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How hard is too hard?

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Hi all,

Aneros and anal newbie here. I have done a couple sessions so far.

I'm not sure how to ask this exactly, but I'm pretty much wondering how safe it is to ride the thing as hard and fast as I can.

During my second session I discovered a way to fuck myself with the Aneros, for lack of a better description. I got very aroused by forceful voluntary contractions that made me wonder if I was going too hard and too fast, and paranoid of an internal tear. I was kind of clamping down on it, while pushing it, back, up and in with a wave of muscle flexes, if that makes any sense, causing a penetrative feeling, and forcefully rubbing on the prostate. Despite all the pleasure there was some discomfort along with it and I was concerned about the soft tissues that were experiencing strong stretching sensation shall we say.

Is an internal tear a legitimate concern? Or can I pretty much safely do anything as long as I'm moving it with the pelvic muscles only?

How common are injury reports on the forum from this type of use?

I'm sure these questions would answer themselves in time, but I find myself wanting to ride the Aneros hard even in my second session so I am a complete newbie and would love to do my next session with my mind at ease about possible injuries.

Thank you!

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The aneros is a finesse game and you will look back and wonder if all that hard grinding was needed. Meditation and relaxation will get you farther quicker then beating humping and grinding your way to a super O. I was a humper and a grinder and it took me 18 months to hit a super O. So I would slow down and relax a bit, enjoy the journey. Learn how to move the toy around with your inner muscles using kegels
and reverse kegels and relax your mind and body. Slow down and don't hurt yourself and enjoy the ride.

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Thanks bruce!

To elaborate some, my question is referring to a movement of the Aneros from the internal muscles only, i.e. kegels and reverse kegels, combined with rhythmic contraction and relaxation of the sphincters involved, and a very slight movement of the pelvis.

I am a long time meditator and am alternating my sessions in 20-30 minute segments between a relaxed meditative state, and then other times in a more vigorous aroused state with the aid of erotica, or the recommended "sexy dance" from the Aneros wiki. In short, I am experimenting and trying it all out as a newbie.

So far I haven't gotten much from the meditative states. But during the "sexual frenzY" states I happened upon these quite pleasurable hard contraction type movements I described above. It took my pleasure to a next level and is my first experience of "pleasuring myself" with the device so in that sense it can't be too far off the right path.

I look forward to the time when all these movements will refine to a greater efficiency and finesse, show up during the meditative states, and as I've read on here, develop a mind of their own by becoming involuntary.

For now I am wondering about my physical safety in regards to causing an internal tear with a resultant infection. Is what I've described considered a safe and normal use? Borderline dangerous? Or would you still say in light of all these additional details that I'd benefit more in the long term from dropping it altogether and working in the meditative state?

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Personally I have found that forcing and heavy contractions detract from the most pleasurableof feelings. Maybe that's just me.

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I got very aroused by forceful voluntary contractions that made me wonder if I was going too hard and too fast, and paranoid of an internal tear. I was kind of clamping down on it, while pushing it, back, up and in with a wave of muscle flexes, if that makes any sense, causing a penetrative feeling, and forcefully rubbing on the prostate. Despite all the pleasure there was some discomfort along with it and I was concerned about the soft tissues that were experiencing strong stretching sensation shall we say.As long as you are using ONLY your pelvic floor muscles to move your massager there should be little liklihood of causing damage. The discomfort you experienced was feedback from your body telling you to go more gently, just like external muscle massage, if done too hard or vigorously will cause discomfort. You might find 'CaveOfMystery's thread Quick and Dirty Path to the Super-O to be of some value.Is an internal tear a legitimate concern? Or can I pretty much safely do anything as long as I'm moving it with the pelvic muscles only?Internal tearing is not likely, the Aneros massagers are small and ergonomically designed to treat your internal tissues respectfully. Just avoid using external manipulation techniques and you will be fine.How common are injury reports on the forum from this type of use?Injury reports from proper Aneros usage are nil. There have been a few various reports of associated discomfort that are probably due to inadequate or inappropriate lubrication issues. Muscle soreness, newbies tend to overtax their muscles in their journey beginnings but soon learn that strenuous contractions are not necessary plus with more experience and exercise their muscles get toned up to handle the activity. There have also been a few reports of injury due to inappropriate techniques being utilized (please see my responses to 'Jackzzz's thread First Orgasm Without Ejaculation).
Good Vibes to You !

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When I first started, I too thought aggressive kegels would lead to the SuperO. I learned over that 1st year of use that for me, the "do nothing approach" produced significantly more sustained pleasure. With aggressive kegel use I did suffer discomfort, but usually cleared after a couple days of rest. Over doing kegels can make it harder to notice the subtle sensations that can grow during a session leading to SuperO.

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I think that the general consensus is that forceful riding of the aneros, especially in the early stages when you are getting accustomed to its use, will usually prove to be counterproductive. Your body needs to be coaxed rather than bludgeoned into providing you with the uniquely pleasurable sensations that are the result of prostate stimulation. My own experience FWIW was based around the do nothing technique , and after my first lengthy and not very productive session which at least succeeded in awakened my prostate I was able to make steady progress into orgasmic territory both with and without the aneros inserted.
Even if you are just lying there with the aneros inserted it is wrong to think that nothing will happen. Of course it may be necessary to encourage the process with some gentle kegels or maybe a bit of nipple stimulation, but the mere fact of the gentle pressure of the aneros on the prostate is often enough to set off the involuntary shaking and contractions that are the prelude to an orgasmic experience, and this becomes more frequently the case with practice.

In addition, never underestimate the power of the mind. I note that you have some practice in meditation; so relax, clear your mind of all external distractions and focus on any small pleasurable sensations that you may feel down below. Mentally encourage these sensations to increase, rise, and spread through your body and you may well find that you will start to experience an orgasm. If you do, then the tendency is at that moment to become more tense. Relax, go limp and you will find that the sensations become even more intense as you let your body go with the flow.

Of course, we are all different, and what I have described above is what has worked for me and maybe will not for you. But give it a try, and hopefully you will be further on your way to the goal of the Super-O, but if and when that happens do not be surprised if it comes upon you unawares rather than when you are making a conscious effort to achieve it.

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I feel much better now knowing that it's very unlikely that I'm causing any damage. Some of the discomfort could be lube related as I have foregone the pre-lubing in both my sessions.

All of your veteran advice on progressing in the rewiring is much appreciated. The motion I'm doing is the same one described in the "Quick and Dirty" linked thread. Or at least a crude version of it. Based on what you've said, I will look for it to refine into a gentler motion which is still providing the same pleasure, while favoring an involuntarily version of it in meditative states.

Without a doubt, the rewiring is already happening. After the second session, which was 2 days ago, I have had deep clutches of pleasure in my abdominal cavity, and occasional pleasurable involuntary twitching of the pelvic floor muscles and sphincters. Just thinking about my upcoming session later tonight is making some waves.

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