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Food For Thought and Discussion

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I took this from a post on Redditt, thought it was an interesting take on SR. What are your thoughts?

 "I now think that semen retention is not wise IF the goal is dry orgasms and reaching this blissful state. Retention seems to create horniness that is centered around ejaculation and focussed towards the penis, even if just subconsciously."

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His thinking is flawed. SR serves 2 purposes in our world.
1,it helps with rewiring,to begin to break the life long association with ejaculation and orgasm,makes sense as these are two separate events.

2,it helps to save up the arousal needed to progress to orgasm. Things are a little difficult if one has trouble becoming aroused.

Is SR strictly necessary? No,not for younger guys or maybe very fit guys. I myself still had to fulfil my duties in my marital bed while training,which made my progress slower. Could a single guy with no one to to keep happy make progress faster? I would think so.

Being to tense,going at it too hard of flexing and tensioning in the wrong place direct things toward ejaculation imo. That or poor separation. I think he’s missing the point of the separation part. It isn’t really a dry o,an orgasm is an orgasm as much as a spade is a spade. 


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Here is the entire post, this guy is virtual newbie himself. Not at all in agreeance  but it is a good read, with some good ideas. I can say that some of my best sessions have been with ejac earlier on the same day. But I'm not a newbie, so on that point I agree with Helghast. 

Learned some excellent lessons today… Noobs, pay attention!


I’ve been at the prostate thing for about 6 months now. I’ve been having really good results and have not been frustrated on this journey at any point. Confused, yes. Frustrated, never. I want to hammer that point on first and foremost as frustration leads to disappointment and you’ll probably carry that disappointment into the next session which is likely to create a perpetual loop.

It’s been said a ton of times but it’s so important. Enjoy the journey and don’t focus on the destination. This part is huge.

In that 6 months, I’ve been able to experience p-waves, mini-o’s and HFWO’s and all have been fantastic but that heightened state that I have heard described many times of complete transformational bliss has eluded me.

Now, I’ve also mentioned how much prostate play has improved my life in other areas too, but the one I’m so thankful for is how it’s brought my wife and I even closer. It took a lot of courage to open up to her and let her in on the details of this journey but I’ve held nothing back and it’s been a fantastic decision. In doing so, it’s motivated her to try and find pleasure beyond the clitoris. I’ve played an active role in her journey too, taking time to learn REALLY how to please a woman and it’s much more complicated than I knew. We now read tantric books and practice tantric techniques and I spend a LOT of time making her feeling relaxed, mindful, aroused, warm, comforted, safe & free to explore her sexuality and the pleasures as they arise. It’s going very well and we’re having the best sex we’ve ever had.

So today, I decided to approach MY session in the same way I approach setting the mood and mind with my wife. I decided to douche which I don’t always but I wanted the option to switch toys and not fall out of mindfulness aspect of the session. Was a fantastic idea! After showering, I got setup and brought out a Bluetooth speaker to play instrumental romance music. Another fabulous idea. I also decided that I wouldn’t “clinically prepare” as I always do. What I mean by that is that I always head into the bathroom, inject some lube, lube an Aneros and insert it while squatting. Then I go and lay down. Today, I decided that the dimly lit room, the extra cleanliness and the music deserved more. So I scrolled Reddit to get turned on and then started caressing my body with my hands as I do for my wife. Now here’s the interesting thing. I’ve had a few sessions over the last week and ejaculated at the end each time, including yesterday. I normally abstain for at least 3 days for my prostate sessions if I want to have good results. My best sessions to date were after 5 days of semen retention. Incredible HFWO’s with that recipe.

Approaching today not being overly turned on and having already ejaculated wasn’t what I thought would make for a good session. But I had the house to myself and did feel like I wanted to spend time just enjoying the sensations. Enjoying the journey, so to speak. Again, this is key.

I took my time building arousal with my hands, as the music soothed and relaxed my mind. I then lubed my ass and played with the rim imagining it was a tongue. Eventually, I teased myself with the tip of the Eupho and this is where I started realizing my approach was paying off. My body was begging for the insertion and I had never allowed myself to feel this when getting ready for a session. Inserting it an inch and then back out drove me nuts. I slowly teased it further in but by the time it was inserted, the feelings in my pelvis were undeniable. I can’t describe it but things were different this time. I normally have lots of flutters, involuntaries etc, but this had a glow going that was new.

