Is it normel to have a bear down feeling? When I bear down it feels good would I bear down or not or just ride it out?
I get alot of pre cum when I do. Last night I had my helix in for 2 hours then the feeling came. I just don't know if that's
the feeling I am looking for. I used the helix 3-4 times a week for about 120 days. Please help !!!
whats a bear down feeling ?
yes - I sometimes get this sensation. I just generally accept what feelings my body throws at me and go with the flow.
In answer to the thinker bear down for males it is the sensation to push to have a poo and for ladies it is wanting to push to give birth.
bear down for males it is the sensation to push to have a poo and for ladies it is wanting to push to give birth.
I concur 1000%. Obviously this is tongue in cheek, a referrence to an earlier humorous posting of mine, on a serious note, bearing down doesn't feel like making a bm, but you do push forward as you double over, pushing down from your navel, passing the prostate which is the male g-spot. So in that respect it's right, women's g-spot gets stimulated as well when women give birth, that's meant to be the reason d''etre anyhows of the g-spot, to make childbaring more bearable. So unless you are cumming when you make a bm, there is a slight difference 😉