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Hello and Random Rumblings

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Hello aenerosians! (not sure that’s a term for fellow aneros
users or some alien species that was made up on the Scifi channel)

I think this post is going to be my introduction and then a
loose rambling about some buzzing/tingling that I’ve found during my journey.

So without further ado here’s the introduction-ie part:

Hello! Drat! I already said that. Goodbye!
Wait, that’s too soon. Okay let
me start with I’ve been a lurker of the forum for about two years, plus or minus
30 years. Thanks to all the members here
for providing such great advice, insight, and a safe community for us to share
and learn. My journey started when I was
a young boy. I remember playing with my
Don Johnson (no, I don’t actually call it that or any other name) and thinking
there had to be something more.
Something greater than just touching yourself. A feeling that could be achieved. Spoiler alert! I eventually discovered the
stranger world of masturbation. Fast
forward a few years. As an ever curious
teenager I wanted to find other and better ways to please myself. I eventually decided (after sometime of anal
play with my fingers) that a toilet plunger (please, quiet in the back. No
laughing) would be a good “homemade” substitute for a dildo. With a balloon acting as a condom on the
handle (to keep my insidey stuff off the handle, to prevent slinters, and
provide a smoother surface for penetration), I gave it a shot. After trying several different techniques, I
found a very pleasurable spot. With
increased speed and force I felt I could achieve something. Something was just out of my reach. I knew there was something more to
discover. Let’s fast forward again. This time to the summer of 2012. The summer before my final semester at
college. I bought my first aneros! Helix Syn b.t. dubs. With a few weeks before I left for my
apartment at college, I began the aneros part of my journey. I went with the tug-o-war technique. At the time I didn’t even realize that I had
been preforming the technique correctly.
That the muscle weakness twitching that I was feeling was even as the
technique described. I also could not
maintain this twitching with a change in breath. As of today I can maintain both the technique
and the breathing without either one interfering. I definitely use this as a reminder that I am
walking down this trail and making progress.
I realize that there are mountains ahead, but I don’t want to miss the
rocks, streams, butterflies, and waterfalls on the way. Not that the mountains are the ultimate goal
(and are definitely not an end to my hike), but I’ve heard from other locals
that they’re something worth experiencing.

Hopefully that introduction gave you some sense of my path
and my mindset. I know I still have more
to accomplish, but am in no rush, I’m not frustrated, and I’m encouraged by how
far I’ve gotten. My hindrances are that
I watch WAY TOO MUCH porn, I masturbate way too much (daily and often as a
stress relief from work), and I too frequently take breaks from using my syn.

With all that being said, I’m going to move on to act two of
this dreadful performance:

This is the meat of what I really would like to
discuss. If you’ve had similar
experiences I’d love to hear! I’m not
sure that the path I’m sometimes going down is an aneros path, some other path,
or a path that runs parallel if not on top of the aneros path. Not that it’s critical that I know, but my
scientific mind must analyze. This
analytical mind has been a hindrance at times (with not being able to let go),
but is also an asset with understanding that I have enjoyed some sights along
the way.

During the first few weeks of that final college semester
(again only having started my aneros journey a few weeks before), I began to
notice an intense tickle behind my belly button as I would drift off into
sleep. A reflexual response of mine was
to clench down my abs muscles, sit up, and wake myself up to be able to stop
the feeling. It’s a slightly uncomfortable
feeling. Not one of pain, but one of intense
stimulation in that area and that area alone.
You can imagine it as if someone was tickling you (that feeling of discomfort
and vulnerability) all concentrated in that one spot all while drifting off
into sleep. I continue to experience
this feeling. It’s always when I’m
incredibly tired, and drifting into R.E.M. rebound. Has anyone else experienced this? Is this aneros rewiring related? Is this something else? Any advice on how to better handle this or
use it as a tool for rewiring?

