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how to get past feeling good to an orgasm?

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After several hour long sessions, I'm stumped how to move past the feeling good stage to orgasm. It seem to be stimulating my prostate well, it feels good for extended time periods, but there is no getting to an orgasm. How to I get past this?

Thanks for your help!

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That's the 50 million dollar question, and it's a subject that's been discussed a lot on the forum. I'd recommend looking back through older threads, I'm sure you'll find some interesting ideas. I know that sounds a bit dismissive - but there's just so much of it, and it is a great read. I go through the old stuff pretty regularly, because my impression of it changes as my experience does - some detail here, an interesting choice of words there.

Anyway, what might be helpful is to challenge some of your own assumptions and expectations. And this may sound like nit-picking, but...
I'm stumped how to move past the feeling good stage to orgasm.

You assume here that there are distinct stages, and that some effort or action is required to move between them.

My experience is that it doesn't leap dramatically between stages, but morphs around imperceptibly. I've never gotten to a place where I was thinking "Oh shit, here it comes, oh, oh! OH! OOOOHHH!!!!". I don't see it coming. Every place of orgasmic intensity is just a 1% increase on what I was feeling before. It can still climb high enough to cross that threshold of "Yep, I'm definitely having an orgasm", but it's not a push to get there, and I don't have to jump the last little gap.

If you're thinking "Well this is nice, but I want something else... something more", you might be missing what's right in front of you. Maybe the "something more" isn't "something else", but exactly what you have now, except it needs to grow.

As men, I don't think we're used to that. We expect the pleasure to spike suddenly into orgasm, but it doesn't have to happen that way. I know I've gotten to points where it feels good and something inside me just wants to "cum right now", so it stops what it's doing, and starts scanning the horizon for the approaching peak it's so used to. It stops doing what was working.

It's weird to reach orgasm smoothly, without that sudden spike, it really is. But you have to trust that it can happen, and keep your shit together while it does.
A mindset I've used is to pretend I've been transported into the body of a woman for a few hours, and tell myself that I don't know how to orgasm with this equipment, but I'm willing to be patient and explore it.

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Clenchy, what a perceptive post! I would agree with most of what you said. My O's recently are never "exactly" the same (like an ejaculation, you pretty much know what's coming). Every Super-O seems to have little "nuances" that did not appear in a previous one. Consequently, a future one will probably be a little different (the 1% factor?). That is what keeps it so intriguing and so interesting. Even my 'out-of-body' and 'altered state' experiences have not been the same. Interesting to fantasize about being a female; I'll have to try it!

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couldn't have said it better! Your post is so dead-on - well done!

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@Clenchy is spot on.

It's all about concentration if not actual meditation. You have to look for the orgasm and grab onto it with your mind, and believe it's happening, and for me anyway it grows from there. You have to stop your inner voice saying 'are we there yet?' and let your body do it's own thing.
Also the more you want it the less likely you are to get it, a detached couldn't care less attitude can work wonders. And once you feel the smallest spark of orgasmic feeling concentrate on it, focus on where it's coming from and how good it is, and above all enjoy it and want it (but don't crave it), and believe it can happen.

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@Clenchy - this is a really good description!

What I find interesting, is when you get to the point of having O's, and you think you have it dialed in, things change. It's an interesting process.


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Clenchy, what a perceptive post! I would agree with most of what you said. My O's recently are never "exactly" the same (like an ejaculation, you pretty much know what's coming). Every Super-O seems to have little "nuances" that did not appear in a previous one. Consequently, a future one will probably be a little different (the 1% factor?). That is what keeps it so intriguing and so interesting. Even my 'out-of-body' and 'altered state' experiences have not been the same. Interesting to fantasize about being a female; I'll have to try it!

talking about *out of body* i've been having sleep paralysis almost every night since i've been trying to achieve a great orgasm,(probably from all the meditation) , Haven't found them enjoyable tho.I start to get really cold and hear this high pitch noise.

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Thanks guys, I suppose it's nothing that hasn't already been said in one form or another, but I would also add - leave no stone unturned when it comes to experimenting with contractions, positions, nipple stimulation, etc. There are so many different kinds of pleasure, and ways your body can respond to it. And maybe when you find that new kind of pleasure, you can let that kind grow, and maybe it'll be easier than the type you're working with now.

I really think different parts of the anatomy need to be woken up and wired-in to the experience. It's easy to say things like "do nothing" and "let it happen" when you're already wired just right, because at that point it really is all you have to do. But I think there might be other developmental hurdles along the way, that nobody talks about because they're long-forgotten, or were passed without even noticing.

Just thought I should bring some balance into this... I'd hate to talk someone out of exploring the physical/mechanical side too. It might take a new technique to stimulate some new sensation into existence... for your mind to learn of such a sensation and listen for it in future.
I'd also hate to create an environment where there's only one correct answer to this question, that pushes competing ideas out by consensus.

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Yeh, well said @Clenchy , My body is fairly new to this, For the mental aspect , During a session, I catch myself fantasizing about having an orgasm instead of enjoying wut is happening right now, I think concentrating on wut is actually happening at the moment is important to make progress. Fantasizing about having an orgasm seems to be extremely counter productive.(like you said)
Same rule apply's whit life itself, if you fantasize about something, it won't magically appear, you have to keep going, living the present at its fullest, without even noticing , you will have everything you desire come to you, such as the law of attraction.

Therefore, I've come to the conclusion that the super-O is highly connected to the body, mind and soul relationship that one person has.

Probably why only a small % of people experience Super O's, specially in a world were stress and negativity is everywhere.

I think the progress to condition yourself to achieve super O's as more then just pleasure too offer, but also the peace of mind, body and soul.( happiness, well-being ,health, ect.) , so far it's been quite a 3rd eye opening experience for me, a deeper spiritual awakening.

Maybe life itself was born from an orgasm 😉

Btw, I love this community, Best one i've found so far, I wish great results to all 🙂


Here's a interesting link to help out whit the relaxation progress, it's basically the 7 chakra's, if you learn to master them and opening them all at the same time, the energie flow will travel true alot more naturally, leading to the possibility of full body orgasms.

Ancient Egyptian Sexual Ankhing (orgasm) , also VERY interesting, worth the 5 minutes to read.

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@Clenchy, I have experienced very similar sensation. It is gradual and requires a lot of concentration and technique. It's new and unusual and most of the time the frustration of not feeling closer to an orgasm kills the vibe. So far I never had some as strong as the orgasm I can get at the end of a session when I jerk off but I can definitively say it's more than just a tickle. I wonder how strong it can be. I am still expecting some thing uncontrollable that make you moan. I haven't tried my aneros in a while. Might try again! 🙂
By the way, eating pot edible greatly helped find the way to properly stimulate the prostate. I take a small dose, enough to feel enhanced sensation but not too much otherwise I can't really concentrate. I can easily reach back the point where I was until the frustration of no orgasm killed everything.

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So far I never had some as strong as the orgasm I can get at the end of a session when I jerk off but I can definitively say it's more than just a tickle. I wonder how strong it can be. I am still expecting some thing uncontrollable that make you moan.
Oh it can be at least as intense as a traditional orgasm. The nature of it is different... the pleasure might start in one area or another, it might move in a different way or at an unexpected speed. Which is why I think you have to open yourself to the possibility of something entirely new and unimaginable. It's easier said than done, but there'll be a session some time, where you'll find you've stopped caring about the orgasm, and you're just lost in the moment, and a sensation will start to pull you down... and one of the times that happens, you're going to let it pull you down... and you'll see how close you were all along.

I still haven't been forced by pleasure to moan against my will... but the possibility is always intriguing. 😀

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