Hi all,
I know the directions say that all that is needed is to wash your Aneros with warm soapy water before and after use, but I'm curious if others do what I do in order to try to sterilize it and that is to wipe it down with a cotton ball soaked in Isopropyl alchohol and allow to air dry to totally sterilize it/disinfect it to avoid introducing bacteria the next time I use it. Do others boil theirs? Run it through the dishwasher? Thoughts? Opinions?
Scrubbed well in the shower!
Soap and water ... just like my butt. :bz
soap and water
I've always washed mine with anti-bacterial soap after use. I don't think much of alcohol, but i suppose it does sterilize. A very good way is 1/2 water and 1/2 Hydrogen Peroxide. Also, just a few drops of bleach in water. When i used vaseline as lube on silicone models, it tended to leave a film. As per a suggestion on this site, i used a wash cloth with soap, and it seemed to remove the film. Now i generally use vegetable oil, like Crisco, and there doesn't seem to be a film. I tend to favor only putting in my ass what i would put in my stomach via mouth. i plan to try coconut oil.
Soap and water. What's to sterilize? Unless you are sick with diarrhea it's your own bacterial flora. I do wash my hands well after finishing putting everything away, and an antibacterial soap wouldn't be a bad idea especially if you are then going to do something like brush your teeth :))
Soap and water. What's to sterilize? Unless you are sick with diarrhea it's your own bacterial flora. I do wash my hands well after finishing putting everything away, and an antibacterial soap wouldn't be a bad idea especially if you are then going to do something like brush your teeth :))
Also, always be careful to go from front to back. The best way to get a bladder infection (very uncomfortable) is to touch your prick after doing anything with the backside w/o washing hands. If fact, i have heard it say that if we knew the amount of bacteria on our hands, we would wash them even before touching our pricks.
I always use soap and water. Sometimes I take them in the shower with me. I've found that the silicone models smell more, even after washing, however. For those, I've started leaving them in the sink with water and bleach, and it works like a charm.
I must admit to the KISS philosophy!
Just wash thoroughly with soap and water! If I were to consider putting the tool in my mouth I guess I'd be a bit more concerned though!
Edit: Should have mentioned that each tool receives a rinse in anti-bacterial solution, (toy cleaner), after use as part of cleaning up.
Wipe with tissue to get the oil/fat based lubricant off, then liquid hand soap and manually manipulate rise and dry.
I use anti-bacterial liquid plus soap and warm water before, and after soap and warm water plus anti-bacterial liquid both in this order.
A washcloth with non-deodorant bar soap in the shower. Filmy toys get a trip through the dishwasher (upper rack) using simple powdered detergent.
I follow Fleshlight's suggestions for sanitizing their gear with rubbing alcohol.
I seldom use an anti-bacterial product detergent on any personal item but when I do, I send it through the dishwasher prior to further use. Male Tadpoles maturing into Frogs without legs or with malformed sexual organs give me pause.
@Rook, I agree. Anti-bacterial stuff is kinda an expensive hoax. Tests show good old soap and water is actually more effective.
I think we underestimate the effectiveness of good old ordinary soap. An amazing, cheap all round safe cleanser. I must admit that normal liquid hand wash is more convenient is some situations. We have got rid of all anti bacterial soaps, I think there were a commercial gimmick based on the manufactured need to get rid of all that evil bacteria lurking under the toilet seat etc. and now we suffer from allergies and confused immune systems as most of that bacteria was a necessary part of life.
I rubbing alcohol from time to time as @rook says is good too.
@isvara,I agree with you. This anti-bacterial fad that seems to have taken over TV advertising space is a load of tosh and IMHO is a major cause of allergies amongst small children.
During and just after the war, we had nothing but a bar of fairly primitive soap and I spent much of my childhood mucking about in the garden. Probably did me a world of good!
Not sure why I rinse my tools with so-called "anti-bacterial toy cleaner"! It's probably a waste of money so I shall quit using it!
Soap and water. I prefer unscented hypo-allergenic soaps. I use Kiss My Face unscented olive oil bar soap, which is very mild but more effective than other soaps. Scents and chemicals can diffuse into the plastic, which might then go back into you and could possibly degrade the finish or material. Oil-based lubes can leave a waxy residue or film on the silicone models, which I loosen up with my fingers (not fingernails) using pure olive oil as a solvent, then remove the oil with soap and water. For lube, I mix lanolin with jojoba oil -- I worry about my body absorbing chemicals from water-based lubes. I don't rub any of the devices with paper or cloth as these can be abrasive to the beautiful velvety SYN and glassy ICE finishes. I don't use any harsh solvents or alcohol, though the latter is occasionally okay if necessary, such as when you are giving the device away to someone else. I also take great care to not drop or scratch the devices, as any irregularity in the surface can collect dirt. Don't attempt altering the shape of the device, as that may expose air bubbles within the plastic, leaving pits that are impossible to clean.
