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How to deal with no refractory period?!

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since Last Friday
i have decided to replace my usual traditional orgasm with prostate orgasm and see how far i could go
Damn, i could not even last a full week. I have been using aneros everyday since then because my body is constantly in 'horny', tingling state and I could not bring myself out of that since prostate orgasm has no refractory period. It gives me a blue balls sensation so bad that i asked my wife to massage my prostate internally for a good 1 hr last night. I did have some relief from the milking but that does not help long enough, Now i am back with all the tingling sensation over my body!
What should i do? go for exercise? or just masturbate the hell out of it? argggg help

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@veon I too get blue balls and prostate stim alone feels good but will not relieve it. I read that it will subside on its own, but frankly I can't go a day or two with the agony. I (and you) need to ejaculate and that will help immediately. In the meantime, I would suggest continuing on your "semen retention" path but don't immediately shoot-for-broke. Ease into the "21-day no ejaculation challenge". Being horny most of the time in male chastity, I find that I can't arouse myself (except for the night-time erections) without bringing on blue balls (if I don't ejaculate). I mark my calendar when my last ejaculation occurred. Typically now I can go 7-10 days or unless my wife has other plans for me (lol). Like you, I like the horny feeling I get when I don't have to endure a refractory period. Last time I had one (due to intense, long foreplay and ejaculation) I was wiped-out for about 2 days (thanks to my wife). You will get through this; just set your sight not too far down the road! Good luck and keep posting!

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since Last Friday
i have decided to replace my usual traditional orgasm with prostate orgasm and see how far i could go
Damn, i could not even last a full week. I have been using aneros everyday since then because my body is constantly in 'horny', tingling state and I could not bring myself out of that since prostate orgasm has no refractory period. It gives me a blue balls sensation so bad that i asked my wife to massage my prostate internally for a good 1 hr last night. I did have some relief from the milking but that does not help long enough, Now i am back with all the tingling sensation over my body!
What should i do? go for exercise? or just masturbate the hell out of it? argggg help

Semen retention is not a helpful thing for everyone. You need to experiment and find out what YOUR ideal time between ejaculations is. For me around 14 days seems to be the sweet spot for maximum arousal. You don't want to be too horny, but you do want to be sufficiently aroused during your sessions. Arousal starts to gradually drop off after day 14 and my orgasms tend to be less intense. It take a few days to build back up to more intense orgasm after ejaculating.

Another thing I have noticed after obtaining for 14-21 days is the refractory period has a delay of sorts before it kicks in. If I ejaculate the next day again, or twice the same day The refractory period is heightened and it take more time to build back up to maximum arousal (and orgasm intensity). I am almost 40, so younger/older guys your mileage may vary.

I used to have a habit of wanting to ejaculate after almost every session, especially after weak or dud sessions. I stopped doing that several months back and I feel it has helped me progress and have more reliable and consistent orgasms.

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The aneros doesn't give me blue balls unless I edge and don't if you are edging try not to

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The aneros doesn't give me blue balls unless I edge and don't if you are edging try not to

This! I only had one severe case of blue balls so far and it was due to edging. To me it felt, as if some semen left the testis and was then stuck in the epididymis from where it couldn't go back and applied pressure on the epididymis which was causing the pain. After I ejaculated, the pain stuck around for another 30 mins. - really unsettling moment.

Cheers, Unfug

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I'm with @brucemarkland on this one. I have found that edging for me without ejaculation is inviting a good case of blue balls. So all my chastity play and prostate stim now is done essentially without any penile edging (but I want to so badly). If I take it too far and don't ejaculate I am asking for trouble. If you've ever had blue balls you know the feeling.

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Yes, I too find that edging is a recipe for blue balls or congestion as my doctor has called it - congestion of the prostate, seminal vesicles etc. So, if blue balls is a problem, have aneros sessions but don't go beyond this into the edging zone - you will have to discover how much stimulation to give yourself without it being too much. My experience is if I avoid touching my penis, avoid porn, avoid erotic thoughts, keep my thoughts clinical and medical, then I can indulge in prostate stimulation without it getting into edging or wanting to ejaculate. I have had good results with milking of the prostate and seminal vesicles which is different than massage but related - the end goal is especially different. For me that means a large release of fluid but without an orgasm, although there is a pleasant feeling and a sensation of peace and bliss. After a good milking there are no blue balls, no refractory period either. Depending on my milking technique, I may empty the seminal vesicles, the prostate or both. With respect to seminal retention, it is something that men should experiment with - it is individual so each man may have their own optimal release period - and of course that can vary depending on your goals. In my younger years, I followed the "...after 9 days, I let the horse run free because the desert had turned to see ..." [America - Horse with No Name] as I found that refraining from ejaculation for 9 days was my optimal. Optimal from the point of having energy, motivation, decreased shyness etc. with blue balls just starting. Longer than 9 days and blue balls set in, medication was then needed and libido crashed. These days I just refrain period - prostate stimulation / massage, wet dreams and milkings.

