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Half asleep

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During sessions, I will often sort of doze off, without really falling asleep. Should I just go with it, or should I try to stay alert?

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During sessions, I will often sort of doze off, without really falling asleep. Should I just go with it, or should I try to stay alert?That's an interesting question and my response would be dependent upon what you mean by "...alert". If you mean alert as "watchful and prompt to meet danger or emergency", then I would say No, 'just go with it' because getting your ego consciousness and the higher brain functions ramped up is probably just going to lead to 'mind noise' and a dud session, that's not the type of alertness which will benefit your session. However, If you mean alert as "quick to perceive and act", then I would say Yes, and 'go with it', being perceptive of the subtle feelings/sensations produced by your body affords you the opportunity to focus your intent on those sensations, to nurture them into larger feelings feeding your fantasy and arousal.

Personally, I think hypnagogia is the ideal mind state for an Anerosession. It is in this magical twilight world where both your inner and exterior realities are interacting, where your conscious awareness and thought can actually direct aspects of the intuitive, imaginative images being uplifted from the subconscious. In this realm fantasy thoughts can be brought to the threshold of physical reality reinforcing the physical arousal you are already feeling. One of my goals with the "HypnAerosession" recording was to induce this state of mind to facilitate the transition into the Super-O zone.
Good Vibes to You !

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@jspad, i have that happen alot to me too, not on purpose. Sometimes I am brought out of it by a dry O very suddenly, so its not all bad, but sleeping probably is. Not much happens to me when I actually fall asleep.

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Not much happens to me when I actually fall asleep.

How would you know? 😉

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@twiltin, I guess i wouldnt, but if i nothing wakes me up, then its not really noteworthy anyways 😛

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I find that that spot between sleep and awake is a very productive place.

@rumel I purchased the HypnAerosession audio. In the beginning I didn't care for it as it added noise. Now, I can put it on and it is much different. It becomes subliminal. Things change dramatically along this journey.

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being half asleep is a tightrope walk for me. first its much easier to concentrate, because my arms and legs feel heavier and kind of numb and my whole position becomes completely comfortable - there is nothing i think about, just now is important. when i stay too long "in between" i drift off and start dreaming but still know i am awake and should focus again.

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What I mean by alert is to stay fully awake, in order to focus on feelings. And what I mean by "go with it" is to allow my myself to "sort of" sleep. I'm not really sleeping, but I feel sort of like I could fall asleep. And I don't think I've had any dreams. It's just shy of actually falling asleep I think.
