I bought a Helix Trident and a Peridise 2-pack. Used them a few times, and now I'm getting uncontrolled aless sessions which are keeping me from getting sleep. Also, they're not all that enjoyable. They're more like uncontrolled abdominal cramping. How do I stop this? I won't be able to go long without sleep.
This happens to me sometimes. Albeit no cramping or soreness. If I have a traditional O, that will help subdue it a little. But it will come back a little as time goes by. It feels good but be careful what you wish for.
Thanks for the response. I’m not sure what you mean by “be careful what you wish for”. I can give up aless if it’s going to disrupt my life.
Be careful what you wish for means, it feels really good & pleasurable but it can come at times you don't want it. IE: at work,in the presence of other people or any time that could be percieved as awkward or embarrassing.
I have frequent A-less experiences - but luckily, they always feel really, really good. And yes - they can come on at inconvenient times - like during staff meetings at work. I can keep them from getting "too pleasurable" at those times, but I'm always tempted to just let them happen and hope I have a really good poker face...
A sure fire way for me to tone down the intensity of my Aless is me to jack off! However, I am left with an Aless that is exquisite. That has been my experience in the last several years.
If I stop using my Aneros completely, will the aless experiences eventually stop? At this point, I’m willing to put a halt to everything.
@WildRide Your experience sounds a lot like mine. I wondered if I would ever get a good night's sleep. Things calmed down within 2 1/2 to 3 weeks. It took a long time to learn to relax but it made a big difference. I no longer get "cramps" and the feelings that occur are very pleasurable. Best wishes.
I would think that a potential 2 1/2 to 3 weeks of no sleep is something the community here should communicate to newbies. I would be a zombie after 3 or 4 days. 3 weeks? I wouldn’t be able to function.
As for it calming down with relaxing, it flared up last night, while I was asleep. I can’t get more relaxed than sleeping.
I have the same issue. If I’ve gone too long without a good wank, it’ll be a noticeable sensation of pressure down there. Most nights it’ll just be mild fluttering and some pleasure waves which I’ve learned to just relax to until I drift off.
I’ve found over time that I’ve gotten into the habit of lying on my right side and enjoying it for a while or until I have an orgasm before switching to my left when I’m ready to sleep.
Look into the military method for falling asleep. With practise it will work in almost any conditions. Most guides online read as though it’s something you should do once in bed, but I’ve found it works fastest if you do it while sitting on the side of the bed. I use it mostly when I know I need to be up early but i’m not quite tired enough to sleep - I usually wake up in the morning with no memory of finishing the exercise and getting fully into bed. It takes focus and patience to perfect - but I don’t think we’re strangers to that here
@WildRide It sounds worse than it actually is. While I was going through it I got worried. My 2 - 3 week time frame was probably just the adjustment period I needed as part of the rewiring process. Everyone is different. You might not take as long. Some never experience sleep loss. Take comfort knowing that as your body gets used to these new feelings your sleep patterns will return to normal. After my first year of using Aneros I started practicing SR (semen retention): no ejaculation for a period of time. I go on average 7 - 12 days without an ejaculation. I also started using Aneros less often - once a week. This seems to work well for me. Your milage may vary, so to speak. The advice in the Forum is very helpful. Read as much as you can. Listen to what your body is telling you. Do take a break from Aneros use if that feels right. You might come back to it later with a different perspective. I had no "success" for several weeks when I started. Then there was the breakthrough and a rewiring period of a few weeks. Now, almost 2 years later, I am enjoying some amazing prostate orgasms, erections like I used to have as a teenager, and traditional ejaculatory orgasms that surpass anything I've ever experienced before. Many good things are on the horizon. Best of luck.
I bought a Helix Trident and a Peridise 2-pack. Used them a few times, and now I'm getting uncontrolled aless sessions which are keeping me from getting sleep.
I'm sorry to hear your body is raising such a ruckus for you. As the above posters have noted, this is probably just a transitory phase of your rewiring. I suspect the intensity will begin to abate shortly but until then there are some measures you can take to help hasten and deepen your sleep.
How do I stop this? I won't be able to go long without sleep.
1.) Get some gentle exercise in before retiring to bed, some thing as simple as a 30 minute walk may help release some of your body tension.
2.) A soak in a hot tub bath or shower before bedtime will help.
3.) You might try taking a melatonin tablet early in the evening to promote a tendency toward sleep.
4.) The traditional advice of a warm glass of milk or a cup of chamomile tea may prove beneficial.
5.) Take a book to bed and read some, this will help divert your mind from thinking about your nattering prostate.
Eventually your prostate will get the message from your body that it needs to back off so you can get your necessary quotient of sleep.
As far as A-less during the day, if you allot time for regular Aneros use during the week and try some Prostate Milking, you may find your prostate becoming much quieter and happier.
Good Vibes to You !
After the aneros awakening my prostate, I also had difficulty sleeping, with spasms not in my prostate - rather in my back and neck. It pretty well freaked me out, lasting for months. Reading about the dangers of kundalini awakening didn't help. Some nights were better than others. I would eventually fall asleep, only sometimes having things come back to life and wake me up. I got less anxious about it when I realized I wasn't going to turn into a complete basket case.
