting the bullet, and bought the 2B. Supposed to be delivered Thursday, and I can't wait!

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I just did a search for erotic hypnosis on youtube. So many, just find the ones that work for you.I never believed in hypnosis and this has completely reversed everything.

I ended up trying one a-less and had similar results, many many times. Shooting
prostate fluid, intensely, upon command.

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Little progress update:

I've started having a less MMOs at the most random times, and if I try and 'work them' (clench ever so slighty, until I make it tighter, and tighter, like it's building), it gives really good sensations. Never a prostate O, yet, though.

Otherwise, for sessions, I still feel like I have an 'edge', though I've probably placed it there myself. But if I do the 'do nothing' method (ever so slightly clench) and just breathe and focus on the feelings, it almost certainly leads to a dud session... or I fall asleep. Either way, I'll keep trying and hopefully make progress eventually. 🙂

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First off the aless action is a good sign but I suspect that your 'work them' approach involves clenching and that is where IMO the edge gets created. Bruce in a chat session taught me that when you get to that clench even if it is just slight, force those muscles to totally just give it up - which kills the sensations for a short bit but then it comes back and builds to a higher level. This has worked wonders for my aless times but I have not had any quality me time to see how this works during a session yet.

Good Luck

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@IT_Kan... You know... I think it has to do with what you're feeling and noticing. When you clench, you feel your muscles getting tighter, but you're not focusing on your prostate. (This pertains to a less sessions)

You said "letting go" and not clenching has helped, and I believe that's because you're focusing on your prostate feelings and not your muscles clenching.

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Unfug your advice is so right. The S-O is not an event. It's a achieved state. Suddenly you realise you are there in this blissful state. Word fail to describe this state. It may last a short time or a long time but you realise there is nowhere higher to go. When it has happened to me, I have had to cease it because it was almost unbearable pleasure.
Shoving, edging, forcing, pushing, these don't help but often hinder. Just relax and enjoy every little sensation you get and let then build and develope into what you are after. I have often a sky myself, "Was that real"? Yes it was. And guess what, there's more there for you when you need it. Take care and happy times ahead!.

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Glad to hear that. 🙂

The funny thing is, the more familiar you get with this state of being, the less important does it become how strong it is or how much it fits the traditional definition of an orgasm.

When it has happened to me, I have had to cease it because it was almost unbearable pleasure.

I totally understand that. The key here is to surrender... or to learn to surrender. That can be really difficult, because such high amounts of pleasure can be frightening. That fear is a natural reaction, but when you overcome it and truly (mentally) surrender, it's a step into a whole new world. And I mean really surrender... like accepting to die this very moment...

@Canacan once opened a thread about sexual identity and I thought alot about this after I had my first rush of submissive surrender. Feeling so delivered gives you a new, let's say, female perspective on lust and arousal.

Cheers, Unfug

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Are you saying you turned bi?

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Are you saying you turned bi?

Are you refering to me? If so: no it didn't turn me bi. I must say though that I'm not scared of penis but of the man being attached to it...

It's not about my sexual orientation but about my sexual identity. I like the idea of genderbending, immersing into a female body and to experience sexaul feelings "the female way". It sounds so simple and was often talked over in like woman magazines or sex ed's on how the "slow female arousal works" - so it's almost a stereotype. But to be passive, to receive, to open and to let go of any control... that has a huge affect on me mentally.

I'm not quite sure how to put this into proper words... from the male point of view you might know occasional deep urge to fuck the shit out of someone. The immense lust you can get when your partner archs and bends under you and breast are wiggling and wobbling... you get the idea... being dominant, being manly. Acting demonstratively manly can be a huge turn on and so can acting demonstratively womanly...

Being the exact opposite: passive, surrendered... fucked, that can set free some deep lust that is just as strong and satisfying as the male counterpart. Plus, as a man putting yourself in a vulnerable position (even if it's just mentally) feels a bit kinky and can kick things up a notch.

