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I bought a knock-off version of njoy pure wand, it seems like it's alright, but there is one thing - I can't feel my prostate

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Hi, so I bought a knock off version of njoy pure wand. Found a recommendation on one of the prostate subreddits and decided to try it out - https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32921911972.html?spm=a2g0o.order_detail.0.0.6650f19cdXgdyr


When it arrived, I was intimidated because I didn't think I could put it in. Well, today I've tried it for the first time. Putting it in took a while, but after it was in, I basically felt nothing. I don't think it's a fault of the toy, because I frankly have troubles of feeling it.


I did have prostates orgasms, including aless, but I don't really feel it most of the time, it's hard to explain. I'm not sure what to make of it?

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The Njoy is quite a beast to tame... I recommend sticking with the small end as it works good enough 99% of the time, and really explore all the depth-angle combinations. I suspect you have it in too deep and not angled enough towards the front. When pulling out very slowly you should feel the bump "hook" a bit or "go over" your prostate. Even if you don't feel it inside you, you should get some feedback in you fingers. Then knowing you are at the right spot will make it easier to focus and find the feelings. 

Go easy with the thing, it's really like having a (gently shaped) crowbar inside you, the leverage is crazy.  

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Posted by: @zentai

The Njoy is quite a beast to tame... I recommend sticking with the small end as it works good enough 99% of the time, and really explore all the depth-angle combinations. I suspect you have it in too deep and not angled enough towards the front. When pulling out very slowly you should feel the bump "hook" a bit or "go over" your prostate. Even if you don't feel it inside you, you should get some feedback in you fingers. Then knowing you are at the right spot will make it easier to focus and find the feelings. 

Go easy with the thing, it's really like having a (gently shaped) crowbar inside you, the leverage is crazy.  

Thanks mate, will give it a shot.


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Are you getting aroused first. Sometimes that helps in finding in without Aneros.

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Sounds like it’s in the wrong place. You can’t see inside your ass,so you work feelings with an aneros. If you aren’t feeling it,it’s gotta be in the wrong spot.

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I’m not a toy owner nor the author but (butt) try this link and thread with descriptions and diagrams.


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Great find ! I agree with the author that the natural curve on the wand has a tendency to send it too far. If you let the wand go where it wants to, you'll probably miss all the good spots. It's surprisingly unintuitive to use...

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careful with the knock-offs, rumor has it that certain ones are not pure steel but another cheaper material with a thin plating.  so if ever there is a chip or crack on the outside of the toy, stop using it immediately! My gal dropped my official njoy on the time floor and dinged it, but since it is pure steel, it is still safe to use.

as for sensations, it is hard to say. I understand that you can have orgasms without being able to specifically feel the prostate. There is the paradox that for many slight prostate stimulation is good, but too much numbs sensations.  Also the prostate can give wonderful sensations but so can other nerves in the rectum and the anus, as well as the psychological mindfuck of being penetrated.  Do you use aneros toys as well? For me the specific prostate toys are the best way to learn what the prostate feels like, to awaken it, and to rewire. Even in sessions with my njoy wand or dildos, I often use an aneros in the beginning to get primed so that my prostate is extra sensitive. And as @fister81 states, arousal helps a lot. In any case please be careful with the metal toy. It is easy to overdo it and you can injure yourself. Remember the rule of thumb: no more pressure on your prostate than you would put on your eyeball. 

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Posted by: @divine_o

careful with the knock-offs, rumor has it that certain ones are not pure steel but another cheaper material with a thin plating.  so if ever there is a chip or crack on the outside of the toy, stop using it immediately!

0.o !!!

One of the most painful cuts I ever had was from a piece of chrome plating that curled up from an old beat-up wrench. This was thinner and sharper than a razor blade. Boy-oh-boy... 


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Posted by: @divine_o

careful with the knock-offs, rumor has it that certain ones are not pure steel but another cheaper material with a thin plating.  so if ever there is a chip or crack on the outside of the toy, stop using it immediately! My gal dropped my official njoy on the time floor and dinged it, but since it is pure steel, it is still safe to use.

as for sensations, it is hard to say. I understand that you can have orgasms without being able to specifically feel the prostate. There is the paradox that for many slight prostate stimulation is good, but too much numbs sensations.  Also the prostate can give wonderful sensations but so can other nerves in the rectum and the anus, as well as the psychological mindfuck of being penetrated.  Do you use aneros toys as well? For me the specific prostate toys are the best way to learn what the prostate feels like, to awaken it, and to rewire. Even in sessions with my njoy wand or dildos, I often use an aneros in the beginning to get primed so that my prostate is extra sensitive. And as @fister81 states, arousal helps a lot. In any case please be careful with the metal toy. It is easy to overdo it and you can injure yourself. Remember the rule of thumb: no more pressure on your prostate than you would put on your eyeball. 

Thank you for the heads up. I wonder if there is a way to determine whether it's plated. I checked for magnetism - it's not magnetic, but I've read that not all stainless steel is magnetic. It is certainly heavy and conducts heat just as stainless steel.


I did try the smaller end and could instantly feel my prostate. Super weird.

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@zentai I really hope it was an external cut!!! I winced when I read that.


@pirontras no idea. In my experience it is better to buy quality from vouched retailers, and not knock offs, especially for things that go inside us and touch our genitals. For example I just bought a 50 euro dildo. I could have gotten any number of  similar sized ones online for way cheaper, but I preferred going into the store, feeling the dildos with my hands, hearing the clerk tell me about the qualities of each. Good quality toys are expensive, but I don’t see the point of money if not to buy us happiness, and the happiness button just happens to be in our buttholes!

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Just a good slice on a finger, believe me, I winced too when it happened... Now I just won't use any tool with flaking. The only two metal items I own for internal use are from Njoy so I'm not worried. 

What you say about toy material quality was even more true years ago, when some jelly toys had a weird smell or felt oily, or even melted in contact with other toys. But just last week, I had the rubberized coating on a pair of headphone react with an exercise ball. We never know what we are handling day-to-day.

Some toys are expensive but they will last forever, and you're also paying for peace of mind.  


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