How to end a sessio...
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How to end a session?!

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Hi everybody! 🙂

I'm in for about a year. During this time I learned to get very intensive orgasmic feelings using KSMO or Aneros device. Usually such orgasms are much more intensive than my ejaculatory orgasms. (Needless to say how much they longer). It's wonderfull!

But remains something that disturbs, frustrates me and is absolutely not clear: how to "manage" the end of MO session?

Somewhere I saw a graph drawn by Jack Johnston (KSMO discoverer) depicting alteration of arousal during the MMO session. Due to this graph (and my experience) arousal grows, stopping on plateaus. Well... --

Till the end of session when it subsides. As well as I understand (and hope), this part of graph expresses the full satisfaction, pacification and serenity achieved as a result of session. And this time it's not so about my experience...

By me there are two kinds of a session completion:

1) Sometimes after achieving a number of just crazy orgasms I understand somehow: it's time to stop. Everytime it's a bit frustrating. I need to force myself to stop. But after a shot time I relax and fall asleep peacefully, (Most of my sessions occur at night). -- This way it happens rarely. And does not guarantee that in a couple of hours I wouldn't wake up with the unbearable desire to continue which will lead to described at par.2.

2) I reach crest of arousal one after another. But sooner or later I'm forced to discontinue the practice without finding a way out. Being understandably gravely frustrated.

In fact this or another way -- the practice gives me a lot. -- But very rarely if not never it leads to a state of pacification and serenity that I've experienced after ejaculatory orgasms.

I am very interested about experience of others! Any thoughts on this issue.

Somebudy feels things like me? Maybe it's a norm and the only problem is that without an ejaculotary orgasm at the end of every session it's impossible to reach full and prolonged satisfaction?

Maybe it's my individual feature? -- I suppose this type of orgasm to be very close to female's one. And type of women that are constantly aroused not being able to come to reach climax is well known.


PS Sorry for my English. 🙂

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i also would like to know the answer to this

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Hey @Pronto,

I am very interested about experience of others! Any thoughts on this issue.

Somebudy feels things like me? Maybe it's a norm and the only problem is that without an ejaculotary orgasm at the end of every session it's impossible to reach full and prolonged satisfaction?

Unfortunately I can't help you much with this. Never had the problem that I wanted to stop, but my body kept going. It's rather the other way around for me. In my sessions I'm mostly on a (semi-)orgasmic plateau with orgasm rushing over in irregular intervals. After 90-120 mins I just get exhausted and the orgasm become smaller and the intervals between them get longer. At some point I decide to switch to the ejaculative path. I do that by pulling the foreskin back and putting the frenulum under stress. By doing that, my brain somehow switches and rubbing the prostate (either with the aneros or a dildo) leads do a very satisfying ejaculation. That feels very natural to me and I almost never end aneros sessions w/o an ejaculation. It just seems like the pefect way, because the post orgasmic drug-cocktail kills the arousal and you can go on with your daily business uncallenged.

I do end my a-less session w/o ejaculations though. But that's mostly because I often do them when going to bed and thus, drift from session to sleep easily. Furthermore, my a-less tend to be more mini-o-ish, so it's easier to calm down from them.

If I remember right, there a plenty of users here that swear on ending their sessions w/o an ejaculation. Would be interesting what they have to say about this topic.

Cheers, Unfug

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I usually end my sessions w/o ejaculation. However, I usually have a powerful "aftershock" several hours later. This ends up as a rock-hard erection with a series of contractions and a "pumping" action of the prostate. An ejaculation is inevitable for me.

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What you have described is a very typical response, especially for newbies. Anerosessions are physically stimulating to not only the prostate but to the related genital organs as well, causing them to engorge with blood, enervate the associated nerves and swell the organs with fluids further heightening sensitivity. The traditional ejaculatory orgasm provides resolution to this buildup by dissipating the energy through muscle spasms and draining fluids from the prostate, Cowper's gland and seminal vesicles.

While learning to achieve MMO's is a wonderful skill it does not provide the sense of completion/finality/resolution brought on by the release of the hormone prolactin due to ejaculation. This can leave you in a somewhat frustrated state if you continually expect to obtain that release following dry orgasm(s).

