Lately when I insert my helix, it just feels like it's sitting in there, motionless. Contracting just seems to grip the unit tighter and restricts it further. It just started doing this. I have been using a combo of Vaseline and KY jelly, and recently got a syringe to inject lube. Is there anything that might be better, I feel maybe I'm not lubricated enough. How about cooking oil? Thanks for all the help, you're a fantastic community.
I sometimes have the same problem.
Dont use cooking oil.
I use Vaseline... maybe a common problem.
Don't use KY Jelly - it dries up too fast and is sticky.
Vaseline on the Helix, and then Johnsons & Johnsons Baby Oil Gel (the gel, not the oil) on top seems to work well for me. But it's messy.
I use vaseline (thin) and astroglide for years without any problems