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purchased the Helix SYN Trident

Ok this is my last try, I’m sure it maybe should have been my first try.  I’ve tried all sorts of vibrating/vibrating circular/ come hither toys... all models, some quite expensive with some success.

im not sure if I ever had a Super O, I’ve done a lot of research on it, there actual a video of someone having one with an aneros which prompted me to buy it, rather than try the toys I have.  The following has been my experience:

when it works, I start to feel involuntary contraction, my heart rate start to increase very rapidly and everything starts to feel really good, when it does work, it usually happens pretty soon after insertion. 
however there’s really no release or feeling of fully getting there (I don’t know how else to describe it).  When those contractions are happening it feels amazing, it just doesn’t last and I feel like I’m concentrating hard to focus on the feeling inside.  
I hoping someone can direct me a little, maybe to a thread for newbies of aneros, or maybe tell me what I’m doing wrong or right.  
I’ve been on this path for a few years now on and off, lately I’ve been really in this path to get the elusive Super O,

ive read its good to not to orgasm for week before trying for a P-Orgasm... any validity to that?  It’s hard to wait a week, I’m sure others can relate.

i watch porn to get me stimulated before I try , is that good or no good.?  I’ll take any help 

thanks people, I’ve determined not to give up and believe the Aneros might be the missing link.

all the best Manny 

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Welcome to the forum, Manny (@koutalidese)

Here you find @rumel's help for beginners.

Good vibes, Mart


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Posted by: @koutalidese

when it works, I start to feel involuntary contraction, my heart rate start to increase very rapidly and everything starts to feel really good, when it does work, it usually happens pretty soon after insertion.
however there’s really no release or feeling of fully getting there (I don’t know how else to describe it).

Prostate based orgasms are qualitatively different from ejaculatory penile based orgasms, you may not have a feeling of 'release' due to the fact the hormonal releases are different. In particular without ejaculation the release of the hormone prolactin is greatly reduced. It is this hormone which triggers the male refractory period and neutralizes the feel good hormone dopamine and leads to the 'release' feeling.

When those contractions are happening it feels amazing, it just doesn’t last and I feel like I’m concentrating hard to focus on the feeling inside.

A prostate based orgasm may not last any longer than a traditional penis based orgasm but since there is no refractory period you may cycle through numerous orgasms if you are patient enough.

I hoping someone can direct me a little, maybe to a thread for newbies of aneros, or maybe tell me what I’m doing wrong or right.

You are probably not doing anything 'wrong' per se, but you may need to brush up on some basics and perhaps see if you are harboring some obstacle(s) you may not be aware of. Please see my thread Introductory Message to New Members and the thread Identifying Obstacles to Progress

...ive read its good to not to orgasm for week before trying for a P-Orgasm... any validity to that? It’s hard to wait a week, I’m sure others can relate.
i watch porn to get me stimulated before I try , is that good or no good.?

Many men have found temporal abstinence/semen retention helpful in creating the high arousal levels (see Are you "aroused"?) necessary to generate a Super-O, please see Aneros, Arousal & Abstinence/Semen Retention for further information.

Good Vibes to You!

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