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Horrible pain after PIV sex with aneros in

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Kinda gross post, sorry.

For anyone that doesn’t know me, I am used to prostate stimulation and prostate orgasms and all that jazz, and I have had hundreds of sessions over several years with no pain afterwards except irritation due to lube drying, which is an easy fix.

I don’t know if it’s connected but I got sick 3 weeks ago, fever and cold symptoms, which lingered up until a few days ago and included pink eye. 2 weeks ago the tip of my penis hurt for 5 days, and got better after I ejaculated very dark yellow semen. I figured I was having some sort of prostate infection, which I’ve never had.

I also have started working out, including lunges and squats. Plus yesterday I spent all day sitting on a hard chair.

Voila that’s the preface, now for the real problem. After sex last night with my wife and my plastic eupho, including lots of prostate orgasms over 1.5-2 hours, I pulled out and ejaculated on her. I removed the toy and what followed was a pain I have occasionally experienced before in this situation, a pain similar to being punched in the arm, but in my rectum. This time however the pain escalated to 8/10. I was moaning and involuntarily drooling sitting on the toilet, and I almost blacked out (I had pulled up a chair to rest my head against). This lasted for 10 minutes or so, and was partially relieved by a bowel movement, enough so for me to lie down in bed where it dissipated. 

anyone experience something similar? Prostatitis? Muscle tightness due to exercise? Other? I just ejaculated twice and it was fine this morning.

This topic was modified 4 hours ago by divine_oblivion

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