The second bit of interesting phenomenon that I’ve
encountered I believe started after an interesting life event. I’m not sure if it was occurring before this
event, but it’s safe to say it’s been happening since. On a not so special day in March of 2013 I
had an accidental kundalini awakening in the morning, a panic attack/ER visit
that afternoon, and a hefty bill by that evening. I’ll tread lightly here since kundalini seems
to be a bit of an explosive subject. But
I’ll say this. Since learning about
aneros I’ve become more open to ideas of meditation, energies, the mind, the
body, and spirituality. I’ve noticed two
dominant philosophies with this. That kundalini
should/can incorporate orgasmic bliss as part of the mind/body/spirituality
journey, and the other being that it should not incorporate something “impure”
like aneros and that it distracts from the spiritual journey. Now onto the phenomenon that I began to
notice. Usually at night while laying
down (and much more likely to occur if I’ve had a stronger self-pleasure (with
or without an aneros) experience before hand) I’ve experienced a buzzing
(without an aneros in) just above my belly button region. This buzzing feels like something in between
a limb just beginning to fall asleep and the buzzing associated with
hyperventilation. This buzzing is not
painful, or pleasurable, but is enjoyable and fascinating. It feels more specific to a region and not
concentrated to a point. Some nights it
will travel into my chest if I concentrate on my chest, and some night I can
feel it in just my upper arms and stomach region. Is this buzzing that anyone else has felt? Is
it rewiring associated, kundalini associated, both, something else? I’d love to hear other’s experiences. Will I miss out on the aneros path if I
venture down the kundalini path (if these feelings are kundalini

I have noticed this buzzing in a bit of a different setting
too. It occurs when I’ve woken up during
the night in the middle of a dream. I
then attempt to fall back to sleep, but I become very lucid in my dream. I become very aware that I’m dreaming, the
setting in the dream feels a lot more realistic, and I can still sense my body
in the awake world. The buzzing in this case is much more intense. I can feel it all through my chest, abdomen,
and arms. Sometimes I’ve felt it
throughout my entire body. Is this
buzzing aneros related? Kundalini? Etc?
At the very least I feel like this buzzing and tickling phenomenon can
be helpful in teaching me that in a more relaxed state and suggestable state
that I can achieve greater things.

One final thing while I have your attention. Not buzzing or tickling or phenomenon
related, but about my closest point of traveling up a great hill. I was using a tug-o-war technique and had
some really nice build up. I began to
get a solid erection and was highly aroused as well. I felt like I was about to lead to something
great and then I had a sensation that I can only describe as if I was standing
outside the pearly gates. I then had a
strong sense of fear, and I’m sure as you guessed it the session’s progress
ended. The fear was brought on by this overwhelming
feeling and a striking resemblance to the feeling I had during the panic attack
that was brought on by the accidental kundalini awakening. I also noticed that if I closed my eyes I
could feel a spinning sensation. It was not nauseating like a hangover, but it
felt as if the spinning only got faster the longer I kept my eyes closed and
focused on this. Did the aneros lead me
down a kundalini path? Did I have this
fear only because of my accidental awakening?
Are these paths a different side of the same coin? I seem to associate these feelings with that
of impending doom. Does anyone else experience
this? How do you rewire the feelings or
accept your mind’s safety?

I’m way over my twitter character count at this point. If you made it to this point, thank you for
taking the time to share in my experience.
Please share yours! J

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Welcome to the forums.

First, I'd like to say welcome . . . Ahem . . anyway.

Your early life experiences sound similar to mine, although I never thought of the balloon, good idea. I can't answer your questions very well, but I too have experienced your 'pearly gate' phenomenon. I ended the session really fast due to a strong sense of fear not sure what the heck was happening.

I didn't attribute it to anything kundalini related really not knowing anything about it, and though it was just my mind playing tricks on me. Now I'm not so sure. I too would like to know if anyone else experienced this and if so, did you continue on in your session.

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Welcome @DestinationUnknown to the company of fellow anerosians 🙂 I like your style!

