Hi Guys, First, I'd like to note my viewpoint on vibrating prostate massagers. It has been my experience with a few of these massagers that constant vibration patterns tends to numb prostate nerves the longer the duration continues and the quicker that numbing happens at higher intensity and/or frequency.
The Aneros VICE with the MUZE vibrator tried to address these problems by providing multiple intensity levels and a variety of vibrational patterns. This model pleased a good number of men but I was never able to reach Super-O's with this model for a couple of reasons, the main reasons were its girth became uncomfortable for me after a period of time and changing the pattern/intensity via the Muze's actuating button was difficult so I basically just set this model aside and went back to using my reliable Helix SYN model.
The Aneros VICE 2 solved the problem of actuation by providing a remote control and they improved the vibrating patterns but I still had the problem of discomfort occurring during a prolonged Anerosession due to its girth. For many men this is not a problem but it is for me, so again, I went back to primarily using my Helix SYN model and then the new Helix SYN Trident model.
I'll admit to being a loyal, biased Aneros customer having acquired each new model as it has been introduced and the Helix SYN V is my newest acquisition. For most models I haven't provided a review as I have allowed other members to speak up first so as to not influence their thinking but I am excited to speak up here now. This new model, IMHO, is superior to the Vice/Muze and Vice 2 for several reasons. 1.) This model is extremely comfortable even for prolonged Anerosessions, with or without vibration. 2.) While there is no remote control, the actuating button at the base of the unit is much easier to manipulate than the button on the Muze/Vice model. 3.) The vibration patterns are more interesting than the previous models, especially pattern #8 which is perceived as quite random with changes in intensity, pulses and pauses. 4.) The lowest level of vibration is optimal for allowing you to readily string together multiple orgasms before succumbing to desensitization.
I can attest to the details as noted by @aneros-team in the Helix syn V thread. I spent nearly two hours with this model trying all the vibration patterns, I experienced a couple of prostate O's but when I finally settled on pattern #8 at the lowest vibration intensity I was gently lead into a wonderful Calm Seas Super-O lasting nearly 15 minutes. IMHO, this may be the best Aneros model yet, even without vibration, it is a wonderful model and one I can recommend unreservedly . I hope to hear other reviews from my fellow members as well.
Good Vibes to You!
hell yes @Rumel this is fantastic! Can't wait to get mine and post my experiences with it here, you make me want it to arrive ASAP
This is sounding great...Womanizer Premium uses this random intensity and seemingly some kind of magic to give just the right sensations at the right time. My wife is new to this, so I cant speak for her, but the autopilot mode on my nipples sends me a-less in a very short period of time and can hold me there for a long time. I'm curious if I could have experienced this without the Aneros demonstrating a different kind of orgasm, but it is unreal for me. Easily hold an orgasmic level for 45min to an hour. Probably more, as with aneros devices sometimes, but I haven't had the opportunity to go there. Yet. I cant wait to try the synV.
What about the "after shocks" next day and so on? I get these after a good session with aneros or aless with the womanizer, or even lately, I thoughts of a romp with my wife who is finally sexually present in the marriage after ten years! It happens just driving down the road and puts me in a great mode when I walk into work! Have you experienced that with synV?
Thank you for the excellent review. My experience with vibrating toys is with my lelo hugo, which not only vibrates too hard, but also begins its vibrating on high when you turn it on. So unless I insert it AFTER finding my preferred vibration strength, I buzz through my prostate sensations immediately upon turning it on. Does the helix syn V start on high or on low when you turn it on? Doesn't seem like it even matters though because the helix syn pops in easy, compared to the very girthy hugo.
In any case, you have made me interested in the toy, mainly the idea that there is a very low rumbling level. I sometimes very gently tap my toys to send me over the edge. I am curious if this will be a similar sensation... only one way to find out! But I will patiently wait for it to arrive in french stores (along with the new progasm).
What about the "after shocks" next day and so on? Have you experienced that with synV?
No, I can't say that I have, at least not any more than I do from any of my other Aneros massagers.
Does the helix syn V start on high or on low when you turn it on?
It starts in the lowest vibration mode setting and I think most men will find this setting quite stimulating without stepping it up.
I don't own a Lelo Hugo so I can't comment on the girth issue there but as I noted in my review this new Helix SYN V is less girthy than the Vice 2/DeVice models and only slightly bigger from the Helix SYN Trident at the anus [0.52"(13.2mm) versus 0.48"(12.7mm)]. I don't think anyone will be intimidated by this minimal size increase, if you like any of your Helix models you'll like this one too.
Good Vibes to You!
Gave the Syn V its first go today. Initial impression is that it's great! I like the feel of the P and K tabs. I'm usually not a fan of the K tab. On most of my models the K tab just hurts. I've been known to hack them off in a crime of passion, haha. Not so with this model. As far as overall feel once inserted, the SV had a nice cradling feel to it. I took a bit to let it situate before switching on the vibes. I love the vibes, especially on the lowest setting. A couple of the modes feel like tapping or almost an electric pulse. Very novel feeling, very subtle, and I could tell that there is a lot of potential to take me where I want to go. My favorite modes so far are 2 and 7. I got some good P-waves going at one point which was really encouraging to me. I plan to give it another shot tomorrow. Overall really glad I bought it!
Best Aneros thus far and I have a few! This one definitely hits it out of the park! Just received it and took it for a quick test drive this morning! All I can say is WOW! It’s a perfect fit for me! I went through the settings briefly to see what each one felt like and was dripping precum very quickly! The random one was definitely the winner - a pleasant and welcome surprise! Only had a few minutes to play but this one will be a go to one! A Eupho version would be awesome! Nice work Aneros team!
Full disclosure; I don't own one (yet).
I know this is a thread about reviews of the new Helix Syn V; so far all of them are extremely enticing for everyone to acquire one and hopefully one day I will.
While reading, I can't help but think of it's ancestor, the Classic Helix Syn which was the company's flagship. I used mine last night and it's still gives me great sensations as it always has.
This is just to say that the new powered version should not replace the original but rather complement it. Mine, even with a broken front tab, is a keeper for a long as it will last.
My hat's off to Aneros R&D for their efforts to further advance their technologies in order to give us great products.