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Hunther-gatherer Super-O Response

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Sometimes I like to imagine that there is no Internet and no scientific literature, and I wonder how hard (or easy) it would be to figure things out all by myself. One thing that I've been asking myself for a very long time is this : were Super-Os ever a spontaneous thing that humans would experience, as part of a normal sexual response ? Or was it triggered in some way during a religious ceremony, or as a coming-of-age ritual or otherwise ?

If this was spontaneous, what would cause it ? We know about "runner's high" and also about orgasm from exhausting core muscles by climbing a rope or doing pull-ups. Was regular sex just better back then ? 

More importantly for us, if it was triggered, how was the technique shared or explained ? Take into account that you have little "real" explanation for how it works, and that you are even limited in your analogies beyond the natural world around you. 

To me it seems like there are ways to make this more obvious, like when @clenchy said in another thread to make your belly soft and vulnerable, this explains in very few words a way to position your body, pelvic floor, abdominal muscles. It also promotes abdominal breathing, a release of tension in that region, etc. And it makes sense ! At least when on all fours, letting the belly "hang down" seems to put things in the correct alignment.   

The more I look into it, the more I think we can have a pretty vague notion of what needs to be done, and still succeed. Going the other way, I find that there is no limit to how complicated we can make things, which is not necessarily all that great. The more I know, the more things I need to keep in mind, the more complex it all becomes...  

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Posted by: @zentai

The more I look into it, the more I think we can have a pretty vague notion of what needs to be done, and still succeed.

I think this is the “most efficient frontier”.  To do so, use “feely” units of knowledge, not “thinky” ones.   “Feely” ones, like @clenchy ‘s, that pack in a lot of information succinctly and trigger intuition may be best.  Another such phrase is “hold the muscle to stop peeing”, or “hold the muscle so you don’t fart”.  These give us sufficient handles to begin to learn about our bodies.  Use the power of suggestion to stimulate our minds to conjure great things in the gaps.

“Thinky” units of knowledge, interesting in their own right, are not nearly as useful in learning to do this.  These include anatomical discussions, and prescriptive instructions.  These may engage the critical brain and overthinking during a session, which are unhelpful.



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Exactly ! Make it WAY simple, like how you would explain it to someone else who does not speak the same language. Think cultural exchange or a bunch of shamans from different parts of the world having a meeting. Make it universal. I'd like to see symbols and pictograms so anyone in the world is able to follow the process... Like IKEA does. I'm certain that this is possible.

Great description, feely vs thinky makes a lot of sense ! 

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I still don’t think they had super o way back. They may have had super T’s due to very high arousal since they had none of the things that lower sensitivity in the modern world,and less pollution etc. But all the same,the drive to reproduce would decimate all. I’ve seen posts mentioning asexual and preferring prostate massage to sex with people. Not sure we’d have come this far with super o on tap back then.

On the vague notions.. I never really thought about my prostate before discovering that massage was a thing. When i began the journey,nothing happened  yet something inside didn’t want to give up. 

@helical Agree overthinking is unhelpful. Having said that,the mind is a huge tool in the building of a journey. The trick I guess is when to use it and when to lose it.

Lastly,whilst the ikea pamphlet sounds great,I fear it’ll never work. Each man’s prostate is unique to him and the puzzle to unlock its power must be solved by him and him alone. Some guys can’t work in some positions,some have problems that others don’t,some have mindsets and traits that others don’t.  One must make one’s own instructions. For me and my journey,i feel like I built it from scratch. Yes,I read a lot of info etc But I still had had to figure out where the pieces slotted into place for me,what where and when to use things to keep progressing. Everyone has the keys,they just need to figure out which locks take each key.




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Hmm, I'd like to think that trad-Os felt like Super-Os but not super long ones, and with a refractory period. Maybe just because of higher testosterone, more active lifestyle and less inhibitions or cultural bias ? Like you said, some level of Super-T would really not be a stretch.

From there, experiencing Super-Os from sex, while not being able to replicate it outside of sex seems possible ? Then reproduction would not be in danger. 



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Posted by: @helghast

The trick I guess is when to use it and when to lose it.

Oh I lost it, in the best way possible.  In yesterday’s Progasm Jr.ride, I thought,

“I more belong to it now, than it belongs to me.”

This is absurd- it’s an inanimate object.  But it’s characteristic of a helpful frame of mind.  Retreat into the present and absorb into the flourishing emerging patterns.  Lose it!  Surrender control.

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Posted by: @helghast

Lastly,whilst the ikea pamphlet sounds great,I fear it’ll never work. Each man’s prostate is unique to him and the puzzle to unlock its power must be solved by him and him alone. Some guys can’t work in some positions,some have problems that others don’t,some have mindsets and traits that others don’t.  One must make one’s own instructions.