I have not particularly experienced what you have but they say that many unexpected phenomena can occur during the rewiring process. For me it was the experience of feeling my energy and using my mind to direct it, opening my heart chakra so I can feel emotions and love tangibly coming from my chest. I think of these phenomena not as side effects of the rewiring process but important in themselves. None have turned out to be harmful but they were disconcerting at first and led to more study and enrichment.

You seem to know something about kundalini, chakras and sleep. REM rebound is prolonged REM episodes following suppressed REM sleep. Is that what you mean? Do you have sleep oncet REM sleep sometimes? That can account for hallucinations while falling asleep or waking. I had a tactile hypnogogic hallucination of someone tapping on my prostate recently. That was fun as some really was tapping on it earlier in the day!

I've never had a kundalini awakening and not sure I want one from how its described. I do qigong exercises to cultivate and get along with my chi or body energy.I feel the buzzing in my fingers now since I use them to move my chi and I feel it circulate around my body doing microcosmic orbit breathing. I got used to feeling it and being comfortable with it as I progressed. I think you will too. You've discovered how to move it with your mind already. Try to keep the energy away from your head as that can feel very unpleasant. The Chinese say that the tantien or sacral chakra just below the navel is the incorruptible store of our energy and that's where it should be directed. The sacral root nerve is located there and is supposed to be the origen of orgasms.

I am exploring my solar plexus chakra now and have found a spot with a lot of emotions stored. It's right above the navel so reminds me of your tingling sensations. I have been massaging that spot to explore these emotions.

Of course a buzzing in your ass is normal and to be expected with rewiring. It's fun!

What do you experience during the"pearly gates" encounter? Bliss, fear, something else? Best wishes on your journey.

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@Quiett42 Thanks! @euphemistic Also Thanks!

I recalled that someone else had this "Pearly Gates" fear that I read about on the forum, but the search feature on here is not the greatest. I just remembered that you can use google to search a specific site. I came up with this post:

The solution may be just to let go. That might be easier said than done. My experience that I had did not have an intense pleasurable feeling that caused the fear. Instead, I had a nice build up. Maybe a little nicer than a traditional orgasmic build up. Then a sensation that there's something big, powerful, and life ending is in front of you. Which then quickly spills over into liquid fear, dread, and the feeling of impending doom. If I experience this again I just have to calm myself and plunge forward down the rabbit hole.

@Quiett42 Can you elaborate on the session you were having when you had your "pearly gates" experience? Where you feeling any pleasure or session progression? Did it just seem to come out of nowhere such that nothing seemed to trigger it?

That's exactly what I mean with REM rebound! It doesn't happen too often. It's more likely to happen during an extremely exhaustive week and/or if I go to sleep at an unusual time. Say like a nap at 2 in the afternoon.

I'm definitely not that experienced with moving energy, yet. It takes quite a bit of focus to get it to move towards/expand into my chest. Also, it's very infrequent when I have the chance to move it around because it only shows itself on rare occasion. In your case, when you want to awaken your energy, do you just think about it and then you're able to feel it or is there some other trigger? Does it originate at the root or originate in the location you're first focusing on? Does your energy feel concentrated or rather broad or do you control the spread of it?

Haha! I've been prepared for the buzzing in my ass, but it seems to be the one place where the buzzing has yet to occur! Definitely grateful for what I've experienced so far.

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Well, it actually happened after my session. I was on my couch for about 90 minutes and had a good session, no major progression, but it was pleasurable. I went out on my back porch and lit a cigarette and was sitting in an old lazy-boy chair we haven't thrown away yet.

After about 2 minutes of sitting there, my spine wanted to straighten, so I sat a bit forward and kinda did a 'Cat stretch; i.e. arch my back, kinda live you see a cat do when they stretch. It felt really good so I stayed like that for about 30 seconds and that's when it started to happen.

