Hanging Weight Expe...
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Hanging Weight Experiment

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Yesterday I decided to conduct a little experiment. I'm not saying you should try this, or that you would get any gains form doing so, but I thought this was interesting nonetheless. It's also likely that this would not work as well with an unmodified Aneros model. 

I added some swinging weight to the bottom of an heavily modified Helix that allows for side to side wobble. The idea was to move this weight by gyrating my body so I would get some internal motion. I wanted to see what position gave the best feedback. While this is not 100% handsfree, I thought this would be fun anyway and that it would also be the easiest way to generate the aforementioned wobble. 

Using a 125 g weight, (around 4.5 oz) I set to this task. While I did get the internal sensations I was looking for, and they were quite pleasant, this would obviously not really work for a real session. But what was surprising to me was how easily I could retain the weighted Aneros. I did not have to pull more than usual, and even pushing a bit was not an issue. Even more surprising was how easy it was to lock the device in place and stop all internal motion. It only took just a bit of either PC or sphincter squeeze to stop the motion, even with the weight.  You can imagine how little it takes with a "normal" device... One thing for sure, I do not intend to train with this, as I think it would be easy to make the muscles too strong and thus, get an unwanted "death grip" on my devices. 

Any thoughts on this would be appreciated. Thanks for reading ! 

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 Yea I'd be careful, you could easily turn into a weight Queen. lol.  1 gram at a time, thats how it happens. Next thing ya know you have W.Q syndrome, the sure give away is when you start shitin curly fries. Attaching bells to the weights, bragging about how much weight you can put on and still make the bells ring. HaHaHa

I could go on. On a real note, sounds interesting. I'm not there yet though.

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On the serious side, this opens more questions about how much anchored tension is too much, in some cases it might be less than we think. 

Over the years some people asked for stainless steel versions of the current Aneros models, would they move well or would they be locked in place from the extra contraction needed to retain them ?  

It's also quite strange how even a quarter pound does not feel like the muscles are lifting much while contracting. On the other hand, I don't know how much a steel Helix would weight, but maybe it would already be too much to handle...  

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I tried the weight in reverse last night by putting the njoy wand head down instead of toward the prostate with blanket propped under my butt. it keeps from sliding hands free and omg it was the most intense feeling. like i said in another post i have been trying to accomplish male squirting and for the first time little bit came out. So if done right the weight idea is amazing.

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My test was more about weight pulling the device outwards than having more pressure on the prostate, but for sure the right amount of weight or pressure applied at the right spot can work wonders. One thing you can do with the Njoy is to insert the large end while on all fours  and then gently move your pelvis side to side. I would not do this with the small end as I'm afraid it would apply too much pressure on the prostate and would not be completely safe.

The way the mechanics and leverage work with the large end, I don't feel there is much risk, since the larger ball is mostly supported by your muscles , and if you are not certain then you can rest the small end on the bed to take some of the weight off. Obviously this is all done gently, with control and no crazy thrusting. I never managed to really let go and have real Super-O with the Njoy wand because it's just too heavy and large and I always have this feeling in the back of my head that I could hurt myself. I have a much smaller and lighter glass wand that I'm more comfortable to use hands-free but again, I know that if I get into a bridge or into heavy thrusting, I'll probably bruise myself.

Another great stance with the Njoy wand is to get in position just like my avatar, back against the wall, small end inserted and big end supported by a folded towel. If you are flexible enough you can keep the large end in place using your heels, otherwise just make a "U" shape with the towel. 

That's one of the wonderful aspects of the Aneros device, they truly move with you and thus, are very safe, even when things get really intense. I'm not sure a heavier Aneros would be quite as safe. 


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Of course there can be too much tension,tension should always be held at the least force as necessary to generate pleasure,like a long gentle inward breath. 
The resistance training with a small plate is quite clever. I don’t think it’ll train a death grip,just more muscular endurance and control. Remember to use progressive overload until you work up to a 45lb plate 😉

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I don't know how much weight I would care to use, or even how much it would take to really feel it. This was really bout side to side motion, and I was sure the quarter pound would be too much for no reason, but it really was not.

Then the question would be, how much weight does it take before I cannot lock the device in place, I guess it would really be quite a lot. I still think that doing some real muscle training could have unforeseen consequence, like for example lead to an hypertonic pelvic floor. 

