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I'm kinda new to all this. I like the idea of prostate massage, but I typically find things in my butt to be quite uncomfortable. This is a process I would like to enjoy, however. I know that the MGX and the Helix are the recommended novice models, is there any reason I should choose one over the other? Is it normal for analy play to be a bit uncomfortable at first?

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Welcome unheard!

You've certainly joined a very active place where you can very easily be heard! 😉

What sorts of things have you put in your butt previously that were "quite uncomfortable? Did you use good amounts of lube then?

Based on your comments, I would think you might be more comfortable initially with the MGX and find it more easily mobile as you get started. Even though I have fingered my prostate for years and comfortably put a variety of things in there over the years, I found some initial discomfort in the first half dozen times with my MGX; butt then it was smooth sailing!

all the best as you launch your journey to ecstasies here


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I tried fingers and a butt plug at one point. Nothing weird or anything. I used a decent amount of KY. It's not painful, but I wouldn't say that it feels particularly good. I tried to think of a way to describe the feeling and I'm kind of at a loss for words beyond uncomfortable.

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Not to worry. Since the rectum is meant to be empty and clean naturally, assuming a old style healthy diet (a rare thing these days!), your stools should be relatively firm and long, leaving your empty and clean. So, the rectal muscle wall tube is bigger around than a Progasm when passing stool, but can tighten in when empty. Therefore anything in there that is not about to be expelled is detected as different, and anything that does not give a little is detected as initially uncomfortable for many people.

Again, I would go first with the MGX. You never know, the Helix could later become your favourite! If you haven't yet, take a look at the Community Polls section where you can see other experiences and preferences, as well as the Wiki and the Stickie threads at the top of the list here in the Forum.

all the best


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thanks for the help. I didn't notice people's preferences in the polls section. That's actually where I went first, but I probably missed something important. Maybe I should just get the holiday deal :p

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Hi unheard,

Welcome to the Forum.

Trying to perform a prostate massage on yourself with your own fingers is both awkward and uncomfortable. I have found butt plugs to be even more uncomfortable. I think you are going to find the presence of one of these Aneros massagers to be very comfortable after the initial short adjustment period for you to get inured to the new sensations.

In regard to choosing a first Aneros model, I recommend that you first read the following : Selection Guide from the Aneros HOME page, "Choosing a Model" from the WIKI and “Which model is best for new users?” from the Community Polls Forum.

Typically, I recommend either the Helix or MGX as a first model. If you choose the MGX and purchase it through the Aneros website you can get a money back guarantee.
If you read the "Insertion" paragraph in the WIKI and follow those suggestions you should have no problems inserting either model.

P.S. I also sent you a PM with some tips and hints to get you started on your journey.

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ah, great, thanks for the help and the links. Checking the pm now 😀

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