I'm not sure how to deccribe it. My Hips kinda started to thrust, but it felt more like a pulse like they were being shocked but there was no pain for a shock. My throat felt like it wanted to open up more, so I tilted my head way back and opened my mouth and my jaw/neck muscles started to tighten and tighten. the pulse then started slowly pulsing up further and further into my spine. when it was pulsing from my tailbone all the way up to my throat that's when I got the 'pearly gates' feeling. it stopped moving up at my throat and the pulse got stronger and stronger like it wanted to go into my head. That's when the fear really kicked in. I didn't know what was happening. it felt really good, but also felt almost like it was something evil. It felt like if I let it go into my head/brain something would happen, and I didn't know what so erring on the side of caution I just stopped everything.

It felt really good I kinda wish I just let it happen, but not knowing what was going on, so different than anything else I've experienced. I was really scared.

I know it sounds really crazy, but that's the best way I can describe what happened.

I've always been a skeptic on chi, energy, and chakras. Pretty much anything non western if not put much stock into so I've never had the experience of moving my energy. Possibly I have, but wasn't aware what was going on. I'm alot more open now to all of it, but as far as moving my energy around, I still haven't experienced it to my knowledge.

*edit* Thank you for posting that thread. That's Exactly how I felt, but it was after my session. I guess it was still technically a session since I didn't take the Aneros out when I went to smoke.

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You are the third person that has mentioned attracting entities, in the last 2-3 months. It would behoove you to limit your sessions, energy exercises, etc. Most will dismiss what I'm telling you as quackery , but it's not. Best of luck to you.

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I second that.

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@quite42 I am currently experiencing a kundalini awakening. I too have faced an evil entity but I took a different course and did not shut the experience down. I will say that before my awakening I did not believe in this kundalini chakras etc.

Are you experiencing kundalini symptoms?

If you want to hear my story give me a private message. Perhaps, there is something that can apply to you.

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Indeed! This is definitely a harbinger of doom. The warning trumpet has been sounded.

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Well, doing a little searching on Kundalini, I suppose I may have a few symptoms, but then again, it could be anything. That and i've always been a little bit of a hypochondriac.

Harbringer of doom? Warning Trumpets? Evil Entities? I really didn't read the contract I guess when I bought my Helix. I used to be a really devout Christian until life happened really hard in my 20's. Ever since then I've been searching for something that fit other than my Christian upbringing which I guess I really didn't believe, it was just bred into me from a young age.

I thought the Chakra/Tantric life sounded really good and seemed to fit for me, but now, I'm almost ready to throw my Helix in the trash and forget the whole thing. I guess I'm really confused. I bought my aneros for the off-chance that they really did work and I could have mmo's. After a while the mmo's became a backseat thing, and I was really enjoying the meditation and emotional releases.

I know there is no textbook answer to the question 'What do I do now?' Kinda like raising my kids, I just go with what I think is the best thing. Right now, I have no clue what the best thing is. Reading a bit, trying to stop kundalini is worse than letting it just happen (if in fact that is what is happeneing). But this other Evil stuff sounds just as bad.

Any help/advice would be really appriciated. Other than limiting my sessions, (once a week I guess) what else should I do. For example, if this stange thing that happens occurs again. Do I relax and let go and let it happen like most advice is on using an aneros, or force it to stop right away.

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Are you familiar with Kundalini Syndrome? If not, you should be, as you are about to find out. You are attracting this entity, because you are severely unbalanced, and/or in conflict with your spirit in some way. Mind you, JMO. Be wary of getting any advice from who-know-you. This will be dismissed by most as strange, but...the Syndrome is real.

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Should that entity or any other entity come to you, you would be well served to rebuke them. >:)

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@Quiet42 and @DestinationUnknown, I didn't read your messages to be about entities threatening you but about having a new frightening experience. Correct me if I'm wrong. If that is so, just take it slow and use your common sense. If you're not ready for or feel threatened by a certain experience, stay away from that experience by not repeating what you did to get there. If U want to learn about your energy phenomenon, study it and ask questions here. If you're not intetested, don't. Nothing wrong with pursuing MMOs. I prefer to know as much as I can absorb about it but others may not.