This also raises the question, if someone could develop some kind of robot finger that exactly mimics the pressure and motion of "correct" Aneros use, would it lead to Super-Os? I'd say no because the mental aspect would not be there, but still... maybe it would ?

Let's say you can map every motion of the Aneros during a session, then program this into this machine, and let's say the machine can somehow move with the individual, would this work ? Also, what feels super great to me, would the same exact motion be as good for someone else, in other words, are parts of the experience universal or close to it ? 

Personally I don't think you can beat the self-correcting aspect and complete freedom of motion of a hand-free device, but there are still things it cannot do, like this particular sweeping motion I can achieve with a finger or the weights. While we know they are no necessary for S-Os, maybe they could enhance them ?

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Posted by: @zentai

I don't know how much weight I would care to use, or even how much it would take to really feel it. This was really bout side to side motion, and I was sure the quarter pound would be too much for no reason, but it really was not.

The 45lb plate was a bit of a stretch lol

Posted by: @zentai

I still think that doing some real muscle training could have unforeseen consequence, like for example lead to an hypertonic pelvic floor. 

Nah,they’re only a small muscle group. They can only get so big. Have you ever seen an ab the size of a quad? Haha

Posted by: @zentai

This also raises the question, if someone could develop some kind of robot finger that exactly mimics the pressure and motion of "correct" Aneros use, would it lead to Super-Os? I'd say no because the mental aspect would not be there, but still... maybe it would ?

We bought a cowgirl machine. The rotation is brilliant! Like you say,is that due to the toy or my mental agility? 80/20 mental I think 🙂

Posted by: @zentai

Let's say you can map every motion of the Aneros during a session, then program this into this machine, and let's say the machine can somehow move with the individual, would this work ? Also, what feels super great to me, would the same exact motion be as good for someone else, in other words, are parts of the experience universal or close to it

Very true,I still think A-Less kicks Aneros ass,but a lot of guys prefer to have a toy in to feel physical touch on the prostate even though one can feel exactly that with no toy lol

Posted by: @zentai

Personally I don't think you can beat the self-correcting aspect and complete freedom of motion of a hand-free device, but there are still things it cannot do, like this particular sweeping motion I can achieve with a finger or the weights. While we know they are no necessary for S-Os, maybe they could enhance them ?

Maybe a future V model will have directional power built in,take your idea to Aneros R&D.

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Posted by: @helghast

Nah,they’re only a small muscle group. They can only get so big. Have you ever seen an ab the size of a quad? Haha

Well, a weak pelvic floor is associated with incontinence, while an hypertonic one comes with difficulty urinating. So on the realistic range of muscle tone, it looks like there is a way of overdoing it without lifting cement blocks with your PC, hehe. Of course this probably would not happen by surprise and one would see this evolve well before it caused actual issues. 

This goes beyond what is needed for S-O success and into weirder places, it could maybe enhance Aless results ?

Posted by: @helghast

We bought a cowgirl machine. The rotation is brilliant! Like you say,is that due to the toy or my mental agility? 80/20 mental I think.

Yeah, it depends on what part of the experience comes from the muscle flexing and massaging the gland or acting on other muscles, VS what part is only mental. I think you can pretty much reach an orgasm on both ends of the spectrum, and different users will require a different mix. I've had too many different experiences and phases where opposite concepts worked, and I've bounced between thinking this was mostly a quite simple, physical response to stimulation, to thinking it was 99% mental. It has to be both, just maybe not at the same time,    

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Very true,after all,I had more success with A-Less than with toys,but I eventually got the toys working. 

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Posted by: @zentai

I've bounced between thinking this was mostly a quite simple, physical response to stimulation, to thinking it was 99% mental. It has to be both, just maybe not at the same time, 

Yeah they could be feeding off of each other. Two parts in a feedback loop that eventually cascades into something too fast to even process or make sense of.

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Yes, sometimes the forest is really hiding the trees. I spent a lot of time trying to understand all these things, and how opposite interpretations can all be valid. There is basically no right answers, only answers that are right for individuals. That's why it's important to cast a very wide net and try lots of different approaches until something works.  And even if something does work, it does not mean that other things can't work even better.

That's why for some strange reason, the Super-O could well be 90% mental at the start of a session and 90% physical at the end, or things could vary from an instant to the next... Like you said, too fast to make sense of. 

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