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Further encouragement - Figuring out orgasms is tough for both men AND women

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Came across this article about a week ago and was thinking about posting, then saw hakuna1's thread, "Biggest Obstacle" and knew I had to.

Many of us, including me, long envied women their supposed ability to have endless strings of toe-curling orgasms. But take heart! The grass is not always greener on the other side! The following account of a woman experiencing a mini-O is extremely eye opening. The way she describes it, she could just as well be one of us Super-O searchers: she feels sensation, pleasure. . . and doubt.

P.S.: If you think you're having an orgasm you very well probably are. Relax, and enjoy it, and next time the wave might be bigger.

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Great find!

The following account of a woman experiencing a mini-O is extremely eye opening. The way she describes it, she could just as well be one of us Super-O searchers: she feels sensation, pleasure. . . and doubt.

If a few of the words were changed ie. clitoris to penis, G-spot to P-spot, that would be exactly something you may read here.

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Thank you.
This should be the first thing to read for every beginner or striving aneroser... Well, even more than that, for every men and women. People have ideas so far from reality.

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I get, what I will call orgasms in that case BUT they're not the same as my ejaculatory orgasms, they're subdued.

So will they increase in their intensity? Is that the general rule?

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When I read the name of this thread, I almost thought something like "this kind of refers to my problem" :DThank you very much for posting this, gregor, this really encourages me 🙂

Thank you!

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@hakuna you don't have a problem, only chose to think of it that way. You are evolving (living), it is neither fast and an immediate release nor static, familiar and safe... just accept it.

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What I find interesting is that her attitude about later:

"Why second guess myself? Afterwards, I fell back onto the bed and
shrugged. I don’t know. Maybe that was a g-spot orgasm or maybe it was
just a figment of my imagination."

Is much like how I view my the mini-O's I have very occasionally. They are great and wonderful when it happens, but the very next day it seems like a dream. And I wonder if it really happened. Weird!

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