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Fun journey but what am I missing

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Not sure how far along I am in my journey, but Ive been using the aneros helix with shea butter (I found this lasts a very long time).

My routine is to do slow anal contractions, pulling the aneros in to about a 80% contraction, which takes 4-5 seconds.. I hold for another 3-4 seconds then do a slow release, just relaxing my anal muscles.

Doing this I can fairly quickly start to feel involuntary contractions (they feel like they are coming from my prostate I think, the same feeling of contractions like when I ejaculate). If I keep doing the slow anal contractions to pull the aneros in and release the 'prostate' involuntaries become more frequent and stronger but usually only during the inward anal contraction, as soon as I relax my anus the involuntaries seem to stop until the next anal pull in contraction. If I hold the anal contraction the involuntaries get stronger and keep going during the hold.. but I have read that I shouldnt be trying to force anything like this..

Ive only really been able to get really good feeling from the involuntaries to the point of heavy breathing and sometimes the odd mild body twitch, but no real p-waves or super o or anything like that.. so I guess my question is as soon as you other guys start to feel involuntaries do you just keep with the slow in and out anal contractions to build to something more? or is there another 'trick'

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My routine is to do slow anal contractions, pulling the aneros in to about a 80% contraction, which takes 4-5 seconds.. I hold for another 3-4 seconds then do a slow release, just relaxing my anal muscles.If I hold the anal contraction the involuntaries get stronger and keep going during the hold.. but I have read that I shouldnt be trying to force anything like this.

IMHO, it doesn't sound to me like you are trying to force anything if you are just holding a contraction. I'd suggest you try holding the contraction even longer, to the point of muscle fatigue where the involuntaries will actually predominate. I guess my question is as soon as you other guys start to feel involuntaries do you just keep with the slow in and out anal contractions to build to something more? or is there another 'trick'

There is NO TRICK FORMULA ! each man has to experiment with technique to find the combination which works for him. I think you are on the correct path but just have not experimented enough with variations to fine tune your most effective technique. Good Vibes to You !

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@frenchme236 I would avoid any semblance of a "formula" for contractions. In fact, don't even think about "forcing" involuntary contractions; they will come in time. Just lie-back and enjoy all the wonderful pleasures the Aneros has in store for you! I have found that very light contractions work best for me. If I attempt strong contractions for a greater response, it seems to be counter-productive. Just let your body direct the action---you won't be disappointed! I find that, generally, my body tells me when it's time to end a session. If I progress beyond that point, the results are bound to be a let-down. Remember: no two Aneros sessions are ever the same!

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Not sure how far along I am in my journey, but Ive been using the aneros helix with shea butter (I found this lasts a very long time).

My routine is to do slow anal contractions, pulling the aneros in to about a 80% contraction, which takes 4-5 seconds.. I hold for another 3-4 seconds then do a slow release, just relaxing my anal muscles.

Doing this I can fairly quickly start to feel involuntary contractions (they feel like they are coming from my prostate I think, the same feeling of contractions like when I ejaculate). If I keep doing the slow anal contractions to pull the aneros in and release the 'prostate' involuntaries become more frequent and stronger but usually only during the inward anal contraction, as soon as I relax my anus the involuntaries seem to stop until the next anal pull in contraction. If I hold the anal contraction the involuntaries get stronger and keep going during the hold.. but I have read that I shouldnt be trying to force anything like this..

Ive only really been able to get really good feeling from the involuntaries to the point of heavy breathing and sometimes the odd mild body twitch, but no real p-waves or super o or anything like that.. so I guess my question is as soon as you other guys start to feel involuntaries do you just keep with the slow in and out anal contractions to build to something more? or is there another 'trick'

I agree with the other posts. There is no formula. What works one day might not work the next. And I too would try holding it longer. Try different positions as well do the exercises with out penetrating.

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Hey -FM-

Not an expert but have been having some pretty awesome results so I will give some comments based on my experiences as a fairly new user.