Here are a few ways of dealing with this. 1.) Induce a traditional ejaculation, this will trigger the traditional prolactin release and the onset of the male refractory period. Be aware, however, this also affects other hormonal releases and can temporarily set back your subsequent arousal levels to sub-normal levels. I don't recommend doing this at the end of an Anerosession unless you are well experienced in generating Aneros induced orgasms alone. 2.) Accept the energy circulatiing in your body as the natural consequence of orgasmic activity, this is your Chi, a loving reminder of your surging life force. Embrace this state of being as your new natural state of existence. 3.) Instead of inducing a traditional ejaculation, occasionally wind down an Anerosession with a prostate 'milking'. For some men this is a natural occurrence from their Anerosession itself, for others it may require some additional manual manipulation from a different type of tool such as the 'Pure Wand'. 'Milking' allows for the release of the fluid pressure in the glands without triggering the negative effects of the prolactin release. This can provide substantial relief from your high orgasmic energy frustration.

Good Vibes to You!

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@Unfug, @goldenboy, @rumel! A lot of thanks for your responces!

Sorry for delay. -- I was waiting for notifications from server but for unknown reason they did not come. Only today I got idea to check for replies manually. 🙂

Of course I understand that described problem can be solved by ejaculating from time to time. (And yes, @Unfug, -- yet being a child I figured out how to manage this! 🙂 But unfortunately conventional orgasm is not an option at my situation.

Let me explain. I am 50 now, married to my wife for more than 25 years. Thanks to G-d we have a lot of children at the age from 5 to 29. The trouble is that several years ago my wife became seriously ill. in particular her illness doesn't allow us to have sex. What makes matters worse is that for religious reasons neither sex with other women nor masturbation are unacceptable for me. An opportunity to leave my wife and children in such circumstances is unacceptable for me as well...

About a year ago when the situation seemed quite hopeless and I was absolutely exhausted by my forced celibacy, -- I discovered the KSMO-seminar and website of Aneros. The idea that orgasm can be separated from ejaculation seemed to me resquing. From the very first attempts, I feeled a huge relief. And with practicing more learned to even more regularly. --

I hoped (and still hope) that that the described in my 1st message problem about "sense of finality" it somehow solved without ejaculation also. -- From available (particularly @rumel's) replies it follows that rathe no. Well, that are bad news for me.

...a plenty of users here that swear on ending their sessions w/o an ejaculation. Would be interesting what they have to say about this topic.

@Unfug, Can you please provide some nicks of such people? I would ask them to comment on this post directly.

@rumel! Special thanks for such detailed, interesting and qualified answer!

2.) Accept the energy circulatiing in your body as the natural consequence of orgasmic activity, this is your Chi, a loving reminder of your surging life force. Embrace this state of being as your new natural state of existence.This idea occurred to me. Once I've even succeeded in something like that. -- At the end of the session -- right spontaneously -- I realized that should meditate. It was late at night but (thanks to the Aneros-session) I was full of energy. I started meditation and came to some very special state of complete inner peace and satisfaction.
But that was only once. All other time I didn't feel that meditation (of my level) is able to heal my level of frustration.

3) ...prostate 'milking'. For some men this is a natural occurrence from their Anerosession itself...I'm not sure about what is exactly "prostate milking". But during each session due to massage of prostate by Aneros my penis pours out a lot of precum. Sometimes I enforce the pressure of device by hand that leads to even more intensive precum outflow. If that's what you mean by "prostate milking", it does not provide relief, unfortunately.

Thank you all! Be well!

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I'm not sure about what is exactly "prostate milking".While the term prostate "massage” and prostate "milking” are often used interchangeably, I believe there is a distinct difference we can identify. Prostate “massage” is the act of stimulating/manipulating the prostate gland for pleasure or medical purposes, it may or may not lead to release of fluids or cause an orgasm. Prostate “milking” is the release of fluids as a direct result of prostate “massage”. The Aneros devices are prostate "massagers”, they may or may not be used as “milking” devices depending on the individuals involved.

Self “milking” with the Aneros via ‘hands free’ manipulation is difficult as one usually needs to be very relaxed for the ejaculatory ducts to open and allow the fluids to flow out of the prostate. The stronger, more vigorous, muscular contractions needed to effectively move the massager create a level of tension which is antithetical to the relaxation of the gland ducts. It is possible to train the various muscle groups to simultaneously relax and contract to accomplish a “milking” but it will take practice. It is unnecessary to employ strong muscle contractions with your Aneros use as a “massager” to generate orgasmic feelings, hence you can employ it for many hours without triggering a “milking” response.

'Milking' your prostate of seminal fluids can be learned. You can read a short paragraph about Prostate Milking in the “Your Body” chapter of the Aneros WIKI. You can read a longer treatise on prostate milking technique and issues from Lady Lubyanka. There is also a well written blog by Andr. titled HOW TO MILK A BULL which gives step by step descriptions of the process.

