I registered yesterday and I am pleased to be here. There is so much good stuff in the forum with lots to help keep one's spirits up.
Good to know too that if you have a problem or an anxiety, someone can offer advice and help. Hanks.
Welcome to the community! I'm sure you'll find many pleasant personalities that offer the most wonderful support and advice. Please feel free to join in the chat sessions, now is a great time to get involved in open chat week! There is a lot of information archived in this forum. I myself am still pouring through it all and learning. Just be open and free. Everyone I've come across is highly understanding and respectful. 🙂
Welcome to the group.
Yes, welcome! The Aneros forum is unique in many regards not the least of which is the character of it's membership. There are many people here who are as dedicated to helping others as they are to their own personal journeys. May I suggest that you take some time to familiarize yourself with the Aneros WIKI to start. The WIKI contains a distillation of threads and posts from expert users. It will provide you with a terrific overview on the use of the Aneros to get you up and running for your initial sessions. Furthermore, it will acquaint you with some of the terms that we use around here, and enable you to formulate more specific questions for your posts to the Forum.
BF Mayfield