sharing a great idea from The TaoBums, we can all share our creative juices here with some linguistic fun...
Simple rules/form:
1. three lines, five syllables first line, seven syllables second line, five syllables third line:
2. You must take the last line of the previous haiku, and must use that as the first line of yours. That makes the chain and can generate some of the fun!
3. Take the topic wherever it/you lead and sometimes that may inspire you to more than one haiku per post still following the above rules.
4. Helpful best form is to quote the previous haiku at the top of your post.
Here we go!...
a good haiku chain
can tickle your prostate too
if you feel good vibes
if you feel good vibes
rumel must be active here
sending them to you
Here we go!...
a good haiku chain
can tickle your prostate too
if you feel the vibesif you feel the vibes
rumel must be active here
sending them to you
sending them to you
birthday greetings cockadoo
noodle as you do
sending them to you
birthday greetings cockadoo
noodle as you do
Here is rumel's response haiku pair from his post in Anerosian Aphorisms:
noodle as you do
loving energies shared
something we must do
something we must do
be patient for our reward
[COLOR="blue"]'artform' leads us through
Everyone else please post yours here in the Haiku thread
Here is rumel's response haiku pair from his post in Anerosian Aphorisms:
noodle as you do
loving energies shared
something we must dosomething we must do
be patient for our reward
[COLOR="blue"]'artform' leads us throughaf
artform leads us through
blissfulness will come to you
lying patiently
lying patiently
magnificent is the glow
ripples grow and grow
artform leads us through
blissfulness will come to you
lying patiently
lying patiently
magnificent is the glow
ripples grow and grow
ripples grow and grow
and as nipples join the flow
energy abounds
energy abounds
microcosmic orbit cum
'pleats the circuit ground
ripples grow and grow
and as nipples join the flow
energy aboundsenergy abounds
microcosmic orbit
completes the circuit ground
great guys! try for a strict 5-7-5; adds to the creative challenge
"energy abounds
microcosmic orbit cum
pleats the circuit ground"
pleats the circuit ground
with pulses through, round and round
thrilling body vibes
thrilling body vibes
within your grasp and more
well'd up unbidden
well'd up unbidden
fierce passions doth unleash
spiritual fire
thrilling body vibes
within your grasp and more
well'd up unbiddenwell'd up unbidden
fierce passions doth unleash
spiritual fire
spiritual fire
will cum whenever it will
again gratitude
spiritual fire
will cum whenever it will
again gratitude
again gratitude
gracefully gives grand gestures
towards happiness
towards happiness
we search amongst Aneros
journeys far and wide
journeys far and wide
within ourselves we venture
into mystery
into mystery
woven curiosity
winds and twists around
winds and twists around
an orgasmic adventure
of community
of community
bound and united as one
towards goals alike
towards goals alike
striving for understanding
constant expanding
constant expanding
of male sexuality
brings us Aneros
brings us Aneros
connects us all together
circle now fulfilled
circle now fulfilled,super o will come one day, waiting patiently.
I remember seeing a couple of Haikus posted by'cyrez' that he subsequently deleted but I kind of liked them. So I thought I'd try to work what I remember into the mix here.
Circle now fulfilled
Super O will come one day
waiting patiently
waiting patiently
We enter world all alone
from higher darkness
from higher darkness
to the infinite unknown
here but a short while
here but a short while
I feel safe and warm when I
see your smile again
here but a short while
I feel safe and warm when I
see your smile again
see your smile again
warm vibrations radiate
energies abound
see your smile again
warm vibrations radiate
energies abound
Energies abound in this life
What we feel we are not sure
one day all will reveal
Got my ass lubed up
Progasm is slicked up too
Slide in pure pleasure
Excellent gentlemen!! 31 haiku is a great start! Keep coming back responding and reimagining with more. 8 authors direct and indirect to date, always with room for more and many returns by each. At The TaoBums we are over 2500 haiku and still growing strong. Fascinating the topics and idea shifts.