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@brucemarkland @goldenboy
Hmm..sorry i could not get what do you mean by edging w/o ejaculation? From my understanding, edging usually means to stop before an orgasm. For my case, i did have a few prostate orgasms without any penile stim.

@busdrvr yep, i agreed that retention is not good. To make matter worse, i am having a small epididymal cyst LOL. I planned to take this opportunity to experiment to see whether prostate orgasm without ejaculation for 2-3 weeks will have any impact on the size of my cyst as I have an upcoming follow-up with my uro to check the cyst size at end of this month

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For me, edging is where I am teasing myself as if I am trying to achieve an orgasm with ejaculation, but I stop in time to avoid ejaculation. If by contrast I am using a prostate device with the intent of having some nice sensations and medically helping my prostate, but no intent to have an earth shattering orgasm with or without ejaculation, then that [for me] would not be edging - even if some dry orgasms just so happen to sneak up on me. For me, edging is getting your body all geared up to have a big orgasm and a big release of fluid [ejaculation] then telling your body - oops, changed my mind. Others may have a different view of edging, but this is my take on it.

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While cuddling with my wife last night (she was ready), I was only at Day 7 of SR and I had no intention of going-off. So I down-shifted into low and cooled myself off. It worked! Today I am at Day 8, horny as hell and no blue balls! This is one way not to edge! BTW, for me edging to blue balls goes beyond just producing some precum. I know because my penis grows larger, is preparing itself for ejaculation and I can feel it coming. Stopping at that point surely will bring-on blue balls.

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Having joined the ranks of other widowers, I recently decided to roll the dice a bit and develop some new relationships. In the course of checking out my current capabilities/characteristics I've pretty much played most of the cards discussed above and have put my collection of Fleshlight sleeves to work to support a variety of edging tasks). I am "edging-for-stamina" to get a better handle on dosing with Viagra etc. etc.

Some of what's said above dovetails with my current experience. However, I give myself a bit of slack with mental adjustments for age.

As I read through the thread I note that we haven't considered the possible effect of Vasectomy on Blue Balls. I was 'snipped' over 40 years ago when the surgery was in its infancy and I was told at the time that I wouldn't experience anything out of the ordinary once the initial scars were healed. I think that proved true. Generally, I don't get Blue Balls from any semen retention save for an occasional elbow strike when jumping to dunk a Basketball.

Even though sperm make up a miniscule volume/mass of what's in semen, perhaps they have some effects we may be overlooking. So perhaps it might be worthwhile to augment this thread with a Vasectomy poll. OTOH, the real objective here is Prostate stimulation and Blueball effects may not be of any concern. ... rook

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Hmm, I don't think I've ever experienced blue balls. I've not had a vasectomy, I'm young and want children one day.

I'm curious why I don't seem to have any issues with semen retention at all. I'm on a 9 day streak and I feel almost no urge to masturbate at all, yet I'm clearly very aroused and had an almost painfully hard erection earlier today. Maybe there's a connection between blue balls and sex drive? I've always had a low sex drive.

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Hmm, I don't think I've ever experienced blue balls. I've not had a vasectomy, I'm young and want children one day.

I'm curious why I don't seem to have any issues with semen retention at all. I'm on a 9 day streak and I feel almost no urge to masturbate at all, yet I'm clearly very aroused and had an almost painfully hard erection earlier today. Maybe there's a connection between blue balls and sex drive? I've always had a low sex drive.

I am almost 40 and too don't seem to have a problem with blue balls with semen retention. I see others posting they experience pain and discomfort, but I personally have not.

I have found my sweet spot for peak arousal seems to be around the 14 day mark. Sometimes I will go for longer, sometimes less. I play it by ear and if I really feel the need to clean the pipes I do at the end of my session. .

