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How to have Energy Orgasms

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This post and the combination of other helped me reach my first superO!

I used to smoke weed everyday (multiple times) until i stopped for about a week. I would usually be already high before the session, and smoke more during a session, and even after session. Most of my sessions felt mildly pleasurable but nothing out of the ordinary, light buzzing, some aneros movemenrs, with leaking precum, and a desire to wanna touch myself.

After stop smoking for few days I stumbled upon one of the first sober aneros session, this was new and interesting feelings I tried the breathing technique from the link and had good sensations but nothing out of my norm. I thought this was going to be it and decided to smoke a little bit of weed and go to sleep with the aneros inside me.

Oh boy, after the weed i tried the breathing technique, and this time i felt my entire body buzzing with my breath, and slowly and slowly i was able to move my good energy chakra to my third eye and this is when i felt like i was having an out of body experience. My cock was rock hard and my PC muscle was flexing on its own and creating involuntary movements. I thought I should try to relax my PC muscles and just all of my muscles in general and this is when the superO started slipping (now I see why everyone else says “You need a slight contraction” during a superO). So I decided to let my muscles to just guide the energy and do whatever it want.

Following week I had a similar session, 30 mins of sober session, than some weed and omg, it was insane. I was able to see my third eye if that makes sense. I had my eyes closed but the energy inside my head drew an outline of an eye on my forehead and my entire body was feeling the energy pulsing according to the movements of the aneros

Again thank you for this post, idk if i could of ever done it without the article