Strangely, after a year or so, once I moved beyond the Super T and achieved Super O, the nightly spasms disappeared from my back and neck. Now, they are in my butt/ass and face/mouth. I've learned to settle in to the sensations and encourage a feeling of bliss. Next thing you know, I am sound asleep. And I'm no longer awakened during the night.
In that early scary stage I certainly wondered if I had made a big mistake. Now past the scary part, five years in, I have no regrets and think every man would benefit, gay and straight, alone or partnered.
Various accounts from this discussion:
- This happens to me sometimes.
- Your experience sounds a lot like mine. I wondered if I would ever get a good night's sleep.
- I have the same issue.
- After the aneros awakening my prostate, I also had difficulty sleeping,
- First month for me was both great and awful. At one point, I had terrible abdominal pain
Plus one more account via PM from someone who still has this exact problem two yrs after stopping Aneros use. So while my experience may not be exactly common, it's also not exactly rare. And it's also not mentioned in the wiki or any of the articles for beginners. Sounds a bit like playing with fire. If I had known about this, I would have taken it MUCH slower. I did a few 2-3 hr sessions right at the beginning. I would have started with 5-10 MINUTE sessions, with days off in between, and slowly increase the duration of the sessions.
From my readings, I was under the impression that aless orgasms were still under your control. That they were controlled via imagery and muscle activation. Not that they could exert control over you when you didn't want it.
Is this part of rewiring? Can it be stopped? Would I be better off with one of the medical massagers from HIH, like say the 950? I would like to experience the benefits to my BPH, and maybe improved orgasms during intercourse with my wife. But not if it comes with debilitating side effects.
Interesting— your post brings up the ethics of advertising (or not) possible negative side side effects of this toy. It seems like a few people have had problems, but then again, many people such as myself didn’t respond to your post because they didn’t have problems (your post currently has 500 views, arguably many double or triple views from the same users, but also many didn't click on your post because the title didn't catch their eye, i.e. it didn't concern them).
Another tricky thing is that the “problem” in some cases might be a case of perception. That is, perhaps what some perceive as pain or nausea others perceive as pleasure or interesting feelings. For example, I had days of persistent aless, especially about three months in, but I reveled in the borderline uncomfortable sensations, though it was distracting and almost nauseating sometimes, just like severe blue balls.
This reminds me of a list I once saw of positive and negative side effects for the drug LSD, where "hallucinations" and "loss of a sense of self" were both on the positive and negative side of the list.
I am not trying to diminish what you and certain others are feeling, and cramps and loss of sleep are no laughing matter. Should it be in the literature, "communicated to newbies" like you say? Like anything people try, there should be full disclosure (though that is rarely the case). But people have a tendency to focus a lot on negative effects. I know I avoid non-essential pharmaceuticals because of the possible side effects (loss of libido? no way!). People are already incredibly hesitant to put something up their butt, so adding a list of possible negative side effects or caveats could turn away a lot of potential users away.
And reading the responses, it sounds like it was just a hump to get over in the beginning, and like @OntheJourney says, there are "many good things on the horizon".
I know I have had many sex injuries, from persistent anal soreness (several days) to cuts and bruises, as well as lack of sleep from extended sex and cuddling. In these cases the good far outweighs the bad. You will probably find that is the case with prostate play, if you continue.
I think it has to do with how common and serious these problems actually are, whether they should be advertised on the wiki page, for example. Unfortunately there are no large studies of prostate play, and there probably won't be for a very long time. Someone like @rumel with his years of reading posts might have an idea of how common the problems are and if, for ethical reasons, he thinks they should be stated on the wiki page or elsewhere.
From my readings, I was under the impression that aless orgasms were still under your control. That they were controlled via imagery and muscle activation. Not that they could exert control over you when you didn't want it.
IMHO, limiting the duration of your initial Anerosessions to 5-10 minutes would not have made a difference, it just would have extended the awakening process timeline. To a certain extent A-less orgasms are under your control, just as you can control your breathing (to a certain extent) but you can't stop the natural functions of your body. Awakening your prostate is akin to ringing a bell, you can't unring a bell but the vibrations released will eventually be disipated to a point of undetectability. Likewise, if you cease stimulating your prostate it will eventually quiet down to subconscious levels of vibration. How long that calming down period lasts will vary from individual to individual. The intensity of the original vibrations will also vary from individual to individual.
In your situation, the awakening has been rather intense, this is uncommon but not unheard of. You may be experiencing a Kundalini awakening which can manifest in a number of ways. If that is the case for you then I'd suggest you STOP USING YOUR ANEROS MODELS NOW and consult a Kundalini Yoga guru for instructions on how to regain direction in your life. There is no point in enduring a frustrating existence of discomfort inflicted by your own body's energy. Kundalini Rising is a very real phenomenon and not something to be ignored as your psyche is deeply involved in the situation. This Forum is not the best source of information for dealing with such issues.
