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How do you keep from getting bored?

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The instructions say to insert the Aneros device while laying on your side, then start contracting your muscles. I got that, but is it best to lie there the whole time? If I use it for an hour, I start getting bored after 10-15 minutes. Is it OK to get up and walk around a bit or listen to the radio or music? How do you make the time go faster?

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To quote Depeche Mode. "Enjoy the Silence"

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The instructions say to insert the Aneros device while laying on your side, then start contracting your muscles. I got that, but is it best to lie there the whole time? If I use it for an hour, I start getting bored after 10-15 minutes. Is it OK to get up and walk around a bit or listen to the radio or music? How do you make the time go faster?

I took the approach, in my early period of rewiring, to use my aneros almost anywhere, and anytime! My thought was that it could help awaken my Prostate sooner! I'm now of the belief that it did because I became familiar with the various sensations under a variety of conditions, and not just on my back, on my bed, at home! Today, I can focus on my Prostate, and within seconds, receive very pleasurable p-waves...wherever I may the car, at work, walking...etc!

However, I must agree 100% with @Quiett42...learning to enjoy the silence has been just as awesome for my takes my mind, my prostate and my body to a place of incredible unparalleled pleasure that can last for hours! Boredom? Never!

As far as time going faster, when you're in a state of orgasmic pleasure, you're only focusing on the pleasure, and 1, 2 or 3 hours pass like you wouldn't believe! But, it took time to get to this place, and it was worth it!


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I feel that. I'm just starting out myself, and after the first bit I get bored. I can't feel anything happening, and I just end up jerking off.

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Having a TV in the bedroom is good. I needed a TV too in the beginning. Not anymore though 😉

@p.atkins90 Masterbating during a session will not help you progress. In fact that is rule #1 if you want to feel pleasure from the prostate. If you have to masterbate, remove the Aneros first. ...I'd wait about an hour after the end of your session too...if you can.

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I'm not the best person to be giving advice to be honest but there is something that helped me quite a bit and I will share it. For me I discovered that orgasms are not sexual at all. I had to unlearn the idea drilled into me that an ejaculation was an orgasm.

As a few women have said "orgasmic" or "better than sex" to me when I ask how their chocolate bar is. I understand that now. Sadly I don't know if it is an absolute truth or just relative to me.

Everyone finds their own path. If you are getting bored and give up after 15 minutes try a different path. The wiki is a good starting point for information but only you know your mind and body.

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@aneros_user91965,Welcome to the Forum!

You might like to try what finally got me going. Stick the thing in (albeit very well lubricated with a durable lube), and simply allow yourself to go to sleep with it in place. If you wake up in the middle of the night without any particular response, don't worry, just try again a couple of nights later.

I found that after a couple of weeks of this, I began to experience P-waves every night, with or without an Aneros tool in place.

Good Luck and enjoy the journey!

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I put on my headphones and listen to an album I've never heard before. You can lie on your back too, I guess. Whatever you're comfortable with as long as it doesn't distract you from what you should be focusing on.

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The instructions say to insert the Aneros device while laying on your side, then start contracting your muscles. I got that, but is it best to lie there the whole time? If I use it for an hour, I start getting bored after 10-15 minutes. Is it OK to get up and walk around a bit or listen to the radio or music? How do you make the time go faster?

All good advice. Have you read the wiki? I go into a session when I'm in a good mood, prepared to meditate on the sensations my body gives me, especially from my prostate. Here's a discussion of that: The idea is to use the advice here and in the wiki but to find your own preferences and what works for you. Best wishes.

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I agree with the others. I would point out that we need to allow our bodies to get rewired with the new sensations and adapt to an attitude of being and less of doing. I am amazed by sex teaching of the Tantra and Taoist masters. I am grateful for the experienced members graciously sharing their insight and wisdom.

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