First, it might be helpful to know how long you've been riding the Aneros. The reason I think this might be helpful is that I am of the opinion that prostate orgasm is a learned thing and not hardwired like like the ejaculatory reflex/ orgasm combination. Our bodies have the interest of procreation to make sure ejaculation occurs. Like most anything worthwhile prostate orgasm can take time for for the body to learn and respond.

I having been riding for the better part of 6 months and within the last week have really seen my experiences become truly orgasmic. I too started out doing anal contractions and experienced pleasurable sensations but not the involuntary responses. I think I thought muscle twitches were in-voluntaries but now think I miss classified what was actually happening. I wonder if what you are feeling is more the prostate responding to the presence of the Aneros and not really involuntary contractions. The reason I think this is that the sensations you are feeling seem to be connected to the action of the Aneros being drawn in and against the prostate and do not happen when you are not contracting. The in-voluntaries should be happening when you are not contracting.

What seemed to move my journey down the right path was beginning to utilize the do nothing method. While I was doing nothing I was learning to control my breathing so as to not interfere with the sensations generated by the Aneros. I was also learning how to relax my entire body so that I could minimize any contraction of any of the muscles. My ultimate goal was to feel my entire body melting into what ever surface I was lying on. Whenever I I began to tense into the pleasurable sensations I tried to release the contraction and allow my body to resonated into the in-voluntaries/P-Waves. Its my opinion that this total relaxation is what allow the P-Waves to grow from something small into some much larger and ultimately leads to the orgasmic sensations.

Another thing that seemed to help me was porn. I would spend a little time watching before a session and have something on while I was riding. This seemed to get me into an around state. I think this arousal allows the prostate to swell in response to this stimulation. The swollen prostate seemed to me more receptive to the stimulation of the Aneros.

I think the Aneros is a tool that is used to begin the cycle of the P-Waves. The P-Waves are an involuntary contraction of the muscles of the prostate. Try doing what ever works for you to get into an aroused state that doesn't involve any contact with your penis. (i.e. porn). After your sexual arousal has been increased try inserting the Aneros and spend 15 to 20 minutes doing nothing but learning to relax your body. See if the prostate will begin the P-Wave cycles on its own without you contracting. If nothing after this time try a series of contractions and see if the cycle begins. During this time allow yourself to enjoy any of the pleasurable sensations you are experiencing. They are the reward and you deserve any and all that come your way. Allow your body to figure out what to do. remember, its new to all of this too.

Two weeks ago I began to feel my prostate in between session. On day, while I was feeling these sensations so I went to my bed peeled off my clothes and wanted to see what would happen if I allowed these sensation to grow in the absence of the Aneros. To my surprise they got stronger. They diminished when I tried to contract into them and grew when I released into them. I now no longer use the Aneros and simply allow the prostate to lead in which ever direction it wants to go. I have no delusion that I can direct any particular sensation and have fully resigned myself to the concept that it is in charge.

Lastly, just last night I tried a little contraction. The session seemed to be going nowhere so I felt like I had nothing to loose. I tensed and felt relatively intense stimulation of the prostate. I held this contraction for a bit and then did some contractions and releases to simulate stroking. After a very short time I began to feel the P-waves and stopped my deliberate contractions and the prostate took over. The only reason I mention this is that in my mind it reinforces the concept that the Aneros is a tool to begin something, just as the contractions I performed were.

Sorry this is so long winded but it was something I wanted to say given how amazing the last week has been. Everything they say about Dry-Os and Super Os is real. They exist and they are awesome. Keep researching, trying different things and looking for what works for you. Its you journey so enjoy every step.


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@twotoneska, well written! You seem to be almost an expert yet. The farther my journey leads me th"A less" I use my Aneros toys, too. But every now and then - like this morning - I take one of them in again. And like old friends shaking hands my gland and my toy are starting over and pushing things to new levels. This morning it even seemed as if my gland really had missed its play partner. Together they displayed the fireworks and gave me some hours of bliss exploring new levels feeling more transcendent than sexual. The journey seems to be the goal and to continue as an everlasting voyage of discovery. Have fun!