I just laid back and really focussed my mind in my prostate and let the feelings come to me.

And they did… but better than ever as I moved my body, slowly caressed myself all over and concentrated on my breath. When the orgasms came, they were transcending. I was in the most peaceful and pleasurable state I had ever been in and was extremely happy. If I thought about it more, I could have gotten emotional and even cried. I remember thinking it all was just so beautiful. That may have been Super O territory, I don’t know. I’ve also learned that putting labels on things is something else that can create roadblocks and cause over analyzation and take you out of the moment. All I know is that it was incredible.

Now here’s some other things that I can say I learned after today.

People talk about getting over an “edge”. Some say it doesn’t exist and some say it does. Speaking only from MY experience here, but I believe there IS an edge…. BUT, the edge exists in a different realm than what I experienced today. Today, there was no edge. It was all about relaxation, mindfulness, sinking into the feelings and letting go.

The edge exists for me when I’m approaching it with a mindset to cum. Chasing the orgasm. That approach is much more aggressive and the prostate seems to respond to that approach as well, and there is an edge. I also think that the edge is tethered to the penile orgasm and can be done either subconsciously or consciously. With a more aggressive prostate approach, I had been looking for an ejaculation type release and I think HFWO ended up being exactly that. A prostate induced “traditional” style orgasm from a PHYSICAL based approach. I now think that semen retention is not wise IF the goal is dry orgasms and reaching this blissful state. Retention seems to create horniness that is centered around ejaculation and focussed towards the penis, even if just subconsciously.

Todays approach, however, was MENTAL and EMOTIONAL and there was never any edge at any point. Just a slow and gradual shift into a pleasure zone that continued to amplify beautifully.

While there are no guarantees that what worked for me will work for you, perhaps it’s worth trying my approach if you haven’t done so already. I think my main “take-away” points that helped me reach such a blissful state are as follows:

  • Take time to prepare the space, body and mind. Use music and candles to add to the ambience.

  • Do whatever needs doing to feel safe and present.

  • Get sensual with yourself. Treat you like you’d treat a partner with loving touches.

  • Build arousal slowly and allow yourself to relax into it before inserting a toy.

  • Focus on breathing into your belly and imagine each inhale is fueling your prostate. Move your hands to help visualize your breath in and out. This will help keep your mind engaged and stops it from wandering.

  • Allow your body to be free to move however it wants. Embrace the motion you create.

  • Give yourself permission to make noises that support your movements and breath.

  • Verbally tell yourself you’re safe.

  • Embrace the sensations as they arise and be thankful for them.

  • Lastly, semen retention may cause you to become more penis focussed so if the goal isn’t HFWO, don’t purposefully abstain thinking it will help you reach a blissful state.

Hopefully this will help someone on their journey.


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Maybe the guy is a newbie, but he has lots of things figured out and from his description, he went pretty deep in calm seas territory.  His bullet list is very good. 

Personally, I ejaculate from 5 to 7 times a week and I don't feel semen retention makes sense for me. Everyone should give it a shot, but it's either going to work for you, or not. The proof is in the pudding on that one ! 

Helghast and Tbob reacted
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I completely disagree with this assessment. I like how SR makes me feel. More alive, hornier, even happier. All my sessions are miles better once I reach more days without nutting.

If I didn't have such poor self control I would be practicing SR all the time.

Tbob and Helghast reacted
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Totally agree. SR is not a requirement. Still useful for a lot of guys. I liked the bullet list too apart from the candles and making yourself safe,got a bit simpy in them parts lol.

Tbob reacted
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Telling yourself you're safe as a mantra is not a new concept, this was explored here in the past. Nothing wrong with it if you need it. 

I agree on the candles, not because they are simpy (?) but because I don't like unsupervised open flames in any context. I know how quickly things can go wrong, and I would not be able to relax with candles around...

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