Aneros Blue Helix Syn V

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Graduating from Helix Syn onto something new

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Evening lads,

I’ve been an Aneros rider for about four months now, with my Helix Syn. I love this toy, it’s comfortable and I’ve been enjoying sessions where I consistent p-waves for some time now, no orgasms yet though.

I recently saw saw the advert on the website for the new Trident series and wondered, with its claims that it moves better, whether it was worth investing in one of these, too, to assist my journey to the super-o?

I realise, like most things, this is an internal exercise and more about the focus and consistency, but a new and improved tool has to do wonders, surely?

Im torn between this and the progasm (or the junior) as my next toy as I feel it may stimulate my perenium better.

Any thoughts are much appreciated!

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The Progasm is quite a jump to the other end of the spectrum. I've seen quite a few comments about how great the Jr. is. I have the Helix Syn and the Progasm and I'm thinking the MGX Trident will be the next step for me. (Seeing as how GlobalSexToys seems to be a scam site, I'm going to have to re-order from a reputable supplier.)

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@Lth0ms0n Helix Syn is an excellent choice to start your Aneros journey. At this early stage, it is really the only one you need. Having said that, I didn't practice as I preach at the beginning of my journey more than a decade ago. Striving for success, I wanted to try different models just like you.

In choosing your next model,as I expect you will, despite my advice, focus on mobility. The idea is for the Aneros to stroke the inside of your rectum towards where the prostate is loceted. This area is rich with nerve endings and as you awaken these nerve endings, you go through what is commonly referred to as rewiring in this forum. The larger the massager, the more you restrict mobility. Once you are rewired and have achieved success, the smaller movements of the larger massagers will be enough to send you off to the land of bliss, but to start with, I suggest that you stay with a model of lesser size. Having said that, I also suggest you wait with either of the two Eupho models, as these are rather thin, and, as stated in the product information, are not recommended for the beginner.

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I would say, it depends on what you feel is missing. I was a predominantly helix user but I had quite a few other models. I felt contrasted sometimes on the helix not having enough heft to it but; I found larger models harder to get consistency out of. I had the original helix and original Syn version, and after a hiatus I "restarted" with a trident Syn.

For me the trident syn is just overall better, the silicone difference/tweaks to the form factor/the tabs and etc range from subtle to blatant. So I was skeptical. But for me it has completely changed a lot of things in a short span of time even with years of experience already. The new syn engages the perenium better in my opinion, as the tabs don't have nearly as much give in comparison.

I can't speak much for the Jr because it was a model I didn't have, having the original Progasm instead. I can say the Maximus is quite close to the Jr, width wise. And is less of a step in girth adaption wise, with it having a trident version and all it might be an inbetween if you want to experiment. I've seen helix users do good with the maximus in the past and is part of why I mention it, the choice being ultimately yours of course.

Whilst I feel most of the experience is mental ontop of training really subtle feelings, new models can still help. With the "black hole" so to speak being when you think new model = quick progress/the missing element. Hope that helped somewhat.

And I mirror the above comments on mobility, mostly what I meant with consistency.

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Thanks all. It’s the mobility I’m concerned with; at this point, feeling “full” the way I imagine the progasm likely does isn’t what I’m after, I have a dildo to give me that if it’s what I’m after at any given point...

I have, only thus far (since mid December) managed to reach the stage of getting involuntaries. When that happens, I feel a tingling in my belly and it usually leads to some very gentle moans but, after that round has subsided, I find it I very difficult to make it happen again.

However, when this happens, I can only really get one good ‘ripple’, if you like, and after that, I really struggle to do it again. Why is that, is it muscle fatigue or is it because I am still wanking daily, at least once, and am not allowing the energy to build enough to get me over this hump?

I have to admit that I am finding it particularly difficult to give up masturbating traditionally, even reducing it to only one a day! Hahaha.

The reason that I wanted to ask the question was, in your opinion, would having a toy that increases the mobility inside provide a greater sensation and thus evidence that the practise I am putting in on the journey is heading in the right direction? Although I wouldn’t say that I am experiencing anything orgasmic yet, I am finding the practise thoroughly enjoyable and really look forward to evenings where I slip it inside, even if I only ever manage to keep it in there for 30 minutes or so before finishing off with a super-t.

Or, should I just stick with the helix for now?

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I started my own journey about 7-8 years ago, and have went through most of the conflicts a lot of other people have had at one point or another. I'm not some knowledge veteran, but I've mirrored what you said. That ripple you speak of is good, as it is a rewiring and "subtle" feeling you have to learn to feel. And speaking from my helix usage again, the trident syn did increase movement for me quite a lot compared to either of the originals.