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Hi twotoneska, Ive been using my aneros for about 3-4 months on and off.. maybe once a week or once every two weeks.. I did try a span there for one week where I tried it back to back over 5 days.. I usually try to time my sessions so that I havent ejaculated recently to help highten my excitement. You might be right about the involentaries.. I do know that the feeling I get when contracting definitely feels like the spasming you feel when you ejaculate, so yes probably due to the aneros pushing against my prostate. I will give the do nothing a try next time, thanks for all your advise

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Hi guys, so I just wanted to add some more of my experiences so far, a couple days ago I started another session, recently Ive been trying to do the 'do nothing' approach only. Ive found that the do nothing seems to focus more on the sensations from my anus and not the contractions or sensations coming from my PC/prostate muscles. This time around I felt what I would describe as the same feeling you get when your traditionally orgasm, the feeling of the orgasm itself not the contraction movement when you ejaculate. The orgasm came on very quickly into the session probably within 10 minutes, unfortunately it only lasted a second or maybe two at the most, I think I was a bit surprised by it and might have done something to unfortunately stop it. But it felt very nice and intense like a traditional orgasm but completely originating from my anus and pretty much stayed localized to that area. During that same session I tried again started to feel the sensation only once more.. but felt like it was only about 50% on the way to happening like it did before.

Since then I have tried a few more sessions trying to replicate the sensation with pretty limited results.. At the start everything seem to be on track to how it was before with the sensations building only in my anus and not my PC or prostate, but as the time passes I think I get more aroused and then I start to feel the PC/prostate contractions that I get all too easily and those contractions seem to over power the anal sensations that I am trying to get and those anal sensations pretty much go away all together and I'm just left with the PC/prostate contractions which while they feel nice I feel like they are a hindrance to the do nothing and orgasm I am trying to get from my anus.

I guess calling on your guys experience has this happened to any others? I have been recently watching porn during my sessions so perhaps this is affecting me negatively, I have also tried a few different positions and found that just being on my back sometimes straight or legs bent up produces the best results other positions like my side or stomach seem to make the aneros put too much pressure on my prostate and then the contractions happen very quickly and easily which again is not what I'm trying to accomplish.

Have you guys experienced any of this.. any tips as so a position that I might try to help suppress the prostate contractions and focus the feelings on my anus?

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... I'm just left with the PC/prostate contractions which while they feel nice I feel like they are a hindrance to the do nothing and orgasm I am trying to get from my anus. ...any tips as so a position that I might try to help suppress the prostate contractions and focus the feelings on my anus?

If your intent is to generate anally based orgasms then using the aggressively designed HELIX prostate massager may not be the best tool. Rather you should probably look into purchasing either the Aneros PERIDISE or the TEMPO. These two models are not designed to massage the prostate but are designed to stimulate/massage the anus and anal sphincter muscles, I think either might suit your intent better. Your "do nothing" session approach should work just fine. Good Vibes to You !

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Hi all, just wanted to provide some additional experiences Ive been having since last time, I havent been able to reproduce the anal orgasm like I had those couple of times. The real progress Ive had was most recent when I went camping for a week, I was without my aneros for the trip so at night I decided that I would mentally concentrate on my prostate and do some slight contractions, the first night I was able to quite easily get an erection and good involuntary prostate spasms which eventually turned into 3 short pwave bursts, each lasting about a second.. these are the first pwave's I think I have ever experienced.. the next few nights I tried the same thing again and had fairly much the same result, a pwave or two, sometimes I had to do a bit more to help bring things on like doing a reverse kegel or hold my soft cock until the inventories started.. Since Ive been home Ive tried a few times with my aneros and I get my usual enjoyable strong inventories but not much more.. I guess I am wondering if anyone else has had this sort of experience where when aless you have gotten pwave, but seem to have a hard time getting them with an aneros.. what might I do to try and help the pwaves along when using the aneros? I practice the do nothing approach mostly, but once my prostate gets really excited all I seem to get are the really strong prostate spasms, while enjoyable Id like to move on to pwaves from aneros use.

Any advice would be awesome, thx

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