Aneros taught me this female view on things and I must say, I really really like it. I don't feel less of man and unfortunately it did not turn me bi (what is sad, because I'm missing out 50% of potential partners). And I got an ultimately better understanding how the arousal of my wife works and how to approach her better and with more patience.

The slow, shy "female arousal" and the fast, hot "male arousal" are build in every human despite of gender. And both ascents to orgasm are open to both genders. If you can follow me so far you might find this article interesting. I found it here in the forum and it really opened my eyes.

Cheers, Unfug

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Are you saying you turned bi?

Are you refering to me? If so: no it didn't turn me bi. I must say though that I'm not scared of penis but of the man being attached to it...

It's not about my sexual orientation but about my sexual identity. I like the idea of genderbending, immersing into a female body and to experience sexaul feelings "the female way". It sounds so simple and was often talked over in like woman magazines or sex ed's on how the "slow female arousal works" - so it's almost a stereotype. But to be passive, to receive, to open and to let go of any control... that has a huge affect on me mentally.

I'm not quite sure how to put this into proper words... from the male point of view you might know occasional deep urge to fuck the shit out of someone. The immense lust you can get when your partner archs and bends under you and breast are wiggling and wobbling... you get the idea... being dominant, being manly. Acting demonstratively manly can be a huge turn on and so can acting demonstratively womanly...

Being the exact opposite: passive, surrendered... fucked, that can set free some deep lust that is just as strong and satisfying as the male counterpart. Plus, as a man putting yourself in a vulnerable position (even if it's just mentally) feels a bit kinky and can kick things up a notch.

Aneros taught me this female view on things and I must say, I really really like it. I don't feel less of man and unfortunately it did not turn me bi (what is sad, because I'm missing out 50% of potential partners). And I got an ultimately better understanding how the arousal of my wife works and how to approach her better and with more patience.

The slow, shy "female arousal" and the fast, hot "male arousal" are build in every human despite of gender. And both ascents to orgasm are open to both genders. If you can follow me so far you might find this article interesting. I found it here in the forum and it really opened my eyes.

Cheers, Unfug

Ah, well, being a gay man who is a bottom (submissive), I guess I already have this 'female perspective'. I don't really have the urge to fuck the shit out of someone (although I do get it every now and then). But that's just called being versatile in the gay community.

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This is a great thread, full of good information that has helped me clarify in my mind something that has given me (and perhaps others) trouble.
A combination of this and reading Nero's 'Myth of the Super Orgasm' linked in the thread has taught me so much... I've been trying to feel something that isn't there, and ignoring the great feelings that are.
I'm not very good at explaining things so bear with me....
I (and every other male ever created) have always responded to a 'spot' that feels great when stimulated. For example, when I, (or someone else) rubs the head of my penis it feels great at that spot. The more I rub that spot, the better that spot feels until it builds to an orgasm.
Since I've been using my helix etc, I've been waiting for that magic 'spot' on the inside to kick in and start giving me that same level of pleasure that builds to the big super-0. I've always assumed that when my prostate kicks in, that would be the sensation...like a little penis head tucked away inside that'll blow my mind. .... I've been so wrong.
In reading this and Nero's threads, I realized that the prostate is not a magic organ that will suddenly give immense pleasure in one spot, it brings alive pleasure in a very wide area. Sometimes it'll be in the general area of my lower abdomen, out to my penis, balls, and outward from there. THAT'S the pleasure I need to embrace and let it take over. I need to love that and let it love me back.
Also, I've come to the conclusion that I've had many many orgasms while in my aneros sessions, I just didn't realize it. Every time a wave of pleasure (no matter how small) goes through my body, I've had an orgasm. Every time I get a really nice tingling in my lower abdomen that goes on for a couple of minutes, I've had an orgasm that has lasted a couple of minutes. It's just different from what I've been used to for the last 45ish years. Basically, my orgasm is what I make of it.
So yes Flexxor, we're all looking for the same thing....but maybe we need to change what it is we're looking for. Maybe it's been happening for us all along, we just haven't realized it. Good luck, and thanks for the thread. Together we'll all figure this out.

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