I'm a bit bias'd in that because I have some, minor location displacement due to my spine but nothing has had the movement of it. Had the eupho, and it does move more but it has a lot less of a noticeable indent when it moves compared to the helix. So it may be a counter to progress, if you like the helix shape I'd say stick with the helix. If you want more subtle, and more frequent movement maybe look at the eupho.

On the masturbation angle, have you tried going for as long as possible without doing it? Frustration and excess denial can lead to positive developments down below. It isn't a magic method but it can help jumpstart a lot of things, you may consider giving it a shot. Even if that seems laughable of something to commit to given your frequency, it did help me quite a lot. There is also a point where arousal is a hinderance because it gets in the way of relaxing, meaning less muscle movement.

Mental can be the same thing, asscociating the model with traditional methods. Just as much doubting yourself can be. Fully relaxing took me forever to learn personally, without killing off arousal completely.

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@Vermith Hey there

i had a quick look on the website and they do say the trident models help you achieve the super-O more easily. Would that be the experience you’ve had with the trident series, over the helix?

I enjoy the rippling and and fluttering I experience but my problem is that during a session, I only usually get one good one per-ride. Unless I’m expecting them to happen in quick succession, would it be better to wait for longer and perhaps fall back to nipple or other erogenous zone stimulation, to recharge?

Whats better, in the early stages before you’ve experienced your first super-o - movement or pressure against your prostate? Is that more of a personal choice!

Yeah I’ve tried denying it and stuff but haven’t succeeded. As hey. I get so horny during a ride because I love having something in my ass so finishing with a stronger ejaculation is a nice way to finish - with the aneros inside.. That said I could try to ditch the one in the morning before I shower I guess.

fully relaxing is also a problem for me. I’m very hyperactive and my mind is always busy. But it’s called a practice for a reason, I guess!

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@Lth0ms0n Whilst I'm not highly keen on saying "X model is better", I do think the trident syn has helped me completely break new grounds. Like no other model I owned in the past, but again this is just per what happened with me. I've had movement issues since the beginning, largely from issues relaxing and muscle tension from my spine. I also have PTSD, so anxiety and the like. My trident syn moves, and it moves a lot. I didn't really have to alter what I was doing, I did take a break for awhile but I have abstained prior and it wasn't until now I got that result.

I'm not sure if normal trident models would do it, or just the syn in specific. But in my opinion, I'd switch the trident syn over either the previous helix models. The ABS model I will probably get in the future, if I even feel the need to. To give a, boisterous remark even though I've been doing this so long I've just recently started leaning towards if I did or didn't have a Super-O from the trident syn. Just not trying to give snake oil remarks because I had success.

But really, movement. A clenching, involuntary and hard to explain "grip" happens. And from that, it feels like the head is moving and moving quite a lot directly on where it should be. Pressure, dulls this. As it becomes harder in general for that muscular reaction to happen, but some are also the opposite of me and that pressure leads into effects like that mostly from fatigue.

I also, would get a one and done sort of effect. A large increase followed by nothing, it didn't frustrate me but it did confuse me a lot. It wasn't until I started muting my other senses, and focusing on something enough to space out, that I started feeling why that might've happened. Tensing up so the movement got pushed back, questioning if it'd go on, not controlling my breathing. All tiny things but they had lasting effects.

I'd suggest, if abstaining has not helped, perhaps try days without using a model, and when you get to the point of using it again relax as much as possible. Omit caffeine, take a bath, do breathing exercises even if you are like me and find them a bit awkward to believe in etc, really ease into it. Just see if anything different happens and note it, see if you can't repeat it another day. Is what I'd do.

Model wise, just stick to the helix, all good feelings are positive marks. And if you just want a blanket statement, I do think the trident syn is worth it, coming from an ex-helix classic user.

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@Vermith So, were you having super-o’s before or after switching to the syn? Is the movement more important? I have to say I favour the the idea of it rubbing my prostate more, at this stage, to the feeling of fullness that the program would give me.

I like the look of the Helix Shn Trident so May opt for that next. I feel like the movement would be better for me anyway as I try to learn how to identify the sensation of it nudging against my prostate, too..

you talk of a one and done effect, I think I can relate... I will lay in many back and begin a session and arrive at the stage where it begins to flutter and I begin to feel warmth and excitement flood my belly. After a round of stops. It doesn’t happen again. Do I need to allow more time to build that back up, let my muscles relax a bit and recover before trying contractions again? I’m guessing focusing on the breath is really key when that happens, too?