Occasionally there are slips and we need patching. That is all part of the fun. Voyager, there are only a few rules here; our haiku should be three lines running in syllables, 5-7-5, strictly; and your first line must be the exact last line of the previous haiku. You too eh hula, on the last-line first-line linking the chain. OK men carry on following this patch...
energies abound
in life what's felt we're unsure
one day all reveal'd
one day all reveal'd
ass lub'd up, progasm slick'd too
slide in pure pleasure
slide in pure pleasure
awakening our magic
golden gland of joy
slide in pure pleasure
awakening our magic
golden gland of joy
golden gland of joy
empowers the man to go
far beyond the boy
far beyond the boy
my spirit will ebb and flow
no time to be coy
no time to be coy
there is much we do not know
about our wonder toy
about our wonder toy
as white as new fallen snow
in heat we deploy
in heat we deploy
into passion it does sew
our souls to enjoy
Our souls to enjoy
the beauty within the show
time can not destroy
time can not destroy
and angry winds can not blow
'way our bliss and joy
'way our bliss and joy
enlightenment may follow
the toy we employ
slide in pure pleasure
awakening our magic
golden gland of joygolden gland of joy
empowers the man to go
far beyond the boyfar beyond the boy
my spirit will ebb and flow
no time to be coyno time to be coy
there is much we do not know
about our wonder toyabout our wonder toy
as white as new fallen snow
in heat we deployin heat we deploy
into passion it does sew
our souls to enjoyOur souls to enjoy
the beauty within the show
time can not destroy
time can not destroy
and angry winds can not blow
'way our bliss and joy
'way our bliss and joy
enlightenment may follow
the toy we employ
the toy we employ
The Bard of Avon I could dig
Percy Bysshe a class bore
Percy Bysshe a class bore
What did he use a meter for
No rhyme or reason there
No rhyme or reason there
From my school days to my grave
These thoughts will I keep
These thoughts I will keep
Once the aneros is in
I just cannot sleep
These thoughts I will keep
Once the aneros is in
I just cannot sleep
I just cannot sleep
Tao-like threads of energies
fly me to Ori'n
fly me to Ori'n
universe, life creation
energies connect
energies connect
prostate, heart, brains, mind and soul
all reintegrate
all reintegrate
in energetic language
bards all, we now swim
Bards all, we now swim
Sphincters pumping like a gym
helped by nipple stim
Bards all, we now swim
Sphincters pumping like a gym
helped by nipple stim
helped by nipple stim
perineal scrotum buzz
builds to ecstasies
builds to ecstasies
topping sex corporeal
above and beyond
ABove and beyond,
Carnal, meet ethereal
two kinds of buzzes
ABove and beyond,
Carnal, meet ethereal
two kinds of buzzes
two kinds of buzzes
among many possible
joys beyond belief
Hey Buster! Welcome aboard the [COLOR="red"]Aneros Haiku Chain Gang!
Part of the challenge here, and it too can give you the tingles, is keeping your language in the line syllable limits:
5 in the first line which the last person gave you,
7 in the middle line (your first composed); and
5 in the last line (your second composed- the one you give to the next person).
So 5-7-5. Pardon my editing you to patch this and please dive in again soon.
Buster wrote:
Full Body Orgasm, Wow!
Who knew we had this in us?
Thanks guys for the support.
to 5-7-5 could become...
Full Body Orgasm!
WOW! This is really in us?
Thanks for the support.
So to this I'll reply/chain onward...
Thanks for the support
in the changes underway
outward and within
Ok, I'll give this a whirl...
Deleted by user for not thoroughly reading the haiku rules.
MGX in ass
It is five seven five guys
Aneros Haiku
MGX in ass
It is five seven five guys
Aneros Haiku
Aneros Haiku
free form verse from me to you
sailing right on through
sailing right on through
that which we know to be true
waves of azure blue
waves of azure blue
float us on waves of pleasure
during our leisure
during our leisure
we play for fun in the sun
no need to ever run
no need to ever run
as our fear dissolves away
allowing us to play
no need to ever run
as our fear dissolves away
allowing us to play
allowing us to play
in such a unique new way
in bed sail away
allowing us to play
in such a unique new way
in bed sail away
in bed sail away
mind games, language, take us there
the goal, why we're here
in bed sail away
mind games, language, take us there
the goal, why we're here
the goal, why we're here
a question of mystery
for our history
for our history
Aneros it does re-write
a clear shining light
a clear shining light
of hope and joy we can see
when your path is free
when your path is free
the world opens up to you
what you see is true