My own experience has revealed the conditions need to be 'right' to accomplish a true "milking" using your Aneros and without using your hand to manipulate the massager. Generally, you need to be highly aroused, your prostate needs to be full and engorged due to arousal (an erect penis from edging is helpful but not mandatory). You should be on the high excitement plateau just before reaching the PONR (Point of No Return), then using your sphincter and PC muscles start performing very strong, rhythmic, slow paced contractions with total relaxation between contractions. It is important to maintain your arousal level, through penile stimulation if necessary, but don't take yourself to the point of ejaculatory inevitability (PONR). This may take a long time and be somewhat strenuous but you will eventually get the ejaculatory ducts to open and the drip, drip, drip of prostatic fluid. The process may not yield much fluid nor be intensely pleasurable in relationship to the amount of energy expended, it can be done, but Aneros devices (regardless of model or size) may not be the best tools for this particular activity. The best tool I've found for performing a real self "milking" is the Njoy 'Pure Wand'. I suspect having a professional masseuse do this would be much more pleasant as you could really just relax into the pleasurable release to be had, it would be even better if you were able to have your wife perform this function for you as it would strengthen the ties of intimacy between you.
Good Vibes to You !

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@ProntoGlad you are getting good feelings out of your aneros use! I know personally what it's like to have a wife that has fallen ill, and I hope she is doing good and you are too.

I knew exactly what to say in a reply to your original post, but when I read that your religion does not allow you to masturbate I am unable to say what I wanted. I would tell you that yes, I end nearly every aneros/prostate orgasm session with a traditional orgasm with the aneros or different toy in my ass so that it stimulates my prostate when I cum. It is the most intense and powerful orgasm I can regularly have, it is completely draining and is a huge relief, it empties my prostate of every single drop of semen and fluid that has built up, and after that I don't want to do ANYTHING!!!

But you are unable to do this. You have not specified your religious practice and I am one to not ask or ever feel concerned with the religions people practice, but I have to say this:

If you are allowed to use a toy in your ass to satisfy yourself sexually, but not masturbate your penis to an ejaculatory orgasm, then you practice a religion that sounds pretty open to sexual acts that are forbidden in some religions (anal related anything), yet restrictive on sexual acts that are not forbidden (like masturbation of the penis).

Based on your situation, I would do prostate milking exactly as @Rumel explains. I milk my prostate maybe 50% of all sessions with g-spot dildos and it is wonderful. It is a very neat feeling. I don't have an orgasm when fluid comes out of my penis as I milk my prostate, but the feeling of it traveling through me, up my penis and out is really interesting and unique. It is also quite relieving to feel and makes me feel really good! I would try milking if I were you, having the release of semen/seminal fluid/prostate fluid through the manual stimulation of your prostate is probably the closest you can get to an ejaculation that you are allowed to do with your religion.

Good luck and let us know how you are doing as you continue forward!!!

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@Unfug, Can you please provide some nicks of such people? I would ask them to comment on this post directly.
Unfortunately I can not. I'm active in the forum for roughly 8-9 months now, so I'm not really a veteran. It was just my general impression. As far as I rembember, many (but not all) of the advocates of semen retention, rely on the teachings of Mantak Chia. He teaches some kind of Neo-Daoism and although I find some of his ideas and excercises very promising, I don't like the general agenda. You may search the forum for his name to find the according threads, Don't use the inbuild search (a bit crappy) though, but google:

" A">site: Mantak Chia"

Cheers, Unfug

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@techpump, @Unfug, Thanks for your answers! @rumel Thank you very much for detailed answer and especially for great links you have provided! I'll try to to sort it all out.

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@rumel, would you say you recommend the Njoy Pure Wand over the Therawand or Therawand Premium (honey dipper) and if so, why?


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@rumel, would you say you recommend the Njoy Pure Wand over the Therawand or Therawand Premium (honey dipper) and if so, why?

@Pareidolia, Both TheraWand models will function essentially the same as the Pure Wand. I don't have the Premium TheraWand model but it looks like it might be a bit more comfortable to use than the Essential model due to its smaller shaft size [5/8"Ø which is approximately the same diameter as the mid point of the Pure Wand]. I prefer the Pure Wand for a couple of reasons. 1.) The heft of the Stainless steel feels nice. 2.) I like the larger rounded knobs at the ends as they feel more comfortable in use than the more pointed end of the TheraWand.
Good Vibes to You !

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