As far as entities go, I'm the only one here reporting an entity (my night visitor rapping on my prostate) and I'm not concerned. It's a well documented and researched phenomenon called hypnogogic hallucination. I don't know anything about other entities and have a constitutional distrust of them.

The "pearly gates " phenomenon that you describe sounds very frightening. I don't know what I would do if confronted by it. Some have confronted it and survived. That's all I know. Emotions can deceive and manipulate us. Use your common sense and do what you're ready for.

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Edit nvm

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Well this discussion took a strange turn. I don't recall any entities. Just strong fearful feelings that were absent of any sexual tone or pleasure. The fear was born out of a loss of control. Much like my reaction to a roller coaster. As the cart goes down the hill, I begin to fear a loss of control as the velocity only seems to continue to increase.

If I'm lucky enough to encounter this situation again, I'll proceed cautiously but I definitely will venture forward. I think the feelings took me off guard. Stopping the session allowed me to reflect and grow from the experience.

Even the Kundalini experience I had was enjoyable. It wasn't until hours after that I started having issues (most likely from storing too much energy in my head).

@euphemistic Thanks for the level headed advice.

@Quiett42 Don't give up! It sounds like you had an awesome experience, but you were also taken off guard with the overwhelming feelings. Our path may be different than the "traditional" journey if there even is such a thing. Don't let this evil entity business spook you. For me, getting past this fearful feeling will only lead to spiritual growth and will indeed benefit me in my daily life. Going into a session thinking that there's some sort of evil entity within your session will only add fear.

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@HopefulMMOer, here you go: Someone found it accidentally while searching for aneros chat (achat) 🙂

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I found this when I was listening to binaurals. Never listened to it myself but it may be something you'd be interested in.

Binaurals make my body vibrate for hours at a time after I listen to them so I stopped a while ago.

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Um well I guess vibrate. Kinda like shivering when you are cold or drank too much coffee. It wasn't really a bad sensation but it was definitely not normal. It would last for 2-3 hours after listening to binaurals.

I'm guessing my mind/body didn't like them or liked them too much. Either way I decided they weren't for me.

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@Quiet42 & @UncleHopeful
I experience the steady vibrations. It's part of the process. Maybe those with a more evolved rewiring experience them. I've never used the binaural beats. The vibrations occur during involuntary A-less and when I'm with my GF.

I think the steady vibrations are wild. Though they've never lasted 2-4 hours. Mind you we are speaking heresy, because the Wiki does not sanction this. Then again, does not @rumel bid us Good Vibrations? That in and of itself makes the vibrations valid. Does it not? :-/

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Rumel does in fact wish us good vibrations, but who exactly is Rumel? I've never met him and do not know if he really has my best interests at heart. I'm guessing he's an Evil mastermind plotting to brainwash all of us into his personal slave army to overthrow the Illuminati.

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And we shall be armed with Sharpies; as we mark the sweet spots of the enemy! =))

Your reaction to the binaural beats proves a point. I've always felt that hypno tracks and binaural beats would eventually cause one issues. Your reaction to the binaural beats is a cautionary tale. But most will not heed it.

Perhaps, it was causing your Kundalini Energy to surge. You are in tune with yourself , and you are able to recognize unbalance. And once you detect unbalance, you are wise enough to eradicate it. You are 2-2. This puts you light years ahead of most.

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I wish to publicly apologize to Rumel. My comment was meant to be in jest. My love for sarcasm will forever now be curbed while posting on the forums. Again Rumel I bear you no malice and I would gladly join your army for enlightenment if you in fact have one.

Peace and love to all.

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Those that Aneros and attract entities are in a severe state of unbalance. IMO they have spiritual issues as well. Why would one (as some do) willingly embrace something their instinct tells them is evil? Better still, why would that one advise another embrace such an entity? Does not this bespeak possession? Most deny this, yet more are having these encounters. Carol Ann, come to the light.

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