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How important is it to exercise anal and PC muscles?

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I've recently been doing kegal exercises. I've also read about learning to separate anal contractions from PC contractions. Any tips on learning to relax the anal muscles while holding a PC contraction?

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by anal contractions.. do you mean spinchter contractions?
As Ive read you only need PC an spinchter.. Spinchter is outer part of the rectum. How you close youre rectum as Ive understood. PC is the muscle used for stopping to urinate.

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Good answer, @Alex_xxx.

Hi @Jspad,

See also:

and also,

You will find also that working with the Aneros that your Kegel Exercises will be enhanced and easier to do. In fact, the Kegel Exercises in turn will enhance your Aneros sessions and make them more pleasurable and fun.

@Jspad, what Aneros models do you use?


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Alex and BigGlans have given you good answers.

IMHO, you simply can't do too much to tone up both your PC and Sphincter muscles to improve your body's responses to Aneros tools. I would suggest a daily regime of a good five minutes of each until you have achieved good muscle tone down there and you don't feel the need to do them any more.

Eventually, the Aneros tool itself will do the work for you as an automatic response to the presence of the tool will be that the appropriate muscles will make involuntary contractions of them. At least that has been my experience.

BTW, it would be useful to know which tool(s) you are currently using.

Good Luck and enjoy!


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It seems to me you need to be able to relax the PC/BC and sphincter muscles to enable involuntary contraction. (I am still working on this, it's very difficult).
It it also very important to have the all those muscles particularly the sphincter muscles in top condition as the Aneros stretches the sphincter muscles. It is my experience unless the sphincter muscles are strong and can quickly contract and close against, as you age there is an increase risk of hemorrhoids.
So yes very important to do the exercises.
Learn to relax the muscles at will.

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I'm kinda new to this and haven't had any pleasure yet, but I've had at least a few interesting feelings and might be closer than I think to something good. Anyway, I've used MGX for a few weeks and now am using Helix. Also, just to clarify, am I supposed to use PC muscles and the muscles to pinch with the anus? Or is it the PC muscles and the muscles to push things out of the anus?

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The pushing out motion is done mostly by breathing deeply. Also the PC muscles can push it a bit out. I know what muscles you`re talking about, but I don`t think they really need activating... PC muscles do more of a "clamping down" on the aneros rather than expelling it. So the first thing you wrote is correct.

I think,, I`m a newbie 🙂

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Are the muscles that stop urination and pinch the sphincter the same? Or can they be used independently? I think I read that one will gain more control over that once the muscles have been toned enough. Anyway, thanks for the tips everyone. I think I'll start beginning sessions with kegels.

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Oh, and also, I'm pretty sure I have no problem relaxing those muscles as I have read some people might.

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You use your PC muscles to stop urination. Although you might trigger the sphinchter as well. The point is that you will learn to only use the PC muscles back there (not in a stop urination motion). And then you use your spinchter.

Practice practice practice as far as I`ve understood..

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Now I'm even more confused LOL. Do you mean to flex the PC muscle, but not in the way that stops urination? Are we trying to push and then pull the device? Or does it even matter HOW we move it, as long as we find out what works? 🙂

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@ Jspad - Don't worry about trying to separate muscle groups. After you relax with your Aneros in about 5 to 10 minutes and it's warmed up and doesn't feel "foreign" in you any more, just gently pull in with your urinary sphincter like you were cutting off urine flow, like right at the end of peeing when you pull in gently and those last few drops of urine come out. There's no way to consciously "relax" your anus while doing this--you just do it gently enough that you don't feel yourself making strong contractions at the anus. The best way I've found to do this is to close your eyes and "mentally focus" on the area up front at your bladder and not think about anything back at the anal area.

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Now I'm even more confused LOL. Do you mean to flex the PC muscle, but not in the way that stops urination? Are we trying to push and then pull the device? Or does it even matter HOW we move it, as long as we find out what works? 🙂
Jspad, I think you are overly analyzing a contraction technique. You should first read about the three main pelvic floor muscle groups that power your Aneros massager, they are the anal sphincters, PC and rectal muscles. As 'slimjm' noted above, to a certain extent the action of the PC and anal sphincter muscles are interconnected in that strong contractions of one set will also trigger strong contractions in the other set, particularly during orgasm. Kegel exercises strengthen all the perineal muscles but primarily the PC muscle, as such, at low levels of contraction the PC and anal sphincters can be flexed independently.

There is no particular order you need to follow to make use of these muscle groups, it is really up to you to experiment and find a combination which proves effective for you. Enjoy yourself as you learn to isolate these muscle groups and develop your ability to fine tune Aneros movement. 'CaveOfMystery's post Quick and Dirty Path to the Super-O describes one man's technique in this respect. The variety of techniques one may employ is as varied as the men using the Aneros, for an example of a more advanced technique see the Slingshot method.

The answer to your questions is that it doesn't really matter as long as you are generating pleasurable feelings, your body will subtly indicate which muscles you should be using right up to the point it will take over and then you just need to let go and enjoy the ride.
Good Vibes to You !

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Okay, I see now. Thanks for the clarification. 🙂

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Strikes me that the problem here is a tendency to try to push things along as if driving a vehicle to a destination. That's simply not how things work with the Aneros journey.

IMHO, the Aneros works by carrying you along for the ride!

Just insert, with appropriate lubrication, relax, and allow the tool to do its job. I've said it before, and it is my experience, wonders will happen as if from nowhere and when you least expect them.

I do believe that you can spend too much time and energy trying to analyse what is happening; most of it being counter-productive.

BTW, (at age 74), after almost 4 years at this business, I'm having a ball and enjoying each new experience as I encounter it!

May you do the same in as little time as it took me!

Just lie back and enjoy the journey!


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I know I can't force these things. And I think I'm finally starting to outlive this slight impatience. I'm thankful for each new feeling, and see anything new as possible progress. I haven't experienced pleasure from my sessions yet, but things are at least interesting.

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Don't worry!

Just keep at it and you will eventually be rewarded.

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