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How do you deal with down parts of your journey?

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Hey all! I am thoroughly enjoying my sexual adventures lately with the aneros and aless and many other things. Aneros cracked open a part of me that I will be forever grateful for to be honest.


That being said, I feel lately I want my sessions to go back to a bit more progress towards a super o. I don't dictate what happens in my sessions, but I do sometimes use porn or other things which obviously distract me from my own goal. 


I had a general question. Aneros and Super O blablabla is a journey. Every journey has ups and downs. So when you all have had a down period, however you define it, do you do anything special to bounce back a bit?


I'm thinking of having two sessions this weekend with no traditional orgasm finishes. No porn. I will do some erotic writing and fantasizing. Also, no mindgasm tutorials. Just some audio from the previously shared aneros audio stuff (moaning sounds, tones). I'm thinking of also not even doing any muscle work just "do nothing" approach. I still always get confused how much tension in the muscles is required / if you need to start the muscle imbalance yourself and then coast, or continually focus on it.


Rambling on here. What do you think?

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You will experience down sessions at first as you’re anticipating too much and trying to force things to happen as with a traditional orgasm. Once you learn to totally relax and enjoy each bit of pleasure without expectations you will find a whole new world opens up! I find that taking a break every few days helps as well!

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Posted by: @mountain-below-the-sea

I'm thinking of having two sessions this weekend with no traditional orgasm finishes.

To a certain extent we do need to plan time to have Anerosessions but we also need to Listen to the Whisper of our prostate's call. IMHO, trying to have or expecting your prostate to respond on demand to an ego determined formal schedule is not going to be productive. Setting some 'you' time aside is good but if your body is not up for the action, it is likely to be a lackluster or dud session.

Your other thoughts are all normal variations of the practice journey. I encourage experimenting with technique but keep in mind that you need to allow your body, not your head (ego), to be the leader here.

Good Vibes to You!

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I go to the gym and lift some heavy ass weight. The gym is where I always go to ‘iron’ out life’s problems. 🙂

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