I am Chinese, 34 years old, 5'11'', just bought Aneros MGX, tried a few times, can't slide the thing in even though I put plenty of KY. Just need help from the expert here!
I assume that you are new to anal play? An overly tight sphincter can be the result of several factors. The first is apprehension and anxiety about inserting something anally. As many muscles in the body are sensitive to ones mental state the anus is particularly so. When one is aggravated, frustrated or fearful, anal tension can approach a level similar to rigor, making penetration next to impossible.
If you have deep-seated (negative) attitudes about anal play, you must confront them and to the best of your ability put them aside. Be aware that this is a natural and normal way of pleasuring yourself. and that there is nothing about it that speaks to ones sexual preference. Your body has a multitude of nerve endings in and around your anus and your prostate contains the neurovascular bundle that controls sexual arousal. Indirectly we have all experienced pleasure from these erogenous zones before, in engaging in this form of gratification you are merely availing yourself of them more directly.
Secondly, the anus, just like any other muscle, must be conditioned. One proven method is with a hot shower or bath, using a little digital massage of your anus to relax the musculature. As you may know, the anus is composed of an external and internal sphincter. Begin by massaging your anus externally (without penetration). Slowly work around it's circumference using a light touch. Enjoy the sensations that arise from this. Now using a bit more force shift to a deeper massage (still with no penetration). After this, lightly start to work the anal opening...all the way around. Now slowly experiment with inserting a finger tip. Over time you should be able to work your way up to a full insertion of your finger. Relax and enjoy, and if you find yourself tensing up.....slow down. Once you become accustomed to a fully inserted finger, start to work the internal sphincter.
It may be necessary to repeat this process several times, over several sessions so that your body can gradually accept this kind of penetration. Depending on your progress you may want to try an extra finger or move right on to the Aneros.
Given your problems with insertion in the past, I would strongly suggest prelubrication (a small amount of a thinner liquid lube, eg. KY liquid, introduced with a children's medicine dropper). Prelubrication facilitates insertion and insures that there are no issues with dehydration once your session is underway. It also provides maximum mobility and responsiveness. The Aneros itself should be coated liberally with a thicker gel type lubrication, eg. KY-jelly. As in all cases....go slow, and if you feel yourself tensing up hold the position of the Aneros with your hand, giving your body a moment to relax and become accustomed to it. Once the point of the taper is reach, the unit should actually insert itself.
BF Mayfield
i like how b mayfield tals about the ass...lol..i luv it