I'd be careful regarding the use of the dishwasher. Much has been written recently about plastics releasing endocrine damaging chemicals at higher temperatures. A google search will verify this.
Dish-washing soaps have abrasives which can ruin the glassy finish of the ICE devices. I suppose it's also possible that high temps could alter the form and flexing characteristics of the P-tab arm of the more delicate devices. Our beloved toys are not pots and pans!
I washed mine with antibacterial soap and warm water. After it dried, it still smelled like caca. Is bleach or vinegar too harsh in the product?
That might work, but then it could end up smelling like pickles or chlorine instead of like "caca" -- take your pick, I guess. If you're a regular user, it'll only end up getting smelly again anyway, then it will smell like caca pickled in pool water!
I remember decades ago, Grandpa used to soak his dentures in Polident overnight. Maybe you could try soaking the device overnight in hydrogen peroxide or just some of your soap dissolved in water. You could also soak it in alcohol, chlorhexidine solution, or some other disinfectant of your choice, but I think that's overkill and I wouldn't risk it with mine. Anyway, the longer the contact with disinfectants, the more bacteria will be killed. However, the odor may be bound up in fatty residues that the soap didn't dissolve, in which case disinfecting won't help, so maybe try massaging some olive oil into the device with your fingers, then wash again with soap and water. If it still smells, just store it appropriately and don't worry about it. It'd be great if Aneros made some models out of mirror-polished surgical stainless steel so you could autoclave them, but for now, plastic and silicone are all we've got.
Keep in mind that it's really only the smell. The thing is perfectly clean, if you've rinsed it carefully with anti-bacterial soap and water. Try licking it with your tongue if you don't believe, it tastes like nothing but silicone.
e: assuming you have a silicone covered aneros.
I have read reviews of the Syn models, and people say the silicone holds on to a certain odor.
If you want something made of surgical grade stainless steel, check out an NJoy Pfun Plug.
I believe that the only Aneros that might be affected by the heat of a dishwasher is the Progasm, which is made of Styrene (yes, the same plastic that your favorite car/airplane/military models that you glued together when you were a kid). All the other models are from medical-grade plastics, silicone, or with the Ice and Pro-Jr, polycarbonate. All very temperature stable.
Thanks Pspotsquirter, the steel plug looks great, but I'm 6'3", so it would be a little short for me. It also lacks the all-important perineal fulcrum. Of all the Aneros models, I think the design of the Progasm Jr. would be the best for a steel version. I think the added weight would yield a very different experience from any existing models. If Aneros were to seriously consider making such a thing, perhaps it might be good to change the base of the shaft to be more like the Helix and Eupho, to help keep it in. Maybe a limited run of a laser-etched hand-polished comemerative anniversary edition in hypoallergenic surgical steel? Dream on...
@Pspotsquiter and @Thruster,
Great idea but can you imagine the price tag on such an item?
Yep! I have one of those! Serious piece of machinery that one!
I was thinking more of @Thrusters suggestion of a S/S Progasm JR or similar!
I have read reviews of the Syn models, and people say the silicone holds on to a certain odor.
I own three different silicone sex toys. The helix syn, a rocks off naughty boy and a fun factory busty. When new, they all have that distinct silicone smell. The busty is by far the softest of the toys, and it is also the 'best' at retaining odour. By comparison, helix syn is really firm and rigid, and it barely holds any odour. Rinsing it carefully with anti-bacterial soap removes nearly all smell. As it dries out over the night/day, all smell usually goes away. Perhaps I perform a secondary rinsing a while later, if it still holds some odour.
At the end of the day, you learn to live with toys holding a certain odour. It is really hard to get around it, unless you're nearly 100% clean when you start playing. Eventually you just get used to it, and you simply stop smelling your toys.
My Helix Syn has sometimes accumulated a sh*t odor. That is probably not harmful, as it is my own sh*t! However, when the odor bothered me I have boiled it and then soaked it in a baking soda solution, which cleared it up. The condom method should work to prevent that, but don't use a lubricated condom as their lube, I am told, is silicone. Lately though, I have been coating it with Vaseline before insertion and it seems to clean up smelling fine after washing with anti-bacterial soap. I "scrub" it with my hands, rather than just rinsing.