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@Lth0ms0n Regardless of what your next model will be, remember that patience is one of the most important keys to success. Some people are fortunate enough to be more "Aneros ready" than others, but for most of us, we are looking at a period of months or even years. For me, it was 6 to 12 months before I felt a first little tingle, and equally long until my first orgasm. Your brain and nervous system has to learn a new skill, and they are slow learners.

In two different posts, Neuroplasticity - the science behind rewiring and Words of hope for those not yet successful, I commented on some common questions and concerns of people in this forum trying to find out what is happening and what they might be doing wrong.

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@Lth0ms0n Can't say if I have or have not, as it is more of a rapid progress towards if I am or not. I am not purposely being cryptic, this has just started in the span of 3-4 sessions recently. But yes I think movement is much more important in general, kegels help with contact and movement in general if you haven't done that yet. They can also have a pressure effect.
You could try no forced contractions whatsoever, I myself don't as I use the do nothing method. Contractions begin to happen on their own when I'm relaxed enough, but only the trident syn has been much more obvious movement wise. I was simply trying to put don't let my success stand as the, "it'll happen because it did to him", as I've done that myself.

@Pavlov is expanding upon that. New models most certainly can help, and I do think the trident syn still moves better in general, but it may not "jump" progress. There are no real shortcuts, even though I think most of us would like appreciate that. I most certainly would with my years of doing it.

On the flutter effect, relaxing and not doing anything could yield the results to further, just as much as time might. Sometimes feelings are in a growing state and things like an imaginary plateau not being reached are just concepts, as the experience is a lot different than traditional orgasm. So you start learning to seperate the two feeling wise.
Stomach breathing helps me quite a lot with movement and relaxing better, but it is a bit hard to mentally stay aware of keeping the same pace. That is what I would put the learning curve as, in regards to that.

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@Vermith so you don’t do anything, you are a devout fan of the do nothing method then?

I haven’t had any results from that method, yet.. I do seem to get the fluttering of the toy in my anus after a serious of held, moderate contractions; that’s when I tend to see changes in my breathing that accompany the pleasurable sensations in my stomach and the moans and stuff. The do nothing method doesn’t really work though, I think I have some more rewiring to do in order to see results from that.

You say the Trident Syn moves better than the Helix? It’s not so much that I want a shortcut to the super-o but I am wondering if, the improved movement of a slightly different model will help me learn the sensations a little better so I can hone my practise and push myself further towards it..

It’s difficult to know when you’re doing it all on your own! Haha.

It’s definitely difficult for someone with ADHD to learn all of this, there is a tendency for those of us who suffer with it to want it now! But, perhaps the meditate process of this can help with curing that, too...

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@Lth0ms0n Yes, hard thing to describe but: I get contractions mostly driven by the model itself. It is like an involuntary draw inward, whilst muscles contract around it. It isn't really voluntarily controlled, but it could be if I focused on it. It took a long time before I got to that point.

Rewiring, especially with something like ADHD most certainly is difficult, and the methods I'm talking about much more so. But it isn't impossible. Just as much my way of thinking is not everyone will benefit even per generally regarded techniques.

But the "nothing" method is also a tool for learning subtle, well everything. At the very least it helped me learn how to relax better, in day to day life. When I wasn't getting success from it. It is quite similar to meditation but has a much longer on average duration.

It is called a journey for reasons like I'm talking about, you have to poke around until you find something that works. Sometimes you have to experiment with things that failed, or just stick with a method that gives positive results. Within reason, of course.

As per the trident syn, yes, I do think it moves better. If I had to praise it in any area, it'd be movement. From my own personal usage the original syn moved the least, the classic moved above that, and the T. syn moves above either. I was just saying, every model can move just as much with time and knowing how your body works with it. The T. syn just worked for me the best with the least effort.

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@Vermith ahh yes, I get those too! They’re kinda well spaced out but sometimes, I’ll lie in bed with my Helix inserted and reading or just chilling in general and periodically, it will twitch and move deeper inside. At first, I wondered if those were involuntaries - are they another form of them?

I can to that myself, too. Perhaps I am underestimating how much control I have been able to gain of my PC and anal muscles? I guess being gay would make me a little more receptive or previously aware of that..

Yeah, I struggle with doing nothing for a long time. When I’m aroused, I just wanna get off, so it’s taking a long time to get to the stage where I’m OK just ‘being’ with it inside of me.

I think you’ve answered my question, if I’m honest. I was looking at the trident models as my next one and as they seem to be advertised with better results, it seems like the way to go. It was that or the progasm jr, hey, maybe I’ll get both!

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