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Full body orgasm through tantric massage

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I'm fairly new to the aneros-club, but ever since I had my first more successful session I wondered if this was how women felt when having multiple orgasms. When doing some research on this topic I stumbled upon this video:


I have no idea how he does it, but that guy seems to have some considerable skills. I also disagree with all those youtube comments about this being a "performance" on the part of the lady. To me it looks like she experiences something similar as I do during a good aneros session.

If nothin else, I find this to be a very stimulating video 🙂

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There are plenty of guys here who use Tantric exercises to enhance their prostate orgasm sessions. I am one. I have been privileged to have learned a few things that I can practice on myself or with others that definitely increase the orgasmic pleasure.

The video is beautiful, whether or not it is real. In my opinion it is very possible that it can be real in that tantric massage like that can produce the results you see.

Best of luck in you pursuit of the best pleasure possible.


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Here's a video of a same thing but with a woman doing the massage on a man, thought it might be useful for some to see.


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@exopsytosis, Sorry mate but that video is utter bullshit. She's waving here hands like some kind of harry-potter-come-she-witch.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not a cynic, but really, the way she's carrying on with the wiggly fingers and all.... That is as staged as fuck.

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I recognize some of the movements that both tantric masseuses are using as I use them on myself and they do have an effect. I've learned them from chuckjo2000, qigong and just playing around. It's like having energy fingers extending beyond my physical fingers and the quality of sensation they produce varies with the distance, movement and gesture. I think it's a combination of body energy harnessed by my mind. It hasn't produced the dramatic orgasms for me like on youtube yet but I'll keep exploring.

I've heard there's a lot of different styles of tantric massage, some traditional and some modern.

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@Bunk, I've gotta disagree and agree with you. Yeah she is way too theatrical with her movements. But in all energy work, you actual movement of your hands really doesn't matter. In fact, you can do tantra and energy without moving your hands at all. I know that when I was doing my training to be an energy healer, I was able to do several of the procedures with no hand waving. But on the other end of the spectrum, I have been worked on by those theatrical, frantic motion types and still noticed quite a bit of energy being moved.

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Don't get me wrong, I'm not doubting for one minute the practice, just saying that particular video is staged. It just gripes me the way people put fake shit out there. It just confuses people.

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This is a fairly easy to do practice and it is real , she is totally milking if for the camera though and it is really not needed, trying to make it look like something it is not.
Shantam nityama is the main man for this stuff and the guy I would give credit to for starting it all off,
The thing is we can do this ourselves and I have just finished writing a down to earth practical guide for men and women to do exactly this, just getting ready to send it to some publishers.

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Wonderful @shyzen. Would you put the information about your book here when published. I would never have believed the stuff I've described above a year ago before I experienced some of it for myself.

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Wonderful @shyzen. Would you put the information about your book here when published. I would never have believed the stuff I've described above a year ago before I experienced some of it for myself.

Hey , sure , be glad to 🙂 this is actually one of the best and friendliest, most open minded forums there is so will definitely keep you guys posted.trying to talk about this stuff on tantric forums is unreal , so close minded and egotistical, so you guys get first word 🙂 I dont know if you lot know it but a lot of you are waaay ahead in terms of sexual practice than what most so called tantrics are which I find really amusing.

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Hey , sure , be glad to 🙂 this is actually one of the best and friendliest, most open minded forums there is so will definitely keep you guys posted.trying to talk about this stuff on tantric forums is unreal , so close minded and egotistical, so you guys get first word 🙂 I dont know if you lot know it but a lot of you are waaay ahead in terms of sexual practice than what most so called tantrics are which I find really amusing.

I wholeheartedly agree, this is an awesome forum. I'll keep my eyes peeled for your book, sounds incredibly interesting!

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Wonderful @shyzen. Would you put the information about your book here when published. I would never have believed the stuff I've described above a year ago before I experienced some of it for myself.

Hey , sure , be glad to 🙂 this is actually one of the best and friendliest, most open minded forums there is so will definitely keep you guys posted.trying to talk about this stuff on tantric forums is unreal , so close minded and egotistical, so you guys get first word 🙂 I dont know if you lot know it but a lot of you are waaay ahead in terms of sexual practice than what most so called tantrics are which I find really amusing.

Like what have you seen here that is comparable or advanced tantric practice?

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well for one just having the prostate actually awakened is a thing in itself.
To be able to feel it pulsing and alive through out the day is a great thing.
Other things would be multiple inner orgasm without all this focus on retention as once you have an awakened prostate you generally fall into a natural retantion without it being self imposed.
Working with energy which I have seen a number of people on this forum perform.
Sharing energy in the chat rooms beyond linear time and space , energetic orgasm, these are all subjects I have seen a lot of "tantrics" confused at and in no way coming close to.
Also a feeling of expanded consciousness which is a true tantric experience.

Don't get me wrong , serious practitioners of a genuine tantric lineage go way deeper than sex as it covers everything but this new age tantric scene is pretty hopeless to be honest, I did have the word tantric linked to my practice and the book but I have took it out as far too many misunderstandings around this word.

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Yes, Shyam,
I am also interested in you book. My tantric experiences have been wonderful and I'd love to learn more.

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