have 420 but....
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have 420 but....

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cant use it til tues/wed. achieved unsurpassed results at christmas with weed. hope ill b reportin bac hrs of pleasure later in the week

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Curious here!


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I'm on board with weed.
The sensitivity I experience with it far surpasses my sessions w/o it.
Just a little goes a long way.

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Why would one need to be high on weed for a session? Why not recommend cocaine (hard or soft), heroine, meth, pain pills, extacsy, acid, etc? One should be able to have a session, and get good results without being high. If one cannot relax while SOBER, one's journey is virtually doomed to failure.

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Relaxation and a non-controlling temperament are two qualities that help the new Aneros user "fall" into a non-masturbatory orgasm. Marijuana provides many men with the 'lassitude' to relax, suppress their anxieties and tendencies to 'control' their session.

Some Aneros users have found that once they accomplish a session under the influence of MJ they are 'good' to take flight without the influence of weed during subsequent sessions.

Most of this work was done during 2010 and 2011.

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Why would one need to be high on weed for a session?

I would have to say "why not" Weed is nothing like any of the other drugs you listed. I spent a great many years enjoying the benefits of weed. It will work exactly as Rook mentioned. As an artist and musician I found that weed can and does allow me to perform better at what I liked to do. Do I need it? No never need. Do I like? Hell yeah.

Think of it as an electric guitar, Weed would be the amplifier.

There is nothing wrong with a few beers after work or the occasional 420 session in normal (non Aneros) life.

I actually no longer use either alcohol or weed myself as I am trying to be healthy for I am a single parent. But I can see that someone may choose and possibly benefit by experimenting with weed on their journey. We are each wired a little different. Everyone here is looking for or has found their path to finding the keys to unlock their session.

damn, 420 in the house!

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i dont use any of those drugs listed. i get a joint or 2 mayb twice a year. Enough to get high, but when i used aneros with even the slight high, my ass spasmed for hours. was incredible. am gettin more sensations with my aneros lately, but wanna really orgasm again.

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i dont use any of those drugs listed. i get a joint or 2 mayb twice a year. Enough to get high, but when i used aneros with even the slight high, my ass spasmed for hours. was incredible. am gettin more sensations with my aneros lately, but wanna really orgasm again.

I think that's the problem, once you've experienced what it's like with mj, you can't really Super O without anymore. At least, possibly you can experience what others call a Super O, but super is relative, with mj it will always be more super. It's very easy to become addicted.
Just keep in mind that the more you do it the less of an effect it will have, your body adapts very quickly.

Twice a year though requires a lot more selfdiscipline than I have, but I'm sure these session are really amazing

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I really think pot is the magic elixir when it comes to aneros use. Relaxation and inward reflection combined in one natural substance. I'd ignore any advice claiming it is not natural. Hey, is putting a piece of plastic up your ass natural?

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"I think that's the problem, once you've experienced what it's like with mj, you can't really Super O without anymore. At least, possibly you can experience what others call a Super O, but super is relative, with mj it will always be more super. It's very easy to become addicted. "

Are you speaking from experience here? As long as we are using personal anecdotes I find frequent sessions with weed to help and not hinder the frequency/intensity of super-o's in "non-enhanced" sessions. Although, I will agree there is a threshold were weed no longer helps with anerosing. That being said, I think we should allow people to decide for themselves how much and how often (if at all) they will use weed during a session. Throwing out sweeping generalizations is no help to anyone.

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Its nature's way of saying high

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i had zero success til i had a 420 session. i was unaware of what muscles were involved and was always concentrating on the front instead of the back. i'd argue it showed me the way forward, not that it holds me back.

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"I think that's the problem, once you've experienced what it's like with mj, you can't really Super O without anymore. At least, possibly you can experience what others call a Super O, but super is relative, with mj it will always be more super. It's very easy to become addicted. "

Are you speaking from experience here? As long as we are using personal anecdotes I find frequent sessions with weed to help and not hinder the frequency/intensity of super-o's in "non-enhanced" sessions. Although, I will agree there is a threshold were weed no longer helps with anerosing. That being said, I think we should allow people to decide for themselves how much and how often (if at all) they will use weed during a session. Throwing out sweeping generalizations is no help to anyone.

