The forum is suddenly (today) “not secure” according to google chrome on my computer (it’s fine on safari on my phone). Anyone else have this problem right now?
Fine on my side, but I read yesterday about a certificate issue with some ISPs and lots of people having issues on various sites, might be related.
Nope. They’ve probably just let a cert lag.
Hi Everyone - we contacted our webhost today and everything looks okay:
"There was an issue yesterday and earlier today where Let's Encrypt's root certificate expired, but this has been resolved. I can only assume that is what caused the error your visitor saw."
Please let us know if you see this cert issue again.
Aneros Support
Nothing very disturbing nor relevant to this issue but, when I sign in, I always click on 'Unread Posts' at the bottom to get the latest entries. Today, several of my 'unread posts' included some dated last month and the one before. This shouldn't happen since I sign in every day.
Thanks for the quick reply, since then I haven’t been around my computer to check, but will tomorrow.
Still getting the Same message, on my’ computer, running chrome on apple in france: