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Herbal Incense?
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Herbal Incense?

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Has anyone ever tried burning herbal incense aka spice during their sessions and if so did it have any effect? I ask because pot always made me really horny an greatly enhanced my sessions. Due to the legality of marijuana in my area I no longer partake and I have been seeking an alternative that can really enhance my sessions like pot used to.

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A similar thread, titled 'Legal Bud' appeared in this Forum about 4 1/2 years ago. At that time the significant dangers of Synthetic Cannabis were just beginning to become known. Since that post in 2010, Many countries, including the United States have classified these as Schedule 1 drugs and thus illegal for any purpose. These are deadly drugs which should and can be avoided. IMHO, you would be better off getting illegal (but safer) marijuana (or move to where it's legal) than getting illegal "Spice" and suffer potential death.
In my initial posted response I said "caveat emptor - "Let the buyer beware." Today, I say "Don't Buy It" the dangers aren't worth it. There are safer ways to help get you into the orgasmic zone than doing drugs.
Good Vibes to You !

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You could always try one of the Marijuana Binaural beats. I've never felt anything from them, but they do say it takes a while for your brain to get used to hearing them.

If anything else, I find most of them very relaxing.

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Way back when it was in it's original form with the synthetic cannaboids and all (it has since gone through many re-works and re-branding since the laws have changed), I had some K2 Summit that absolutely drove my Aneros crazy. This was back when I didn't really have any experience and was a newbie. I would insert a Helix before I began smoking, then I would sneak out the back door and light up late at night (like 2am). I would put all of my shit on the floor next to me (bottle of water, smoking accessories, etc). As I would finish I would always squat/kneel down to pick up all my items and would instantly begin blissful sensations. It felt like all the feelings in my prostate were magnified 100x, and everything down there felt SUPER sensitive. I was literally buzzing and felt like everything was jumping around down there, and it was hard to keep myself calm. In turn I was ridiculously excited and eagar. I swear I could have just had an amazing session right there on the floor outside immediately after smoking. Walking back to my room was never so enjoyable, as sometimes I would have to just stop for a few minutes and enjoy the sensual tugging of the toy. Its a shame that the high from the K2 didn't last long, as I would never make it to a super-O without having it wear off. I wish I knew exactly what ingredients in the K2 triggered these effects, because I have no doubt I would reach amazing heights with a steady supply of it.

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Gentlemen,FYI, just yesterday on Australian ABC TV, a current affairs programme brought up this very subject of the use of synthetic cannabinoids. Two university professors contributed to the discussion and the following points were made forcefully by both of them:

1. They are in no way analogous of Marijuana.
2. These chemicals are highly dangerous and should never be taken by humans.
3. They were never designed for use by humans (although they actually didn't specify for what purpose they were developed).
4. Two people in Queensland have recently died from very mild use of one of these compounds.

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