My own experience with mj is that it fucks up my memory, concentration, motivation, discipline, moodswingsetc. But as you said there's no point generalizing with my own experiences, others claim to be unaffected by the drug. Anyway, judging by my own experience I wish I'd never started it. Perhaps if I'd persevered another few months I could have had a Super O without relying on it.

It's a double edged sword.

I'm not advising against it, I'm just saying because it's a foreign substance your body and mind will be put out of balance, what goes up must come down. If I could do things over I would have tried at least a year before I resorted to mj, now I have to have an mj fueled Super O once in a while despite the consequences

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I have nothing against smoking weed, mind you. I agree with what @Ehm said about it being a double edged sword. It's no different than a whiskey dicked man (a man that has to drink alcohol, in order to relax to get an erection); except this is weed ass! It's sad that one cannot relax enough, to have a session, without the use of intoxicants. If one is high on reefer, one is not going to remember anything that did or did not happen. No good will come of weed and Aneros sessions. Consistent results require SOBRIETY! If one's asshole says,
"Pass it man! It's burning." Then one has a problem.

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I didn't say I couldn't relax enough to have a session without mj, just that my idea of what a Super O entails is warped coz my first one was under influence. An analogy would be bodybuilding and steroids. Yes, it will give far better results than without, but it has side effects, so you should ask yourself if it's wise to start it in the first place

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I have always enjoyed marijuana combined with sex. I do not need it to enjoy sex and do not use it all the time but I do find it heightens my sensitivity. Weed and the aneros go hand in hand for me. Pspot, you seem to be closed minded to drugs which is just fine but consistent results do not require sobriety for me.Pspot do your thing and don't be so quick to judge others.

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Why are you so defensive? I'm not judging anyone! You should heed the words of @Ehm. His is advice would explain why you have to be high, in order for your asshole to respond to the Aneros.

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Come on guys, this is supposed to be fun! You'd think we were having presidential debates by the thin skins some seem to have in these discussions! Breathe deeply and...Orgasm On!


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In my experience, weed, as I have reported many times, is a fantastic adjunct to the aneros. It opens the mind and body to the experience, often with spectacular results, for me anyway. It only takes one or two tokes, not enough to feel particularly high, but enough to feel extremely sensuous. I do this once every couple of months. I don't use the drug for any other reason, nor do I use any other drugs (or have the inclination to do so). I have no "addiction" to it, nor do I "need" it for my sessions. It is just guaranteed, with 100% consistency, to provide me an incredible session. Without it I might have a good, great or dud session, depending on the usual unknowable variables.

i have also used it three or four times over the last 10 years in a more intense way, taking more than a few tokes, and getting pretty high. at those times i reported the experiences on this forum, detailing my profoundly sexual flights from reality. they were amazing. i still remember those experiences as high points of my life (no pun intended).

i would never recommend this to people who live where it is illegal nor to those who are not comfortable with it for any reason. but for the rest, it is worth a try.

i agree with those who advise only infrequent use, and going light. but i don't think forum is the place to open a discussion of drug use except in the context of the aneros.

i also like to recommend the VaporGenie as an intake device.


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Darwin's experiences mirror mine completely. By most folks standards I'd be considered old. I've used pot for years (a child of the 60’s) and am considered successful by traditional standards. Pot is no big deal, it is not a monster and that's why more and more folks in the scientific and medical communities are advocating its use...even recreationally. Time to get over it.

I am amazed that folks on this forum in particular are judgmental about something once considered taboo.

It is hard to keep from laughing, and I am not even high.

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It has nothing to do with judging anyone. It has nothing to do with reefer being a monster. It's rather strange that one has to get high, in order to dig in one's asshole. I guess weed ass is very common.

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Come on, read what you write. Calling something strange is being judgmental.

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Weed usage is not strange. Smoking weed in order to play with your ass, is strange.

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I guess you just don't understand what the term judgmental means. I won't waste my time since apparently you know how the world should be.

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This is judgmental:
@Gilman you are a disgust to all things Aneros, because you have weed ass. You cannot Super O, non super O, or any kind of O sober. You are a substandard human being, because you have to get high, in order to diddle your bum. This is because you feel guilty about ass play when you are sober. Weed helps you mask your guilt and shame, regarding your ass banditry! You should make all of your Aneros into bongs, you doper. And you suck!

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There is a difference! Get some weed based lube and/or a cannibus suppository, and have a good evening, weed ass! =))
