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watching aneros videos I become very thrilled, does this mean I#m gay?

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I would say you are gay if you can fall in love with a dude. Getting excited about butt stuff can be considered a sexual kink. Same as liking blowjob videos. You can identify with the dick, or how it would feel if it were done to you. Doesn't mean you like dicks. Even if you did, how much of a problem would that be really?
That is my definition though. You are allowed to make up your own. Don't go with what other people consider 'gay' or not. Feel fine with what you are and like.

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i like watching videos of aneros videos, all 5 of them (the decent ones lol) but i have zero interest in men. My satisfaction comes from imagining the pleasure they are experiencing, almost as if it were me being projected rather than watching some else. Doesn't mean anything.

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I like having sex with men but I love only women....seems pretty straight forward to me.

B Mayfield
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Arousal is arousing, no matter your gender or your sexual preference. Becoming aroused at the sight of man using an Aneros does not define your sexuality. If you're like countless heterosexual men here in the forum, this falls into the category of a vicarious thrill. I'm sure you've read some of the descriptions of users with this device and have wanted this for yourself. Seeing someone go to this level can be very stimulating.

My suggestion is to relax and enjoy, avoid categorizing the new experience that lies before you...go with it!

BF Mayfield

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