I think that at least the basic principles could be illustrated. Make it so simple that we are certain that everyone is referring to the exact same things. Once or twice a year, someone makes a post wondering if they are putting the device backwards or not, so nothing is truly obvious.

Like if you pull out a dry Aneros, there's an issue with lube, and it will create problems with mobility and how hard you need to flex. This should be pretty universal ? What else is like this ? 

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Posted by: @helghast

I still don’t think they had super o way back.

Possibly. We can't prove this one way or another. Unless one of the very very few uncorrupted hunter-gatherer societies in South America or a southeast Asian island offered an example where a parallel could be drawn. But what is know, as it's documented, is that both Tantra and Tao practices were aware and at least some did have prostate orgasms and very likely Super-Os as far back as 2,500 hundred years ago, though they were generated with Aless or with energy movement throughout the body or a combination of both. Tantra was aware of direct prostate massage. There are Chinese writings from Tao monasteries to "limit your orgasms to an hour a day." Other sources indicate these practices extended back 4 to 5 thousand years. Beside the hunter-gatherers, we don't know the sexual practices of earlier lost civilizations. 


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You bring up a good point, we don't have data going way back. I'd like to pivot on the "remaining untouched societies", I feel this is a better way to explain what I was going for in the original message.

I would not want to disrupt their society by gifting everyone an Aneros, hehe. But let's say I go there with an interpret, and I want to explain to them how to reach Super-Os, how simple and universal can I make it ? What words and idea could I use that everyone would understand ?

Of course this line of questioning is related to the other sexual response thread, in which I learned that there is no end to how complex we can make things, even for modeling a single orgasm. So we'd never reach a conclusion or clear set of instruction, because there is always more data or systems to study. I can only hope that going the other way of "universally simple" would work. And that's assuming we know how Super-Os work in the first place, so we can then deconstruct it to it's simplest form.  

Is there anything that a "primitive" tribe would lack to achieve Super-Os ? Or do they have advantages compared to us ? Can we use this information ? I think that intuitively, we would know what Super-Os feel like but we stack so many barriers and obstacles on this knowledge that it becomes hard to progress towards that goal. 




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I don’t think prehistoric people were having incredible sex or generally having crazy prostate sensations. I think sex probably went the same way it did in most societies up until recently: Male ejaculation oriented, not pleasure oriented for women or anyone wanting more. There is so much subtle detail involved in learning about one’s own pleasure to the point of having prostate orgasms that I don’t see how this would be possible in societies with oral traditions.  That is, I imagine there were isolated cases, but it certainly wasn’t generalized except in the rare culture where pleasure positive sexuality was incorporated in religion.

In reality most people don’t care much about sexuality. They say they do because everyone likes to think they are sexual bombs. But most people are happy with a very boring sexuality, banal, and certainly not anal. So in a tribe of 100 people, when someone discovers something what are the chances that they even find open ears to pass on the info? I’ve told 10s of men about prostate pleasure, none have had orgasm as far as I know. 

There are plenty of cultures that incorporated sexuality in a sort of dogmatic or rule based way. I remember reading about sexuality in various cultures encountered by Europeans in the 17-18-1900s, and shit gets pretty weird (in good and bad ways, through the subjective lens of a 21st century American, from generalized rape/pedophilia to women controlling who they sleep with).  My takeaway is that nothing was generalized, and you can’t say that “hunter gatherer (or pre-agricultural or pre-industrial) sexuality was X”.

As for Taoist practices, I am curious whether the above-mentioned texts reflect a reality (words are transformed through time and many texts are poorly translated), what the practices were and how many people actually were involved (was Joe Blow working in the rice paddy and taking breaks to explore his prostate pleasure? Probs not).

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I like your answer ! 

Assuming you are right and a prehistoric human has little chance of stumbling on Super-Os by accident, and assuming you spoke their language, could you explain the process to them so they can do the flexes and breathing ? Not saying they would immediately be successful, but is it possible to even explain what a Super-O would feel like, or do we need a more modern setting and written tradition to do this ? 

I agree that lots of people do not seem to explore sexuality very deeply, and they will not even seek MMOs in the first place. I wonder if in a small village of 100 was more open to sharing ideas.. How easy or hard is it to start a trend for a new activity or tradition in such a small society ? 

I feel like at least some Taoist texts (which I don't have a ton of experience with) are maybe describing an ideal situation of what is achievable in a monastery or other setting where people can put a lot of focus on the task, and they're optimistic by nature. I don't think they were expecting Joe Public to follow the same progression with the same ease, but I don't think it was elitist material either. 