Is this part of rewiring? Can it be stopped? Would I be better off with one of the medical massagers from HIH, like say the 950?
Temporary periods of 'butt buzz' are quite common for newbies who have awakened their prostates and begun the rewiring journey. As I noted above you usually have some control to limit the extent of the perceived energy flow, mental focus on other activities usually suffices to quiet the energy eddys around your prostate but you can't totally stop these life force energies. Changing massagers will not reset your body back to a sleeping prostate. You've awakened a powerful part of your being and now you are going to have to learn to deal with it.
I would like to experience the benefits to my BPH, and maybe improved orgasms during intercourse with my wife. But not if it comes with debilitating side effects.
I sympathize with your issues. It seems to me you should refrain from Aneros use for the time being and see if your physical issues abate. If they haven't significantly lessened after 7-10 days then you may have an actual medical condition causing the abdominal distress and a doctors consultation may be in order. If there is nothing physically identifiable as a cause then kundalini rising syndrome may be at work and a qualified guru should be consulted to get you on a positive path of discipline.
Interesting— your post brings up the ethics of advertising (or not) possible negative side side effects of this toy.
... Another tricky thing is that the “problem” in some cases might be a case of perception. That is, perhaps what some perceive as pain or nausea others perceive as pleasure or interesting feelings.
... cramps and loss of sleep are no laughing matter. Should it be in the literature, "communicated to newbies" like you say?
These are all valid points. When we were writing the Aneros WIKI we wanted to provide as much scientifically valid information as we could and avoided getting into esoteric concepts such as kundalini energy for fear of alienating some readers or giving the appearance of endorsing some religion or cult.
The Aneros WIKI does touch upon some of the possible negatives on the Health Issues page, perhaps it is time to add some reference to Kundalini Rising as another possible issue. I would be interested in seeing anybody's write up of this topic for possible inclusion in the WIKI. You can start a new thread in the Aneros Wiki Forum.
Good Vibes to You !
One more sleepless night, followed by a night of good sleep. I have stopped using my Aneros for 5 days now.
Thanks for the responses.
@WildRide I am glad to hear you had a good night's sleep. I wasn't aware that some people had such an extended period of sleeplessness (months or years). I can't imagine surviving something like that. Best wishes.
To gnawdol's points: I find that when I get into the a-less groove, the orgasms seems to take over - it's like they're having me instead of me having them. And they'll continue as long as my body will participate -- which can be several hours. "Agony of orgasmic euphoria" --- yup. That's it to a T. On the other side of that coin, I find I'll go through long periods of time (weeks and even months) where even my helix can't spark the bliss. I sometimes wonder if my subconscious stands in the way to keep me from getting into a situation where I cannot stop. While parts of me desires that very much, it's probably for the best.
@rumel When you say "butt buzz", are you talking about that occasional feeling I get in my lower gut, feels like a weed high in my sigmoid? Or is that something else?
Walking around at work with a bit of Aless today. It's from a session I had a couple days ago. When I sit down it slowly builds up in waves. And it feels wonderful !!! At night if I sleep on my side I can get to sleep. I seems to subside.
Haven't used my Aneros in over a week now. Sleep is still sporadic. The "aless sessions"... I'm not really experiencing what most describe here as aless. Mostly I get an elevated heart rate, and stomach cramps. Is there any chance that using an Aneros could stop this? Or will using one only result in worse symptoms?
If I were to start having Aneros session at say, 6 am for a few mornings, would that train my body (prostate) not to expect "fun time" until 6 am in the morning?
Like others above, I'd advocate not worring and let things pass. That will stop.
I experienced that too on the very beginning of my journey (2years ago), Alesses all day finally causing pelvic pain.
When I removed my toy before going to sleep, after a good session, often Alesses would happen. That's rare now.
An other thing : prostate pleasure is not about controlling and stopping things, but rather relax, accept and enjoy.
I would be perfectly happy to accept the involuntary sessions if they didn’t start up when I go to bed. First thing in the morning, middle of the day... fine. When I need to get to sleep so I can go to work the next day... not so good. Do the aless sessions increase right after an Aneros sessions? If I were to do Aneros sessions in the morning, Would that cause aless sessions earlier in the day?
BTW, last night, it seemed like another aless was going to keep me awake all night, but it died down after about 10 minutes. I slept fine, then had an enjoyable aless when I woke up. I would perfectly happy if that would continue.
I bought a Helix Trident and a Peridise 2-pack. Used them a few times, and now I'm getting uncontrolled aless sessions which are keeping me from getting sleep. Also, they're not all that enjoyable. They're more like uncontrolled abdominal cramping. How do I stop this? I won't be able to go long without sleep.
This DID happen to me in the beginning. It is part of the rewiring process. Mine subsided over time. Now I can have them when I want to. It'll get better. Hang in there.
Mine actually started after I had to quit the aneros due to an accident.
About two or three weeks after I was laid up, I began being awakened almost every night with various contractions and sensations. However, I enjoyed the distraction from my situation.
Seems somebody didn’t like being ignored.
People who have involuntary aless sessions - do you use the "do nothing" method, or lots of contractions?