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i think i have made a lot of ppl misunderstanding, might be i am using the blue ball terms loosely. oppss

Hmm.. let me try to describe again. I think what I experienced with prostate orgasm in replace of traditional wet orgasm is the 'constant arousal' even after MMO. Usually, for ejaculated orgasm, the refractory period is the one that keep my sex drive in check. Without that, yes, i am living more energized, motivated. But it is like a thirst that you would never able to quench no matter how much water you have poured down the throat. Even when your stomach is stretched and ache from the drinking, you still feel thirsty.

maybe the lack of ejaculated orgasm has increased my testosterone which increased my libido..

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Hmm.. let me try to describe again. I think what I experienced with prostate orgasm in replace of traditional wet orgasm is the 'constant arousal' even after MMO. Usually, for ejaculated orgasm, the refractory period is the one that keep my sex drive in check. Without that, yes, i am living more energized, motivated. ...maybe the lack of ejaculated orgasm has increased my testosterone which increased my libido.

Testosterone has long been known to affect libido, stamina, energy and a man's arousal level. Studies have shown that testosterone sharply increases approximately 50%, 7-10 days following a man's last ejaculation. Thereafter, blood serum testosterone levels remain fairly level until the next ejaculation occurs wherein the testosterone level makes a precipitous drop starting the cycle all over. Thus your feeling "...more energized, motivated..." is a natural consequence of practicing semen retention (refraining from ejaculation). This effect combined with an awakened prostate is a recipe for high arousal levels which can lead to Super-O's (see Aneros, Arousal & Abstinence).

Your dilemma seems to be how to deal with this increased energy level. The most frequently cited 'cure' for epididymal hypertension or vasocongestion (aka "blue balls") is to masturbate until ejaculation occurs, this is your RESET switch and you are set back, having to go through the arousal buildup cycle again.

Simply lying down and relaxing may be effective. In most cases the discomfort is only temporary and usually goes away in a few hours, though it is likely to return and become cyclic. If there is no real pain, but instead just the intense urge to ejaculate, engaging in other activities allows time for the urgency to subside as your mind is distracted from thinking about/dwelling upon the temporary discomfort.

Cold compresses applied to the testicles/perineum area will also ease the discomfort. Of course there's also the time tested procedure of taking a cold shower to reduce overall arousal levels.

Finally, there's prostate milking which will provide temporary physical relief without completely resetting your arousal cycle. You can do this yourself or have an intimate partner perform it on you. This procedure may prove to be the most effective for you.
Good Vibes to You !

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Your dilemma seems to be how to deal with this increased energy level. The most frequently cited 'cure' for epididymal hypertension or vasocongestion (aka "blue balls") is to masturbate until ejaculation occurs, this is your RESET switch and you are set back, having to go through the arousal buildup cycle again.

Simply lying down and relaxing may be effective. In most cases the discomfort is only temporary and usually goes away in a few hours, though it is likely to return and become cyclic. If there is no real pain, but instead just the intense urge to ejaculate, engaging in other activities allows time for the urgency to subside as your mind is distracted from thinking about/dwelling upon the temporary discomfort. Good Vibes to You !

You described my feeling better than i am able to
Yeah, I am having the problem of dealing with the increase of energy level
I notice that i am more confident and less self-conscious about my body without that refractory period. For example, I could walk around and totally enjoying myself at my local water theme park with just my speedo on comfortably instead of feeling squeamish and submerge myself in the pool most of the time. Besides, i do find myself walking around my home in my underwear more regardless whether the curtains are drawn. I am afraid that there is a chance that I might get myself in trouble as I might offend some conservative people because of that down the road

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@veon I'm also having a lot of trouble coping with the high levels of energy I experience since I began with semen retention. I do feel much more confident as well, which is awesome since I've been struggling with poor self-esteem my whole life. I've always been very introverted but now I seem to have become much more extroverted, which is very frustrating because I'm very lonely right now. Sometimes I wonder if I should just ejaculate so I can be more content with being alone.

On the plus side, I am pretty much forced to exercise to get rid of excess energy. Otherwise I just find myself walking around in circles inside the house, unable to sit down for more than few minutes at a time. I wish I discovered semen retention earlier in life. Everyone always just tells me masturbation is healthy and should be done regularly etc, but for me that's just not true.

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damn, if i did not see your name, i would have thought that your post is written by me. What you went thru or felt are totally what i felt too.
I am walk around in circle in my house too and my wife does not understand what is wrong with me. Luckily, i am a car guy, i could spent the energy detailing my car or just quickly head down to my condo pool to cool myself. but sometimes, i could not do both and that is when I will felt very bad and frustrated. for the last 20 years, i have get used to shortcut to release those energy and satisfied with my low energy life as I am an introvert. Guess i would need some effort to make myself to get used to this again.

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