What is the best time frame from holding back on ejaculation?
I try to make it at least 3 days should I wait longer?
Is waiting longer better or does it even matter?
I left it in last night after sex and I still got some good feelings!!
I don't get the whole "better after waiting" thing -- maybe it applies to guys who have a low libido. I've skipped up to 4 days when my wife wasn't in the mood and the results when I re-started weren't any different; still great.
What is the best time frame from holding back on ejaculation?
I try to make it at least 3 days should I wait longer?
Is waiting longer better or does it even matter?
I left it in last night after sex and I still got some good feelings!!
I'm not sure how long you've been practicing, but when I first started, I would hold off a day or two after a session. I think the theory is that this aids in rewiring. It also allows any after effects to happen without being suppressed by ejaculation. However, after about 14 months, I find that refraining from ejaculation doesn't impact my aneros sessions at all.
With respect to abstinence, it's all about building up arousal. The amount of time that you wait in between ejaculations is proportional to the frequency of your ejaculations to start with. If you ejaculate once or several times a day, then it may only take a day or two to charge yourself up. If you ejaculate once a week it may take a week to 10 days to build up adequate arousal. Btw., don't overdo it either. Believe it or not you can actually get into a state of diminishing returns, where more time yields less results! Keep it balanced!
BF Mayfield
Thanks for all the tips guys!!